Apple イベント「It's Glowtime」に期待できるすべて

Mary-Kate Olsen
リリース: 2024-09-25 18:00:04
273 人が閲覧しました

Apple은 9월 9일 월요일 오전 10시(태평양 표준시)에 연례 가을 iPhone 중심 이벤트를 개최합니다. 새로운 iPhone 16 모델, 모든 Apple Watch에 대한 업데이트, 새로운 AirPods 4 등 다양한 새로운 기기가 곧 출시될 예정입니다.

및 iPhone 15 Plus에는 디자인 변경이 거의 계획되어 있지 않지만 기대할 만한 새로운 기능이 있습니다.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Apple은 Action Button을 iPhone에 도입할 계획입니다. 16 및 iPhone 16 Plus에서는 더 이상 Pro 전용 기능이 아니며 모든 iPhone 16 모델에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 액션 버튼은 초점 모드 켜기, 바로가기 활성화, 카메라 열기, 손전등 활성화 등을 설정할 수 있습니다. iOS 18에서는 제어 센터 컨트롤을 작업 버튼에 할당할 수 있고, 이제 타사 개발자도 제어 센터 옵션을 만들 수 있으므로 더 많은 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

소문의 iPhone 16 색상이 포함된 더미 모델
모든 iPhone 16 모델에는 액션 버튼과 함께 iPhone 오른쪽 전원 버튼 아래에 캡처 버튼이 있을 수 있습니다. 미국 iPhone의 경우 iPhone 15 모델의 mmWave 안테나 위치에 위치하며 iPhone 16 라인업에서는 안테나가 왼쪽으로 이동합니다. 대부분의 소문에 따르면 모든 모델에 출시될 예정이지만 Pro 모델에만 국한될 가능성이 있습니다.

캡처 버튼은 이미지와 동영상을 촬영하는 데 사용되며 압력과 터치에 반응하여 추가적인 제스처 지원을 제공합니다. 가볍게 누르면 자동으로 초점이 맞춰지고, 세게 누르면 사진이 찍힙니다. 좌우로 스와이프하면 확대나 축소가 가능하며, 사진과 동영상 모드를 전환하는 옵션도 있을 수 있다.

애플이 지난 여러 아이폰 모델에 사용해왔던 대각선 카메라가 아닌, 아이폰 16은 16 Plus는 듀얼 렌즈 카메라 시스템을 위한 수직 카메라 배열을 갖습니다. 수직 배열을 통해 iPhone은 Vision Pro의 공간 비디오를 캡처할 수 있습니다.

메인 카메라는 업그레이드되지 않을 것으로 예상되지만 Apple은 Ultra Wide 카메라의 조리개를 늘려 저조도 카메라를 개선할 수도 있습니다. 가벼운 성능과 처음으로 매크로 모드에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.

iPhone 16 모델에는 새로운 색상이 있을 예정이며, 일부 소문에 따르면 iPhone 16 모델에는 검정색, 녹색, 연분홍색, 파란색, 흰색이 있을 것이라는 소문도 있습니다. 총 5가지 색상 옵션과 녹색, 흰색, 분홍색, 파란색을 가리키는 기타 소문이 있습니다. 이 두 시나리오 모두에서 흰색은 iPhone 15 모델에 사용된 노란색 Apple을 대체합니다. Apple은 iPhone 15에 사용했던 색상이 주입된 후면 유리를 사용하고 있다는 소문이 있지만, 프레임 색상과 대조되는 유리에 반투명 효과가 있습니다.

Apple은 전력 효율이 더 높은 OLED를 선택할 수 있습니다. 배터리 수명을 향상시키는 동시에 전반적인 밝기도 높일 수 있는 디스플레이입니다.

A18 칩은 모든 iPhone 16 모델에 탑재될 예정입니다. 이는 표준 iPhone 16 및 iPhone 16 Plus가 iOS에 출시될 Apple Intelligence 기능을 지원한다는 의미입니다. 18. 아직 발표되지 않은 일부 iPhone 관련 Apple Intelligence 기능이 있을 수도 있습니다.

A18 칩은 TSMC의 3나노미터 공정을 기반으로 구축될 예정이며, Apple은 Apple을 위한 Neural Engine 개선 사항을 포함할 것으로 예상됩니다. 지능. 두 iPhone 16 모델 모두 AI를 지원하기 위해 이전 세대 모델의 6GB에서 늘어난 8GB RAM을 탑재합니다. Apple은 또한 과열을 방지하고 성능을 향상시킬 새로운 열 설계를 계획하고 있을 수도 있습니다.

