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An example of how jQuery Easyui Treegrid implements the display checkbox function

Release: 2017-08-13 10:11:50
2515 people have browsed it

This article introduces the method of jQuery Easyui Treegrid to display the checkbox function through example code. The code is simple and easy to understand, very good, and has reference value. Friends who need it can refer to it.

The following is given through this article Can you please tell me how to implement the treegrid in the picture below?

Requirements: dynamic loading; cascading check; judgment of clearance type to display package library/or mirror (columns are different, mirror has 4 columns in total), check a multiple Select the box, and the subsequent checkboxes become uncheckable.

The following is the specific code:

1, initialize treegrid, (there are several type columns, which are field names provided by the backend staff, although I don’t want to get a bunch of type... Khan)

var root = 20543;
   function InitProductTreeGrid(rootid) {
    var type = &#39;<%=Controler.ProductType%>&#39;;
   var ishowPack = true;
   var ishowMirro = true;
   if (type == &#39;1&#39;) {
    ishowPack = false;
    ishowMirro = true;
   } else {
    ishowPack = true;
    ishowMirro = false;
    url: &#39;../Handlers/Contract_ProductHandler.ashx&#39;,
    queryParams: {
     handlertype: "InitProductTreeGrid",
     ContractId: $(&#39;#ContractId&#39;).val(),
     CatalogId: rootid,
     pindex: $(&#39;#pindex&#39;).val()
    idField: &#39;id&#39;,
    width: 930,
    treeField: &#39;CatalogName&#39;,
    fitColumns: true, //宽度自适应窗口
    rownumbers: false, //是否加行号
    singleSelect: true,
    scrollbarSize: 0,  //去除滚动条,否则右边最后一列会自动多处一块
    columns: [[
     { title: &#39;产品列表&#39;, field: &#39;CatalogName&#39;, width: 210 },
     { title: &#39;产品ID&#39;, field: &#39;CatalogId&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;父产品ID&#39;, field: &#39;ParentId&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;父产品名称&#39;, field: &#39;ParentName&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;产品类型&#39;, field: &#39;ProductType&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;是否为子节点&#39;, field: &#39;isLeaf&#39;, hidden: true }, //备注:(1,是;0,否)
     { title: &#39;是否为父节点&#39;, field: &#39;isParent&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;IsChecked&#39;, field: &#39;IsCheck&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;CurrentYearPrices&#39;, field: &#39;type1&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;MirrorCurrentYearPrices&#39;, field: &#39;type3&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;MirrorEarlyPrices&#39;, field: &#39;type4&#39;, hidden: true },
     { title: &#39;MirrorPrevious3YearPrices&#39;, field: &#39;type5&#39;, hidden: true },
      field: &#39;CurrentYearPrices&#39;, title: &#39;当前价格&#39;, width: 200, hidden: ishowPack,
      formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
       var d = &#39;<input type="checkbox" name="CurrentYearPrices" catalogid="&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" &#39; + (rec.type1 == &#39;True&#39; ? &#39;checked="checked"&#39; : &#39;&#39;) + &#39; id="CurrentYearPrices&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" onclick="showProductTree(this,\&#39;CurrentYearPrices\&#39;,&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;,&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;);" parent="CurrentYearPrices&#39; + rec.ParentId + &#39;" isparent="&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;" value="&#39; + value + &#39;" />  &#39; + (value != 0 ? value.substr(0, value.length - 2) : &#39;0.00&#39;);

