Transactional File Managerの例の詳細な説明

リリース: 2017-04-25 09:12:30
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ファイル トランザクション管理の推奨 Transactional File Manager


Transactional File Manager は、ファイルのコピー、移動、削除、追加などのファイル システム操作をトランザクションに含めることをサポートする .NET API です。 System.Transaction.IEnlistmentNotification の実装 (System.Transactions.TransactionScope で動作します)。

このライブラリを使用すると、次のようなトランザクションでファイル システム操作をラップできます:

// Wrap a file copy and a database insert in the same transactionTxFileManager fileMgr = new TxFileManager();using (TransactionScope scope1 = new TransactionScope())
{// Copy a file
fileMgr.Copy(srcFileName, destFileName);// Insert a database record

Current 機能

  • トランザクションで次のファイル操作をサポートします:

    • AppendAllText

    • Copy

    • CreateDirectory

    • DeleteDirectory

    • ファイルの削除

    • 移動

    • スナップショット

    • WriteAllText

    • WriteAllBytes

このライブラリはあらゆるファイル システムをサポートしており、トランザクション NTFS のラッパーではありません (AlphaFS を参照)。

// Completely unrealistic example showing how various file operations, including operations done // by library/3rd party code, can participate in transactions.IFileManager fileManager = new TxFileManager();using (TransactionScope scope1 = new TransactionScope())
{    fileManager.WriteAllText(inFileName, xml);    // Snapshot allows any file operation to be part of our transaction.
    // All we need to know is the file name.
    //The statement below tells the TxFileManager to remember the state of this file.
    // So even though XslCompiledTransform has no knowledge of our TxFileManager, the file it creates (outFileName)
    // will still be restored to this state in the event of a rollback.
    fileManager.Snapshot(outFileName);    XslCompiledTransform xsl = new XslCompiledTransform(true);    xsl.Load(uri);    xsl.Transform(inFileName, outFileName);    // write to database 1. This database op will get committed/rolled back along with the file operations we are doing in this transaction.
    myDb1.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1);    // write to database 2. The transaction is promoted to a distributed transaction here.
    myDb2.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2);    // let's delete some files
    for (string fileName in filesToDelete)
    }    // Just for kicks, let's start a new nested  transaction. Since we specify RequiresNew here, this nested transaction
    // will be committed/rolled back separately from the main transaction.
    // Note that we can still use the same fileManager instance. It knows how to sort things out correctly.
    using (TransactionScope scope2 = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOptions.RequiresNew))
    {        fileManager.MoveFile(anotherFile, anotherFileDest);
    }    // move some files
    for (string fileName in filesToMove)
        fileManager.Move(fileName, GetNewFileName(fileName));
    }    // Finally, let's create a few temporary files...
    // disk space has to be used for something.
    // The nice thing about FileManager.GetTempFileName is that
    // The temp file will be cleaned up automatically for you when the TransactionScope completes.
    // No more worries about temp files that get left behind.
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
        fileManager.WriteAllText(fileManager.GetTempFileName(), "testing 1 2");
    }    scope1.Complete();    // In the event an exception occurs, everything done here will be rolled back including the output xsl file.}

これはオープン ソース プロジェクトです。元のプロジェクトの Web サイトは Transaction File Manager です。

Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Chinh Do

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