표준 iPhone 16 모델의 배터리 수명이 약간 늘어날 수 있다는 소문이 있습니다. 후원. 칩 효율성에 따라 두 모델 모두 약간의 개선이 있을 수 있지만 이는 새로운 기능이 배터리를 얼마나 소모하는지에 따라 달라집니다.

최근 소문에 따르면 iPhone 16 Pro의 가격이 인상될 수 있다고 합니다. Bloomberg의 Mark Gurman은 보급형 구성을 1,099달러로 늘리고 스토리지를 128GB에서 256GB로 늘리는 가운데,


의 Mark Gurman은 계속해서 999달러부터 시작할 것이라고 믿으며 스토리지 증가가 거의 없을 것이라고 말했습니다.

iPhone 16에 추가될 기능에 대해 더 자세히 알아보세요.

iPhone 16 Pro 및 iPhone 16 Pro Max

iPhone 16 모델과 마찬가지로 iPhone 16 Pro 및 Pro Max도 완전히 새로운 캡처 버튼을 얻으세요. 이 장치에는 몇 가지 카메라 개선 사항이 함께 제공됩니다.

Apple は、12 メガピクセルまでのピクセルビニングを使用する 48 メガピクセルの超広角レンズを計画しており、その結果、基本的に低照度での広角ショットやマクロ写真のパフォーマンスが大幅に向上します。 15 Pro Max に限定されていた 5 倍望遠レンズが 16 Pro にも登場するため、今回は両方の Pro モデルに搭載されます。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

iPhone 16 Pro モデルは、4K ビデオを最大 120 フレーム/秒で録画できる可能性があり、これは 4K で撮影する場合の現在の制限である 60 フレーム/秒を上回ります。 Apple は 8K 録画もテストしましたが、それがデバイスの発売バージョンに組み込まれたかどうかは不明です。 Apple はまた、ビデオ録画を一時停止および再開する機能を追加する予定です。

ディスプレイのサイズは大きくなっており、iPhone 12 以来初めてディスプレイのサイズが大きくなりました。iPhone 16 のディスプレイは 6.1 インチから 6.3 インチになり、一方 iPhone 16 は 6.3 インチになりました。 Pro Maxのディスプレイは6.7インチから6.9インチになります。この変更は劇的なものではありませんが、iPhone 16 Pro を iPhone 15 Pro の隣に置いている場合は顕著です。

メインカメラにはいくつかの改善が加えられる可能性があり、iPhone 16 Pro Max も改良される可能性があります。より優れたダイナミックレンジとノイズ制御を備えた高品質の画像を提供する新しい Sony センサーが搭載される予定です。

また、ディスプレイの端のベゼルがスリム化されることも期待されており、Apple はそれを実現すると噂されています。より効率的なOLEDディスプレイ技術を採用したため、明るさとコントラストがいくらか改善されたことがわかります。 ブルームバーグのマーク・ガーマン氏によると、ベゼルは約3分の1小さくなる可能性があるという。

iPhone 16 のすべてのモデルには A18 チップが搭載されますが、バリエーションが存在する可能性があります。 Apple は、Pro モデルで追加の GPU コアを備えたハイエンド A18 チップを使用する可能性があります。これにより、すべての iPhone 16 デバイスが Apple Intelligence を実行できるようになりますが、それでも Pro モデルと非 Pro モデルの間に何らかの差別化が提供されることになります。グラフェンヒートシンクと金属バッテリーケースを備えた新しい熱アーキテクチャが予想されており、ヒートシンクはiPhone 16にも搭載される予定ですが、その他の熱的変更はProのみになる可能性があります。

AppleはクアルコムのX75 5Gを採用すると予想されていますPro モデルのモデムにより、キャリア アグリゲーションにより 5G 速度が高速化されます。 X75 は、個別のハードウェアを使用するのではなく、ミリ波とサブ 6GHz トランシーバーを組み合わせているため、小型化され、消費電力が少なくなります。

X75 チップと A18 プロセッサー、さらに Apple により、バッテリー寿命の向上が見られます。容量が 5 ~ 9% 増加する、わずかに大きなバッテリーを使用しています。 iPhone 16 ProモデルがWi-Fi 7をサポートするという噂があるが、それはAppleが来年まで保留する可能性のある機能でもある。ストレージに関しては、どちらの Pro モデルも 256 GB から開始できます。

