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How to write customizable and maintainable JS code

Release: 2018-06-04 10:48:55
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This time I will show you how to write customizable and maintainable JS code, and what are the precautions for writing customizable and maintainable JS code. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

1.1 Formatting

Regarding indentation levels: I don’t want to start a debate between “Tab or Space” and “2 or 4 or 6 or 8 Space”. This topic can be debated. For several hours, indentation is even related to the values ​​​​of programmers. You just need to remember the following three points:

The code must be indented and kept aligned.

Don't mix Tab and Space in the same project.

Maintain unity with the team's style.

About the trailing semicolon: Relying on the automatic semicolon insertion (ASI) mechanism of the parser, JS code can work normally even if the semicolon is omitted. ASI automatically looks for places in the code where a semicolon should be used but does not exist, and inserts it. In most scenarios, ASI will insert semicolons correctly without causing errors. However, ASI's semicolon insertion rules are very complicated and difficult to remember, so I recommend not to omit semicolons. Most style guides (except JavaScript Standard Style) recommend not omitting semicolons.

About line length: Most languages ​​and JS coding style guides specify that the length of a line is 80 characters. This value comes from the maximum character limit of a single line in text editors a long time ago, that is, a single line in the editor. Only a maximum of 80 characters can be displayed. Lines exceeding 80 characters will either be wrapped or hidden, which we do not want. I also tend to limit line length to 80 characters.

About line wrapping: When the length of a line reaches the maximum character limit for a single line, you need to manually split one line into two lines. Usually we will wrap the line after the operator, and the next line will add two levels of indentation (I personally think that one indentation is okay, but absolutely not no indentation). For example:

callFunc(document, element, window, 'test', 100, true);

In this example, the comma is an operator and should be used as the previous line end of line. This line break position is very important because the ASI mechanism will insert a semicolon at the end of the line in some scenarios. By always placing an operator at the end of the line, ASI will not insert semicolons on its own initiative, thus avoiding errors. There is one exception to this rule: when assigning a value to a variable, the position of the second line should be aligned with the position of the assignment operator. For example:

var result = something + anotherThing + yetAnotherThing + somethingElse +
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In this code, the variable anotherSomethingElse and something at the beginning of the line are left aligned to ensure the readability of the code and to clearly see the context of the wrapped text at a glance.

About blank lines: In programming specifications, blank lines are an aspect that is often ignored. Generally speaking, code should look like a series of readable paragraphs, rather than one large continuous block of text. Sometimes the semantics of a piece of code are not related to another piece of code. In this case, a blank line should be used to separate them to ensure that the semantically related code is displayed together. Generally speaking, it is recommended to add blank lines in the following scenarios:

between methods.

Between local variables in the method and the first statement.

Before a multi-line or single-line comment.

Insert blank lines between logical fragments within methods to improve readability.

1.2 Naming

Naming is divided into four categories: variables, constants, functions, and constructors: variables and functions use small camel case naming (the first letter is lowercase), and constructors use big camel case naming. (capital letter), use all caps for constants and separate words with underscores.

let myAge; // Variables: CamelCase naming const PAGE_SIZE; // Constants: all uppercase, use underscores to separate words function getAge() {} // Ordinary functions: CamelCase naming function Person() {} //Constructor: CamelCase naming

In order to distinguish variables and functions, variable names should be prefixed with names, and function names should be prefixed with verbs (constructor names are usually nouns). Look at the following example:

let count = 10; // Goodlet getCount = 10; // Bad, look like functionfunction getName() {} // Goodfunction theName() {} // Bad, look like variable
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Naming is not only a science, but also a technology, but generally speaking, the naming length should be as short as possible and capture the main points. Try to reflect the data type of the value in the variable name. For example, the names count, length, and size indicate that the data type is a number, while the names name, title, and message indicate that the data type is a string. But variables named with single characters such as i, j, and k are usually used in loops. Using these names that reflect the data type can make your code easier to read by others and yourself.