       return d;
      field: &#39;MirrorCurrentYearPrices&#39;, title: &#39;当前价格&#39;, width: 200, hidden: ishowMirro,
      formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
       var d = &#39;<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorCurrentYearPrices" catalogid="&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" &#39; + (rec.type3 == &#39;True&#39; ? &#39;checked="checked"&#39; : &#39;&#39;) + &#39; id="MirrorCurrentYearPrices&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" onclick="showProductTree(this,\&#39;MirrorCurrentYearPrices\&#39;,&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;,&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;);" parent="MirrorCurrentYearPrices&#39; + rec.ParentId + &#39;" isparent="&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;" value="&#39; + value + &#39;" />  &#39; + value.substr(0, value.length - 2);
       //var d = &#39;<span name="CurrentYearMirrorPrice" id="CurrentYearMirrorPrice&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" class="tree-checkbox tree-checkbox0">&#39; + value + &#39;</span>&#39;;
       return d;
      field: &#39;MirrorPrevious3YearPrices&#39;, title: &#39;前阶段价格&#39;, width: 200, hidden: ishowMirro,
      formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
       var d = &#39;<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices" catalogid="&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" &#39; + (rec.type5 == &#39;True&#39; ? &#39;checked="checked"&#39; : &#39;&#39;) + &#39; id="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" onclick="showProductTree(this,\&#39;MirrorPrevious3YearPrices\&#39;,&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;,&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;);" parent="MirrorPrevious3YearPrices&#39; + rec.ParentId + &#39;" isparent="&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;" value="&#39; + value + &#39;" />  &#39; + value.substr(0, value.length - 2);
       return d;
      field: &#39;MirrorEarlyPrices&#39;, title: &#39;早期价格&#39;, width: 200, hidden: ishowMirro,
      formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
       var d = &#39;<input type="checkbox" name="MirrorEarlyPrices" catalogid="&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" &#39; + (rec.type4 == &#39;True&#39; ? &#39;checked="checked"&#39; : &#39;&#39;) + &#39; id="MirrorEarlyPrices&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" onclick="showProductTree(this,\&#39;MirrorEarlyPrices\&#39;,&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;,&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;);" parent="MirrorEarlyPrices&#39; + rec.ParentId + &#39;" isparent="&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;" value="&#39; + value + &#39;" />  &#39; + value.substr(0, value.length - 2);
       return d;
      field: &#39;type0&#39;, title: &#39;是否赠送&#39;, width: 200,
      formatter: function (value, rec, index) {
       var d = &#39;<input type="checkbox" name="IsPresent" catalogid="&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" &#39; + (rec.type0 == &#39;True&#39; ? &#39;checked="checked"&#39; : &#39;&#39;) + &#39; id="IsPresent&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;" onclick="showProductTree(this,\&#39;IsPresent\&#39;,&#39; + rec.CatalogId + &#39;,&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;);" parent="IsPresent&#39; + rec.ParentId + &#39;" isparent="&#39; + rec.isParent + &#39;" value="0" />  &#39;;
       return d;
    loadFilter: function (data, parentId) {
     function setData() {
      var todo = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      while (todo.length) {
       var node = todo.shift();
       if (node.children) {
        node.state = &#39;closed&#39;;
        node.children1 = node.children;
        node.children = undefined;
        todo = todo.concat(node.children1);
     var tg = $(this);
     var opts = tg.treegrid(&#39;options&#39;);
     opts.onBeforeExpand = function (row) {
      if (row.children1) {
       tg.treegrid(&#39;append&#39;, {
        parent: row[opts.idField],
        data: row.children1
       row.children1 = undefined;
       tg.treegrid(&#39;expand&#39;, row[opts.idField]);
      return row.children1 == undefined;
     return data;
    onLoadSuccess: function (row, data) {
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2, RelativeTreeGridCheck() cascade method in onLoadSuccess

