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1.问题项目中需要用到字符云 我在项目中导入的是echarts3echarts3中没有wordCloud 的api 同时 下载的echarts3中也没有wordCloud.js只有2中有wordCloud.js不知道在echarts3中怎么使用echarts2中的wordCloud主要是echarts2跟3还是有很大区别的首先 导入方式不一样其次 api很多东西都不一样再者 我不能两个echarts都导入吧2.报错
3.希望希望可以在这方面有经验的大神可以给个解决方法 谢过
自己已解决 引入外部文件jqcloud
/*! * jQCloud Plugin for jQuery * * Version 1.0.4 * * Copyright 2011, Luca Ongaro * Licensed under the MIT license. * * Date: 2013-05-09 18:54:22 +0200 */ (function( $ ) { "use strict"; $.fn.jQCloud = function(word_array, options) { // Reference to the container element var $this = this; // Namespace word ids to avoid collisions between multiple clouds var cloud_namespace = $this.attr('id') || Math.floor((Math.random()*1000000)).toString(36); // Default options value var default_options = { width: $this.width(), height: $this.height(), center: { x: ((options && options.width) ? options.width : $this.width()) / 2.0, y: ((options && options.height) ? options.height : $this.height()) / 2.0 }, delayedMode: word_array.length > 50, shape: false, // It defaults to elliptic shape encodeURI: true, removeOverflowing: true, isSelfColor:false,//是否自定义样式 isSelfRotate:false//是否自定义角度 }; options = $.extend(default_options, options || {}); // Add the "jqcloud" class to the container for easy CSS styling, set container width/height $this.addClass("jqcloud").width(options.width).height(options.height); // Container's CSS position cannot be 'static' if ($this.css("position") === "static") { $this.css("position", "relative"); } var drawWordCloud = function() { // Helper function to test if an element overlaps others var hitTest = function(elem, other_elems) { // Pairwise overlap detection var overlapping = function(a, b) { if (Math.abs(2.0*a.offsetLeft + a.offsetWidth - 2.0*b.offsetLeft - b.offsetWidth) < a.offsetWidth + b.offsetWidth) { if (Math.abs(2.0*a.offsetTop + a.offsetHeight - 2.0*b.offsetTop - b.offsetHeight) < a.offsetHeight + b.offsetHeight) { return true; } } return false; }; var i = 0; // Check elements for overlap one by one, stop and return false as soon as an overlap is found for(i = 0; i < other_elems.length; i++) { if (overlapping(elem, other_elems[i])) { return true; } } return false; }; // Make sure every weight is a number before sorting for (var i = 0; i < word_array.length; i++) { word_array[i].weight = parseFloat(word_array[i].weight, 10); } // Sort word_array from the word with the highest weight to the one with the lowest word_array.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.weight < b.weight) {return 1;} else if (a.weight > b.weight) {return -1;} else {return 0;} }); var step = (options.shape === "rectangular") ? 18.0 : 2.0, already_placed_words = [], aspect_ratio = options.width / options.height; // Function to draw a word, by moving it in spiral until it finds a suitable empty place. This will be iterated on each word. var drawOneWord = function(index, word) { // Define the ID attribute of the span that will wrap the word, and the associated jQuery selector string var word_id = cloud_namespace + "_word_" + index, word_selector = "#" + word_id, angle = 6.28 * Math.random(), radius = 0.0, // Only used if option.shape == 'rectangular' steps_in_direction = 0.0, quarter_turns = 0.0, weight = 5, custom_class = "", inner_html = "", word_span; // Extend word html options with defaults word.html = $.extend(word.html, {id: word_id}); // If custom class was specified, put them into a variable and remove it from html attrs, to avoid overwriting classes set by jQCloud if (word.html && word.html["class"]) { custom_class = word.html["class"]; delete word.html["class"]; } // Check if min(weight) > max(weight) otherwise use default if (word_array[0].weight > word_array[word_array.length - 1].weight) { // Linearly map the original weight to a discrete scale from 1 to 10 weight = Math.round((word.weight - word_array[word_array.length - 1].weight) / (word_array[0].weight - word_array[word_array.length - 1].weight) * 9.0) + 1; } word_span = $('').attr(word.html).addClass('w' + weight + " " + custom_class); // Append link if word.url attribute was set if (word.link) { // If link is a string, then use it as the link href if (typeof word.link === "string") { word.link = {href: word.link}; } // Extend link html options with defaults if ( options.encodeURI ) { word.link = $.extend(word.link, { href: encodeURI(word.link.href).replace(/'/g, "%27") }); } inner_html = $('').attr(word.link).text(word.text); } else { inner_html = word.text; } word_span.append(inner_html); // Bind handlers to words if (!!word.handlers) { for (var prop in word.handlers) { if (word.handlers.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof word.handlers[prop] === 'function') { $(word_span).bind(prop, word.handlers[prop]); } } } $this.append(word_span); var width = word_span.width(), height = word_span.height(), left = options.center.x - width / 2.0, top = options.center.y - height / 2.0; // Save a reference to the style property, for better performance var word_style = word_span[0].style; word_style.position = "absolute"; word_style.left = left + "px"; word_style.top = top + "px"; word_style.transform= ""; word_style.color= ""; while(hitTest(word_span[0], already_placed_words)) { // option shape is 'rectangular' so move the word in a rectangular spiral if (options.shape === "rectangular") { steps_in_direction++; if (steps_in_direction * step > (1 + Math.floor(quarter_turns / 2.0)) * step * ((quarter_turns % 4 % 2) === 0 ? 1 : aspect_ratio)) { steps_in_direction = 0.0; quarter_turns++; } switch(quarter_turns % 4) { case 1: left += step * aspect_ratio + Math.random() * 2.0; break; case 2: top -= step + Math.random() * 2.0; break; case 3: left -= step * aspect_ratio + Math.random() * 2.0; break; case 0: top += step + Math.random() * 2.0; break; } } else { // Default settings: elliptic spiral shape radius += step; angle += (index % 2 === 0 ? 1 : -1)*step; left = options.center.x - (width / 2.0) + (radius*Math.cos(angle)) * aspect_ratio; top = options.center.y + radius*Math.sin(angle) - (height / 2.0); } word_style.left = left + "px"; word_style.top = top + "px"; //判断是否随机角度 if(default_options.isSelfRotate==true){ word_style.transform="rotate("+parseInt(Math.random()*40-10)+"deg)";//随机角度 } //判断是否自定义样式 if(default_options.isSelfColor==true){ word_style.color='rgb(' + [ Math.round(Math.random() * 248), 174, 63 ].join(',') + ')';//随机颜色--橘色系 } } // Don't render word if part of it would be outside the container if (options.removeOverflowing && (left < 0 || top < 0 || (left + width) > options.width || (top + height) > options.height)) { word_span.remove() return; } already_placed_words.push(word_span[0]); // Invoke callback if existing if ($.isFunction(word.afterWordRender)) { word.afterWordRender.call(word_span); } }; var drawOneWordDelayed = function(index) { index = index || 0; if (!$this.is(':visible')) { // if not visible then do not attempt to draw setTimeout(function(){drawOneWordDelayed(index);},10); return; } if (index < word_array.length) { drawOneWord(index, word_array[index]); setTimeout(function(){drawOneWordDelayed(index + 1);}, 10); } else { if ($.isFunction(options.afterCloudRender)) { options.afterCloudRender.call($this); } } }; // Iterate drawOneWord on every word. The way the iteration is done depends on the drawing mode (delayedMode is true or false) if (options.delayedMode){ drawOneWordDelayed(); } else { $.each(word_array, drawOneWord); if ($.isFunction(options.afterCloudRender)) { options.afterCloudRender.call($this); } } }; // Delay execution so that the browser can render the page before the computatively intensive word cloud drawing setTimeout(function(){drawWordCloud();}, 10); return $this; }; })(jQuery);
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