This time I will bring you Nodejs form verification and image upload. Using Nodejs form verification and image uploadWhat are the precautions?The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
1. Form verification
There are three places where MVC form verification can be done. The first level is before the front-end is submitted, and the second level is before the data is saved, that is, in the controller. For verification, the third step is when saving the data. That is, if the submitted data model does not comply with the constraints defined by the entity, the data cannot be saved. This is the last line of defense. The first level mainly relies on js or jquery framework, the more commonly used one is jquery.validate.js. If MVC can automatically generatevalidation rules, I won’t go into details here. There are many articles on the Internet. The second layer is related to the respective business logic. It also needs to do some necessary verification to prevent the front end from banningJavaScriptand submitting illegal data. Here we will talk about the third layer of verification based on Mongoose.
Let’s first review the book model previously defined with Mongoose:
var bookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ title: { type: String, required: true }, rating: { type: Number, required: true, min: 0, max: 5 }, info: { type: String, required: true }, img: String, tags: [String], brief: { type: String, required: true }, ISBN: String, });
Each attribute defines the type and whether it is required, and you can also add min , max, default value and other constraints. If the submitted model does not meet these constraints, it will not be saved successfully. Equivalent to the role of DataAnnotations in MVC. The subsequent form validation is based on this.
We need to add 4 routing rules, 2 for adding (one get, one post), one for deletion, and one for uploading pictures:
router.get('/book/create', homeController.bookcreateview);'/book/create', homeController.doBookCreate); router.delete('/book/:id', homeController.delete);'/uploadImg', homeController.uploadImg);
Based on Express routing, we can create Restful routing rules. Routes are located under the app_server folder.
module.exports.bookcreateview = function (req, res) { res.render('bookCreate', { title: '新增推荐图书' }); };
This is directly a get request, so use render directly to render the view. Of course, this bookCreate view will be created next.
module.exports.doBookCreate = function (req, res) { var requestOptions, path, postdata; path = "/api/book"; postdata = { title: req.body.title, info:, ISBN: req.body.ISBN, brief: req.body.brief, tags: req.body.tags, img: req.body.img, rating:req.body.rating, }; requestOptions = { url: apiOptions.server + path, method: "POST", json: postdata, }; request(requestOptions, function (err, response, body) { console.log("",, response.statusCode); if (response.statusCode === 201) { res.redirect("/detail/"+body._id); } else if (response.statusCode == 400 && && == "ValidationError") { res.render('bookCreate', { title: '新增推荐图书', error:"val"}); } else { console.log("",; info(res, response.statusCode); } }); };
function info (res, status) { var title, content; if (status === 404) { title = "404, 页面没有找到"; content = "亲,页面飞走了..."; } else if (status === 500) { title = "500, 内部错误"; content = "尴尬...,发生错误"; } else { title = status + ", 有什么不对劲"; content = "某些地方可能有些错误"; } res.status(status); res.render('info', { title : title, content : content, status: status, }); };
module.exports.delete = function (req, res) { var requestOptions, path; path = "/api/book/" +; requestOptions = { url: apiOptions.server + path, method: "delete", json: {}, }; request(requestOptions, function (err, response, body) { if (response.statusCode == 204) { res.json(1); } else { res.json(0); } }); };
.col-md-3 .userinfo p stoneniqiu a(href='/book/create').btn.btn-info 新增推荐
extends layout include _includes/rating block content .row h3 新增推荐书籍 .row .col-xs-12.col-md-6 form.form-horizontal(action='',method="post",role="form") - if (error == "val") .alert.alert-danger(role="alert") All fields required, please try again .form-group label.control-label(for='title') 书名 input#name.form-control(name='title') .form-group label.control-label(for='info') 信息 input#name.form-control(name='info') .form-group label.control-label(for='ISBN') ISBN input#name.form-control(name='ISBN') .form-group label.control-label(for='brief') 简介 input#name.form-control(name='brief') .form-group label.control-label(for='tags') 标签 input#name.form-control(name='tags') .form-group label.control-label(for='rating') 推荐指数 select#rating.form-control.input-sm(name="rating") option 5 option 4 option 3 option 2 option 1 .form-group p 上传图片 a.btn.btn-info(id="upload", name="upload") 上传图片 br img(id='img') .form-group button.btn.btn-primary(type='submit') 提交
else if (response.statusCode == 400 && && == "ValidationError") { res.render('bookCreate', { title: '新增推荐图书', error:"val"}); }
以上说明了Mongoose会在数据保存的时候验证实体,如果实体不满足path规则,将不能保存。但至此有三个问题,第一个问题是提示信息不明确,当然我们可以遍历输出ValidatorError;第二个就是,验证错误之后,页面原来的数据没有了,需要再输入一遍,这个我们可以参考 MVC将模型数据填充到视图中可以解决;第三个问题就是页面前端还没有验证,form直接就可以提交了,这个可以通过简单的Jquery脚本就可以做到;这三点先不细究。继续往下看,如果规范输入,这个时候是可以提交的,提交之后在books页面可以看到:
.col-md-10 p a(href="/Detail/#{book._id}")=book.title span.close(data-id='#{book._id}') ×
$(".close").click(function() { if (confirm("确定删除?")) { var id = $(this).data("id"); var row = $(this).parents(".booklist"); $.ajax({ url: "/book/" + id, method: "delete", }).done(function(data) { console.log(data); row.fadeOut(); }); } });
var fs = require('fs');var formidable = require('formidable'); module.exports.uploadImg = function (req, res) { var form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); //创建上传表单 form.encoding = 'utf-8'; //设置编辑 form.uploadDir = './../public/upload/temp/'; //设置上传目录 form.keepExtensions = true; //保留后缀 form.maxFieldsSize = 3 * 1024 * 1024; //文件大小 form.parse(req, function(err, fields, files) { console.log(files); if (err) { console.log(err); return res.json(0); } for (var key in files) { console.log(files[key].path); var extName = ''; //后缀名 switch (key.type) { case 'image/pjpeg': extName = 'jpg'; break; case 'image/jpeg': extName = 'jpg'; break; case 'image/png': case 'image/x-png': default: extName = 'png'; break; } var avatarName = (new Date()).getTime() + '.' + extName; var newPath = form.uploadDir + avatarName; fs.renameSync(files[key].path, newPath); //重命名 return res.json("/upload/temp/"+ avatarName); } }); };
script(src='/plupload-2.1.8/js/plupload.full.min.js') script(src='/javascripts/books.js')
a.btn.btn-info(id="upload", name="upload") 上传图片 br img(id='img') input#imgvalue(type='hidden',name='img',value='')
var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ runtimes: 'html5,flash,silverlight,html4', browse_button: "upload", url: '/uploadImg', flash_swf_url: '/plupload-2.1.8/js/Moxie.swf', silverlight_xap_url: '/plupload-2.1.8/js/Moxie.xap', filters: { max_file_size: "3mb", mime_types: [ { title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png" }, { title: "Zip files", extensions: "zip" } ] }, init: { PostInit: function () { }, FilesAdded: function (up, files) { plupload.each(files, function (file) { uploader.start(); }); }, UploadProgress: function (up, file) { }, Error: function (up, err) { } } }); uploader.init(); uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function (upldr, file, object) { var data = JSON.parse(object.response); console.log(data); $("#img").attr("src", data); $("#imgvalue").val(data);});
The above is the detailed content of Nodejs form verification and image upload. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!