var parentcid;
  var ispid;
  var tempid;
  function RelativeTreeGridCheck() {
   var rows = $(&#39;#addProductTbl&#39;).find(&#39;.datagrid-view2 .datagrid-body .datagrid-btable tr&#39;);
   for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    if ($(rows).eq(i).attr(&#39;node-id&#39;) != undefined) {
     parentcid = "";
     ispid = -1;
     tempid = "";
     catalogid = $(rows).eq(i).attr(&#39;node-id&#39;);
     var cols = $(rows).eq(i).find(&#39;td&#39;);
     var fields = &#39;&#39;;
     for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
      fields = $(cols).eq(j).attr(&#39;field&#39;);
      //alert(&#39;fields:&#39; + fields);
      switch (fields) {
       case &#39;CurrentYearPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;MirrorCurrentYearPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;MirrorPrevious3YearPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;MirrorEarlyPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;type0&#39;:
        if ($(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input:checked&#39;).length > 0) {
         parentcid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field=&#39;CatalogId&#39;]").find(&#39;p&#39;).html();
         ispid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field=&#39;isParent&#39;]").find(&#39;p&#39;).html();
         contractproducttype = $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input&#39;).attr(&#39;name&#39;);
         if (ispid == &#39;1&#39;) {
          var obj = $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input:checkbox&#39;);
          showProductTree(obj, contractproducttype, parentcid, ispid)
function showProductTree(obj, catalogtype, id, isparent) {
   if (isparent == 1) {
    //alert(&#39;$(obj).attr(checked)&#39; + $(obj).attr(&#39;checked&#39;));
    var state = $(obj).attr(&#39;checked&#39;) == undefined ? false : true;
    //alert(&#39;state:&#39;+state+&#39; id:&#39;+id);
    var nodes = $(&#39;input[name="&#39; + catalogtype + &#39;"][parent="&#39; + catalogtype + id + &#39;"]&#39;);
    nodes.each(function () {
     //alert(&#39;$(this).attr(checked):&#39; + $(this).attr(&#39;checked&#39;));
     var curobjstate = $(this).attr(&#39;checked&#39;) == undefined ? false : true;
     disabledOthersCatalogType($(this), state, catalogtype)
     //alert(&#39;curobjstate:&#39; + curobjstate + &#39; state:&#39; + state + &#39; id:&#39; + id + &#39; isparent: &#39; + $(this).attr(&#39;isparent&#39;));
     if (curobjstate == state && $(this).attr(&#39;isparent&#39;) == &#39;0&#39;) {
      $(this).attr(&#39;checked&#39;, state);
      $(this).prop(&#39;checked&#39;, state);
     } else {
      //alert(&#39;$(this).attr(catalogid)&#39; + $(this).attr(&#39;catalogid&#39;) + &#39;---$(this).attr(isparent)&#39; + $(this).attr(&#39;isparent&#39;));
      $(this).attr(&#39;checked&#39;, state);
      $(this).prop(&#39;checked&#39;, state);
      showProductTree($(this), catalogtype, $(this).attr(&#39;catalogid&#39;), $(this).attr(&#39;isparent&#39;))
     if (state) {
    $(obj).prop(&#39;checked&#39;, state);
    disabledOthersCatalogType($(obj), state, catalogtype)
   } else {
    var state = $(obj).attr(&#39;checked&#39;) == undefined ? false : true;
    disabledOthersCatalogType($(obj), state, catalogtype)
    updateParentNodeCheckState($(obj), state, catalogtype)
  function disabledOthersCatalogType(obj, state, catalogtype) {
   $(&#39;input[catalogid="&#39; + $(obj).attr(&#39;catalogid&#39;) + &#39;"]&#39;).each(function () {
    if ($(this).attr(&#39;name&#39;) != catalogtype) {
     if (state) {
      $(this).attr(&#39;disabled&#39;, &#39;disabled&#39;);
     } else {
     $(this).attr(&#39;checked&#39;, false).prop(&#39;checked&#39;, false);
  function updateParentNodeCheckState(obj, state, catalogtype) {
   var pid = $(obj).attr(&#39;parent&#39;);
   if (pid == catalogtype + root || $(&#39;#&#39; + pid).length == 0) return;
   var parent = $(&#39;#&#39; + pid);
   if (!state) {
    parent.attr(&#39;checked&#39;, false)
    parent.prop(&#39;checked&#39;, false)
   } else {
    //alert(&#39;pid:&#39;+pid+&#39;---&#39;+$(&#39;input[parent="&#39; + pid + &#39;"]:checked&#39;).length+&#39;------&#39;+$(&#39;input[parent="&#39; + pid + &#39;"]&#39;).length);
    //alert(&#39;checkedLen:&#39; + $(&#39;input[parent="&#39; + pid + &#39;"]:checked&#39;).length + &#39; len:&#39; + $(&#39;input[parent="&#39; + pid + &#39;"]&#39;).length);
    if ($(&#39;input[parent="&#39; + pid + &#39;"]:checked&#39;).length == $(&#39;input[parent="&#39; + pid + &#39;"]&#39;).length) {
     parent.attr(&#39;checked&#39;, true);
     parent.prop(&#39;checked&#39;, true);
   disabledOthersCatalogType(parent, state, catalogtype)
   updateParentNodeCheckState(parent, state, catalogtype)
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3, due to splicing It’s quite complicated, so let’s talk about the parameter passing code