Avoid using meaningless names, such as: foo, bar and tmp. For function and method naming, the first word should be a verb. Here are some common conventions for using verbs:

verb meaning

can The function returns a Boolean value

has The function returns a Boolean value

is The function returns a Boolean value

get The function returns a non-Boolean value

The set function is used to save a value

1.3 Direct quantity


关于字符串:字符串可以用双引号也可以用单引号,不同的JS规范推荐都不同, 但切记不可在一个项目中混用单引号和双引号。


// 不推荐的小数写法:没有小数部分let price = 10.;// 不推荐的小数写法:没有整数部分let price = .1;// 不推荐的写法:八进制写法已经被弃用了let num = 010;










关于undefined:undefined是一个特殊值,我们常常将它和null搞混。其中一个让人颇感困惑之处在于null == undefined结果是true。然而,这两个值的用途却各不相同。那些没有被初始化的变量都有一个初始值,即undefined,表示这个变量等待被赋值。比如:

let person; // 不好的写法console.log(person === undefined); // true
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// foo未被声明let person;console.log(typeof person); // "undefined"console.log(typeof foo); // "undefined"
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// 好的做法let person = null;console.log(person === null); // true
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将变量初始值赋值为null表明了这个变量的意图,它最终很可能赋值为对象。typeof运算符运算null的类型时返回"object", 这样就可以和undefined区分开了。

关于对象直接量和数组直接量: 请直接使用直接量语法来创建对象和数组,避免使用Object和Array构造函数来创建对象和数组。

1.4 注释











 * Java风格的注释,注意*和注释之间
 * 有一个空格,并且*左边也有一个空格。
 * 你甚至可以加上一些@参数来说明一些东西。
 * 例如:
 * @author 作者
 * @param Object person
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何时添加注释是程序员经常争论的一个话题。一个通行的指导原则是, 当代码不够清晰时添加注释,而当代码很明了时不应当添加注释。 基于这个原则,我推荐你在下面几种情况下添加注释:

难以理解的代码: 难以理解的代码通常都应当加注释。根据代码的用途,你可以用单行注释、多行注释,或者混用这两种注释。关键是让其他人更容易读懂这段代码。

可能被误认为错误的代码: 例如这段代码while(el && (el = el.next)) {}。在团队开发中,总是会有一些好心的开发者在编辑代码时发现他人的代码错误,就立即将它修复。有时这段代码并不是错误的源头,所以“修复”这个错误往往会制造其他错误,因此本次修改应当是可追踪的。当你写的代码有可能会被别的开发者认为有错误时,则需要添加注释。

浏览器特性hack: 这个写过前端的都知道,有时候你不得不写一些低效的、不雅的、彻头彻尾的肮脏代码,用来让低版本浏览器正常工作。

1.5 语句和表达式

关于 花括号的对齐方式 ,有两种主要的花括号对齐风格。第一种风格是,将左花括号放置在块语句中第一句代码的末尾,这种风格继承自Java;第二种风格是将左花括号放置于块语句首行的下一行,这种风格是随着C#流行起来的,因为Visual Studio强制使用这种对齐方式。当前并无主流的JS编程规范推荐这种风格,Google JS风格指南明确禁止这种用法,以免导致错误的分号自动插入。我个人也推荐使用第一种花括号对齐格式。

// 第一种花括号对齐风格if (condition) {
}// 第二种花括号对齐风格if (condition)
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关于块语句间隔: 有下面三种风格,大部分的代码规范都推荐使用第二种风格:

// 第一种风格if(condition){
}// 第二种风格if (condition) {
}// 第三种风格if ( condition ) {
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switch (condition) {  case 'cond1':  case 'cond2':
    doCond1();    break;  case 'cond3':
    doCond3();    break;  default:
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针对for循环, 我推荐尽可能避免使用continue,但也没有理由完全禁止使用,它的使用应当根据代码可读性来决定。

for-in循环是用来遍历对象属性的。不用定义任何控制条件,循环将会有条不紊地遍历每个对象属性,并返回属性名而不是值。for-in循环有一个问题,就是它不仅遍历对象的实例属性(instance property),同样还遍历从原型继承来的属性。当遍历自定义对象的属性时,往往会因为意外的结果而终止。出于这个原因,最好使用hasOwnProperty()方法来为for-in循环过滤出实例属性。我也推荐你这么做,除非你确实想要去遍历对象的原型链,这个时候你应该加上注释说明一下。