当初は、20W MagSafe の充電速度と 40W の有線充電速度についての噂がいくつかありましたが、今ではそれはかなり遠い話のように思えます。 AIのおかげでマイクの耐水性と音質が向上します。私たちがまだ知らない、iPhone 16 Pro 特有の Apple Intelligence 機能もいくつかあるかもしれません。

新しい iPhone が発売されるたびに、カラーも更新されます。定番のブラック、ホワイト、ナチュラルチタンのカラー展開を予定しておりますが、今年の特別カラーはゴールドカラーです。一部の噂ではブロンズ色と説明されており、一部のダミーリークではAppleのこれまでのゴールドセレクションよりも濃い茶色であることが示唆されていますが、色は照明に大きく依存するため、確実に言うのは困難です。 ブルームバーグのマーク・ガーマン氏は、この色合いは「印象的で、初期のレンダリングのようにひどいものではない」と述べています。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

初期のiPhone 16 Proダミーモデルvia Sonny Dickson

iPhone 16 Pro に期待される機能の詳細については、iPhone 16 Pro のまとめをご覧ください。

Apple Watch Series 10

Apple はリフレッシュしています今年は Apple Watch が登場しますが、何が登場するのかについては、いくつかのあいまいさと疑問があります。 2024 年は、Apple Watch が 2014 年 9 月に発表されてから 10 周年を迎え、「シリーズ 10」となりますが、Apple Watch は 2015 年に発売されました。大幅な周年記念刷新の噂はありましたが、それが今年起こるか来年起こるかは不明です。

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

The Apple Watch is expected to be slimmer than prior versions, and Apple is increasing the size. Rather than 41mm and 45mm models, it's looking like we'll get 45mm and 49mm options. Size could increase through a decrease in bezels and by making the casing itself larger. A 4mm jump will be a noticeable but not enormous size increase.

There were CAD renders of a next-generation Apple Watch with a 2-inch display, which is just slightly bigger than the 49mm Apple Watch Ultra display. That screen could be destined for the 49mm Series 10. Apple could boost water resistance with the design change, certifying the device for high-speed water sports up to 20 meters deep. The new Series 10 models may get the Depth app, which was first introduced for the Apple Watch Ultra.

Aside from the increase in size and the thinner design, the updated models are said to look like the current Apple Watch models with no radical changes. Early on, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman said that Apple was working on a new magnetic band attachment system, but it's no longer sounding like that's a feature we're going to get this year.

Apple will update the OLED display to be more energy efficient, and with a bigger casing, battery size may increase too, leading to better battery life.

Apple is reportedly planning to include an updated heart rate and ECG sensor in the Apple Watch Series 10 that will enable new features like sleep apnea detection. Sleep apnea detection has been long rumored for the Series 10, but it was unclear if it would be implemented at launch because of an ongoing patent dispute that has seen Apple disable blood oxygen detection in the current-generation Apple watch models in the U.S.

Sleep apnea causes a person to stop breathing while asleep, which can lead to excessive tiredness. It is usually diagnosed through a sleep study, and fixing it requires a breathing apparatus like a CPAP machine. The Apple Watch Series 10 and Ultra 2 will reportedly be able to detect sleep apnea using Apple Watch sleep tracking, providing a reading after collecting sleep data for several days.

Apple also wanted to include blood pressure monitoring, but that feature was not ready for launch and will not be included in the Series 10.

For the last several years, the Apple Watch has used an S-series chip that's changed little, but this year's S10 is expected to bring a notable upgrade in performance. While the Apple Watch will not get "major" Apple Intelligence capabilities, there could perhaps be AI features tied to a future health coach service, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman.

We will undoubtedly be getting new band colors alongside the updated models, and potentially a redesigned Milanese Loop.

We have additional details on what to expect for the Apple Watch in our roundup.

Apple Watch Ultra 2 Color Update

While we had been expecting that any new hardware improvements for the Apple Watch Series 10 would likely make their way into a new Apple Watch Ultra 3, a last-minute rumor claims we will not be getting a new generation of Apple's premium smartwatch.

Instead, Gurman indicates the Apple Watch Ultra 2 may simply be made available in a new black color option, something that was rumored for last year at this model's introduction but did not occur.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Apple Watch SE 3

The Apple Watch SE 3 could get a refresh this fall, and there are rumors that Apple will use a plastic casing rather than an aluminum casing for the device.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

A rigid plastic material would keep costs down, while also being more durable than aluminum in terms of scratches and drops. Such an Apple Watch could also be made in an array of bright colors, which would appeal to children.