  function subAddProduct() { 5    var strJson = &#39;&#39;;
   var selectedvalued = $(&#39;#cbo_selFirstCombbox&#39;).combobox(&#39;getValue&#39;);
   selectedvalued = selectedvalued == &#39;&#39; ? &#39;20544&#39; : selectedvalued;
   var ids = &#39;&#39;; 
   var rows = $(&#39;#addProductTbl&#39;).find(&#39;.datagrid-view2 .datagrid-body .datagrid-btable tr&#39;);
   strJson += "[";
   for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    catalogid = -1;
    catalogname = &#39;&#39;;
    productfather = -1;
    contractproducttype = &#39;&#39;;
    quoteprice = -1;
    isfather = -1;
    productfathername = &#39;&#39;;
    if ($(rows).eq(i).attr(&#39;node-id&#39;) != undefined) {
     catalogid = $(rows).eq(i).attr(&#39;node-id&#39;);
     var cols = $(rows).eq(i).find(&#39;td&#39;);
     var fields = &#39;&#39;;
     for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
      fields = $(cols).eq(j).attr(&#39;field&#39;);
      //alert(&#39;fields:&#39; + fields);
      switch (fields) {
       case &#39;CatalogName&#39;:
        $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p span&#39;).each(function (index) {
         if ($(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p span&#39;).eq(index).hasClass(&#39;tree-title&#39;)) {
          catalogname = $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p span&#39;).eq(index).html();
       case &#39;ParentId&#39;:
        productfather = $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p&#39;).html();
       case &#39;IsCheck&#39;:
        var oldcheck = $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p&#39;).html();
        if (oldcheck == &#39;True&#39;) {
         var cid = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field=&#39;CatalogId&#39;]").find(&#39;p&#39;).html();
         ids += cid + &#39;,&#39;;
       case &#39;CurrentYearPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;MirrorCurrentYearPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;MirrorPrevious3YearPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;MirrorEarlyPrices&#39;:
       case &#39;type0&#39;:
        if ($(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input:checked&#39;).length > 0) {
         isfather = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field=&#39;isParent&#39;]").find(&#39;p&#39;).html();
         productfathername = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field=&#39;ParentName&#39;]").find(&#39;p&#39;).html();
         contractproducttype = $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input&#39;).attr(&#39;name&#39;);
         if (contractproducttype == &#39;IsPresent&#39;) {
          var type = &#39;<%=Controler.ProductType%>&#39;;
           contractproducttype = type == &#39;1&#39; ? &#39;CurrentYearPrices&#39; : &#39;MirrorCurrentYearPrices&#39;; //如果类型为镜像,则默认为镜像当年
          //alert($(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field=&#39;" + contractproducttype + "&#39;]").find(&#39;p input&#39;).val());
          //quoteprice = 0;
           quoteprice = $(cols).eq(j).parent().find("td[field=&#39;" + contractproducttype + "&#39;]").find(&#39;p input&#39;).val();
           ispresent = 1;
          } else {
           quoteprice = $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input&#39;).val();
           ispresent = 0;
         //alert(&#39;name:&#39; + $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input&#39;).attr(&#39;name&#39;) + &#39; value:&#39; + $(cols).eq(j).find(&#39;p input&#39;).val());
     //alert(&#39;catalogid:&#39; + catalogid + &#39;--catalogname:&#39; + catalogname + &#39;--productfather:&#39; + productfather + &#39;--contractproducttype:&#39; + contractproducttype + &#39;--quoteprice:&#39; + quoteprice);
      if (catalogid != -1 && catalogname != &#39;&#39; && productfather != -1 && contractproducttype != &#39;&#39; && quoteprice != -1 && productfathername != &#39;&#39;) {
       strJson += "{\"ProductID\":\"" + catalogid + "\",\"ContractProductType\":\"" + contractproducttype + "\",\"ProductFather\":\"" + productfather + "\",\"Productname\":\"" + catalogname + "\",\"Quotedprice\":\"" + quoteprice + "\",\"Oldproduct\":\"" + oldproduct + "\",\"IsPresent\":\"" + ispresent + "\",\"ContractID\":\"" + $(&#39;#ContractId&#39;).val() + "\",\"SelectedID\":\"" + selectedvalued + "\",\"IsParent\":\"" + isfather + "\",\"ProductFatherName\":\"" + productfathername + "\",\"IsNull\":\"0\"},";
    if (strJson == &#39;[&#39;) {
     strJson = "[{\"ContractID\":\"" + $(&#39;#ContractId&#39;).val() + "\",\"SelectedID\":\"" + selectedvalued + "\",\"IsNull\":\"1\"}]";
    } else {
     strJson = strJson.substr(0, strJson.length - 1);
     strJson += "]";
    ids = ids.substr(0, ids.length - 1);
    subProduct(strJson, ids);
   function subProduct(strJson, ids) {
    $.post(&#39;../Handlers/Contract_ProductHandler.ashx&#39;, { &#39;handlertype&#39;: &#39;subAddProduct&#39;, &#39;strJson&#39;: strJson, &#39;ids&#39;: ids, &#39;pindex&#39;: $(&#39;#pindex&#39;).val() }, function (responseData) {121      switch (responseData.Status) {
      case "success":
       $.messager.alert(&#39;提示&#39;, responseData.Msg);
      case "failed":
       $.messager.alert(&#39;提示&#39;, responseData.Msg);
    }, &#39;json&#39;);
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The above is the detailed content of An example of how jQuery Easyui Treegrid implements the display checkbox function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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