// 包含对原型链的遍历for (let prop in obj) {  console.log(`key: ${prop}; value: ${obj[prop]}`);
}for (let prop in obj) {  if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {    console.log(`key: ${prop}; value: ${obj[prop]}`);
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let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];for (let i in arr) {  console.log(i); // 0, 1, 2}for (let v of arr) {  console.log(v); // 'a', 'b', 'c'}
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1.6 变量声明


function func () {  var result = 10 + result;  var value = 10;  return result; // return NaN}// 实际被解释成function func () {  var result;  var value;
  result = 10 + result;
  value = 10;  return result;
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function func (arr) {  for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 1) {}
}// 实际被解释成function func (arr) {  var i, len;  for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 1) {}
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变量声明提前意味着:在函数内部任意地方定义变量和在函数顶部定义变量是完全一样的。 因此,一种流行的风格是将你所有变量声明放在函数顶部而不是散落在各个角落。简言之,依照这种风格写出的代码逻辑和JS引擎解析这段代码的习惯是非常相似的。我也建议你总是将局部变量的定义作为函数内第一条语句。

function func (arr) {  var i, len;  var value = 10;  var result = value + 10;  for (i = 0; len = arr.length; i < len; i += 1) {    console.log(arr[i]);
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1.7 函数声明与调用


// 不好的写法if (condition) {  function func () {
} else {  function func () {
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// 好的写法callFunc(params);// 不好的写法,看起来像一个块语句callFunc (params);// 用来做对比的块语句while (condition) {}

1.8 立即调用的函数

IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression),意为立即调用的函数表达式,也就是说,声明函数的同时立即调用这个函数。ES6中很少使用了,因为有模块机制,而IIFE最主要的用途就是来模拟模块隔离作用域的。下面有一些推荐的IIFE写法:

// 不好的写法:会让人误以为将一个匿名函数赋值给了这个变量var value = function () {  return {    msg: &#39;Hi&#39;
}();// 为了让IIFE能够被一眼看出来,可以将函数用一对圆括号包裹起来// 好的写法var value = (function () {  return {    msg: &#39;Hi&#39;
}());// 好的写法var value = (function () {  return {    msg: &#39;Hi&#39;
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1.9 严格模式


1.10 相等


1.11 eval


eval("alert(&#39;bad&#39;)");const func = new Function("alert bad(&#39;bad&#39;)");
setTimeout("alert(&#39;bad&#39;)", 1000);
setInterval("alert(&#39;bad&#39;)", 1000);
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1.12 原始包装类型


// 自动装箱const name = &#39;Nicholas&#39;;console.log(name.toUpperCase());// 好的写法const name = &#39;Nicholas&#39;;const author = true;const count = 10;// 不好的写法const name = new String(&#39;Nicholas&#39;);const author = new String(true);const count = new Number(10);
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1.13 工具

团队开发中,为了保持风格的统一,Lint工具必不可少。因为即使大家都明白要遵守统一的编程风格,但是写代码的时候总是不经意就违背风格指南的规定了(毕竟人是会犯错的)。这里我推荐你使用ESLint工具进行代码的风格检查,你没必要完全重新写配置规则,你可以继承已有的业内优秀的JS编码规范来针对你团队做微调。我这里推荐继承自Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide,当然,你也可以继承官方推荐的配置或者Google的JS编码风格,其实在编码风格上,三者在大部分的规则上是相同的,只是在一部分细节上不一致而已。

当然,如果你实在是太懒了,那了解一下JavaScript Standard Style,它是基于ESLint的一个JS风格检查工具,有自己的一套风格,强制你必须遵守。可配置性没有直接引入ESLint那么强,如果你很懒并且能够接受它推荐的风格,那使用StandardJS倒也无妨。




js 数组操作与解析方法汇总

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