Apple has been promoting the Apple Watch as an option for parents who want to give their kids a device for communication and safety, and a lower-cost Apple Watch SE could help and also differentiate the device from the aluminum Apple Watch models.

Apple has not used plastic for the casing of a device since the iPhone 5c, a phone that came in vibrant blue, yellow, pink, and green colors. Aside from a new material, the Apple Watch SE is expected to have the same general design with no updates and no other feature changes except for an improved chip.

Bloomberg's Mark Gurman says in a last-minute rumor that he "wouldn't rule out a delay" for the new Apple Watch SE, but whether this means we may not see an announcement at all or perhaps simply a later time frame for availability than expected is unclear.

AirPods 4

There are two versions of the AirPods 4 in the works, both of which feature a new design. The updated AirPods will look like a cross between the current AirPods and the AirPods Pro, with Apple adopting a shorter stem. Bloomberg's Mark Gurman says there will be an updated fit, but it's not yet clear what that means.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

The higher-priced AirPods 4 will have Active Noise Cancellation, a feature that has previously been limited to the AirPods Pro and the AirPods Max. The lower-end model will be a direct upgrade to the current AirPods 3.

Pricing on these new models isn't known yet. The AirPods 3 cost $179 (with MagSafe case), the AirPods 2 are $129, and the AirPods Pro 2 are $249, so Apple needs to price the new model somewhere in the middle. The lower-cost AirPods 4 could get a price drop to put it closer in line with the AirPods 2, which will be discontinued, and the ANC model could be priced between $180 and $200, well below the AirPods Pro.

Apple is going to update the AirPods 4 case, and it could have a new look. It will get a speaker for Find My, allowing it to play a sound when lost, and it'll have a USB-C port for charging instead of a Lightning port. MagSafe charging will also still be a feature.

Depending on design, the ANC probably won't be on par with the ANC in the AirPods Pro as those have silicone ear tips, but there are rumors of improvements to sound quality.

Eventually, Apple plans to announce hearing aid replacement functionality for the AirPods, plus it will add an option for conducting hearing tests with the earbuds. These features may not be available when the AirPods launch, instead coming at a later date.

AirPods Max

Apple plans to refresh the AirPods Max in 2024, but don't get excited. We aren't expecting any new features except for a USB-C port instead of a Lightning port, some minor audio improvements, and possibly new color options. While it was initially thought that this update might not arrive until later in the year, perhaps simply via a press release, Gurman has indicated at the last minute that they are indeed expected to be introduced at Monday's event.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Other Unlikely Possibilities

iPad mini 7

The iPad mini 7 could see an update in 2024, but it likely won't be coming at Apple's September event. Apple is said to be planning to hold a second event in October 2024, and it would make more sense for the new iPad mini to come out then alongside new M4 Macs.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Few changes are expected for the next-generation iPad mini, and it will continue to have an 8.3-inch display size with Touch ID power button. There could be a small change to the display to cut down on the "jelly scrolling" effect that some people complained about with the iPad mini 6. Jelly scrolling refers to the sometimes noticeable lag when scrolling vertically through text-based content like a webpage.

We are expecting the iPad mini to have a variant of the A17 or A18 chip that is compatible with Apple Intelligence, and we could get new colors, an upgraded front-facing camera, and support for Wi-Fi 6E.

iPad 11

The iPad hasn't been refreshed since 2022, and it is overdue for an update. There are rumors suggesting we could get a new model in 2024, but it too will likely come out later in the year.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

There are no rumors about new features for the next-generation iPad, but it is expected to get a better A-series chip.

Software Updates

iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia, tvOS 18, watchOS 11, and visionOS 2 are in beta testing, and at the fall event, Apple will give us a heads up on when the new operating system updates will be released.

Everything to Expect From the 'It's Glowtime' Apple Event

Typically iOS 18 and its sister updates come out just a few days ahead of when new iPhones launch, so if the iPhone 16 models launch on Friday, September 20 after their September 9 debut date, we could see the software come out earlier in the week of September 20.

There may also be Apple Intelligence features that are exclusive to the iPhone 16 models that Apple has been keeping under wraps, so there may be some software-based surprises coming.

How to Watch

Apple's "It's Glowtime" event will start at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Monday, September 9. Apple will livestream the event on its website and on YouTube, plus the livestream will be available through the Apple TV app on supported devices.

, plus we'll do a much deeper dive into all the announcements over the course of the next week.

Update September 8, 7:39 pm: This article has been updated with the latest information on the Apple Watch Ultra, Apple Watch SE, and AirPods Max.

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