こんにちは、私は Sam です。Django の経験が豊富なバックエンド エンジニアです。私は思い切って、フルスタック アプリのフロントエンドを学びたいと思いました。私は React-with-Django プロジェクトの困難な性質をすぐに経験し、その痛みは開発プロセスの一部にすぎないと思いました。しかし、Wasp と呼ばれる非常にクールな新しいフルスタック フレームワークに出会いました。
Wasp は、フルスタック アプリケーション用の素晴らしい開発ツールです。 React、Node.js、Prisma などを組み合わせることで、Wasp を使用すると、これまでにない方法で開発を迅速化できます。
この記事では、非常に従来のフルスタック テクノロジに対する Wasp の単純さを証明するために、Django と Wasp でフルスタック アプリケーションを作成する手順を説明します。 Django に接続する React フロントエンドも作成する予定です。重要なのは、Django/react で発生する可能性がある (そして今後発生する) 非効率性、困難さ、問題を強調することですが、これらは
によって大幅に簡素化されます。この記事はハウツーを目的としたものではありませんが、Django アプリの徹底的な性質を強調するためにいくつかのコードを提供します。
この部分は、Django と Wasp の間に重要な重複がある唯一の部分です。どちらもターミナルから始めて、簡単なタスク アプリを作成しましょう (Django と Wasp がインストールされており、パスにあることを前提としています)。
今、Wasp が元気よく門から出てきます。以下に提供されるメニューを確認してください。 Wasp は、基本的なアプリを起動することも、事前に作成された多数のテンプレート (完全に機能する SaaS アプリを含む) から選択することも、説明に基づいて AI が生成したアプリを使用することもできます!
一方、Django はプロジェクト内のアプリを含むプロジェクトとして動作し (繰り返しますが、これは基本的にすべてバックエンド操作用です)、1 つの Django プロジェクトに多数のアプリが存在する可能性があります。したがって、Django プロジェクト設定で各アプリを登録する必要があります。
それではデータベースが必要になりますが、これは Wasp が最も得意とするもう 1 つの分野です。 Django では、models.py ファイルにモデルを作成する必要があります。一方、Wasp は Prisma を ORM として使用しているため、必要なフィールドを明確に定義し、わかりやすい方法でデータベースの作成を簡単に行うことができます。
Django と Wasp はデータベースを移行する同様の方法を共有しています:
しかし、Wasp を使用すると、Django ではできない、非常に気の利いたデータベース機能も実行できます。
現在 SQLite を使用していますが、開発用 Posgres データベースを即座にセットアップしてみてはどうでしょうか? Wasp は以下を使用してそれを行うことができます:
それだけです!これで、Postgres インスタンスを実行する Docker コンテナが完成し、即座に Wasp アプリに接続されました。 ?
あるいは、Prisma のデータベース スタジオ UI を介してデータベースをリアルタイムで表示したい場合はどうすればよいでしょうか。これは、Django を使用したサードパーティの拡張機能がなければ不可能です。そのためには、次を実行するだけです:
Django と Wasp のルートは、少し似たパターンに従います。ただし、React に慣れている場合は、Wasp のシステムの方がはるかに優れています。
Django は、すべての CRUD 操作を実行するバックエンド (views.py、この記事の後半で説明します) を通じて動作します。これらのビュー関数は、プロジェクト内のアプリ内の特定のルートに関連付けられており (よく知っています)、主キーと ID を使用し始めると、さらに複雑になる可能性があります。 urls.py ファイルを作成し、特定のビュー ファイルと関数をルートに送信する必要があります。これらのアプリの URL はプロジェクトの URL に接続されます。ふー。
Wasp の方法: ルートを定義し、コンポーネントに誘導します。
OK、ここで Wasp の利点がさらに明らかになります。
Firstly, I am going to revisit the views.py file. This is where magic is going to happen for Django backend. Here is a simple version of what the create, update, and delete functions could look like for our Task/Todo example:
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from .models import Task from .forms import TaskForm def index(request): tasks = Task.objects.all() form = TaskForm() if request.method == 'POST': form = TaskForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): form.save() return redirect('/') context = {'tasks': tasks, 'form': form} return render(request, 'todo/index.html', context) def updateTask(request, pk): task = Task.objects.get(id=pk) form = TaskForm(instance=task) if request.method == 'POST': form = TaskForm(request.POST, instance=task) if form.is_valid(): form.save() return redirect('/') context = {'form': form} return render(request, 'todo/update_task.html', context) def deleteTask(request, pk): task = Task.objects.get(id=pk) if request.method == 'POST': task.delete() return redirect('/') context = {'task': task} return render(request, 'todo/delete.html', context)
from django import forms from .models import Task class TaskForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Task fields = ['title', 'completed']
query getTasks { fn: import { getTasks } from "@src/operations", // Tell Wasp that this operation affects the `Task` entity. Wasp will automatically // refresh the client (cache) with the results of the operation when tasks are modified. entities: [Task] } action updateTask { fn: import { updateTask } from "@src/operations", entities: [Task] } action deleteTask { fn: import { deleteTask } from "@src/operations", entities: [Task] }
export const getTasks = async (args, context) => { return context.entities.Task.findMany({ orderBy: { id: 'asc' }, }) } export const updateTask = async ({ id, data }, context) => { return context.entities.Task.update({ where: { id }, data }) } export const deleteTask = async ({ id }, context) => { return context.entities.Task.delete({ where: { id } }) }
So right now, Wasp has a fully functioning backend with middleware configured for you. At this point we can create some React components, and then import and call these operations from the client. That is not the case with Django, unfortunately there is still a lot we need to do to configure React in our app and get things working together, which we will look at below.
At this point we could just create a simple client with HTML and CSS to go with our Django app, but then this wouldn't be a fair comparison, as Wasp is a true full-stack framework and gives you a managed React-NodeJS-Prisma app out-of-the-box. So let's see what we'd have to do to get the same thing set up with Django.
Note that this section is going to highlight Django, so keep in mind that you can skip all the following steps if you just use Wasp. :)
First thing’s first. Django needs a REST framework and CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing):
pip install djangorestframework pip install django-cors-headers
Include Rest Framework and Cors Header as installed apps, CORS headers as middleware, and then also set a local host for the react frontend to be able to communicate with the backend (Django) server (again, there is no need to do any of this initial setup in Wasp as it's all handled for you).
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'corsheaders', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ ... 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware', ... ] CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS = [ 'http://localhost:3000', ]
And now a very important step, which is to serialize all the data from Django to be able to work in json format for React frontend.
from rest_framework import serializers from .models import Task class TaskSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Task fields = '__all__'
Now, since we are handling CRUD on the React side, we can change the views.py file:
from rest_framework import viewsets from .models import Task from .serializers import TaskSerializer class TaskViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Task.objects.all() serializer_class = TaskSerializer
And now we need to change both app and project URLS since we have a frontend application on a different url than our backend.
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path('admin/', admin.site.urls), path('api/', include('todo.urls')), # Add this line ]
from django.urls import path, include from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter from .views import TaskViewSet router = DefaultRouter() router.register(r'tasks', TaskViewSet) urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), ]
By now you should be understanding why I've made the switch to using Wasp when building full-stack apps. Anyways, now we are actually able to make a react component with a Django backend ?
Ok, so now we can actually get back to comparing Wasp and Django.
To start, lets create our React app in our Django project:
npx create-react-app frontend
Finally, we can make a component in React. A few things:
I am using axios in the Django project here. Wasp comes bundled with React-Query (aka Tanstack Query), so the execution of (CRUD) operations is a lot more elegant and powerful.
The api call is to my local server, obviously this will change in development.
You can make this many different ways, I tried to keep it simple.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; const TaskList = () => { const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]); const [newTask, setNewTask] = useState(''); const [editingTask, setEditingTask] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { fetchTasks(); }, []); const fetchTasks = () => { axios.get('') .then(response => { setTasks(response.data); }) .catch(error => { console.error('There was an error fetching the tasks!', error); }); }; const handleAddTask = () => { if (newTask.trim()) { axios.post('', { title: newTask, completed: false }) .then(() => { setNewTask(''); fetchTasks(); }) .catch(error => { console.error('There was an error adding the task!', error); }); } }; const handleUpdateTask = (task) => { axios.put(`${task.id}/`, task) .then(() => { fetchTasks(); setEditingTask(null); }) .catch(error => { console.error('There was an error updating the task!', error); }); }; const handleDeleteTask = (taskId) => { axios.delete(`${taskId}/`) .then(() => { fetchTasks(); }) .catch(error => { console.error('There was an error deleting the task!', error); }); }; const handleEditTask = (task) => { setEditingTask(task); }; const handleChange = (e) => { setNewTask(e.target.value); }; const handleEditChange = (e) => { setEditingTask({ ...editingTask, title: e.target.value }); }; const handleEditCompleteToggle = () => { setEditingTask({ ...editingTask, completed: !editingTask.completed }); }; return (); }; export default TaskList;To-Do List
{tasks.map(task => (
- {editingTask && editingTask.id === task.id ? (
))}) : ({task.title} - {task.completed ? 'Completed' : 'Incomplete'})}
And here's the Wasp React client for comparison. Take note how we're able to import the operations we defined earlier and call them here easily on the client with less configuration than the Django app. We also get the built-in caching power of the useQuery hook, as well as the ability to pass in our authenticated user as a prop (we'll get into this more below).
import React, { FormEventHandler, FormEvent } from "react"; import { type Task } from "wasp/entities"; import { type AuthUser, getUsername } from "wasp/auth"; import { logout } from "wasp/client/auth"; import { createTask, updateTask, deleteTasks, useQuery, getTasks } from "wasp/client/operations"; import waspLogo from "./waspLogo.png"; import "./Main.css"; export const MainPage = ({ user }) => { const { data: tasks, isLoading, error } = useQuery(getTasks); if (isLoading) return "Loading..."; if (error) return "Error: " + error; const completed = tasks?.filter((task) => task.isDone).map((task) => task.id); return (); }; function Todo({ id, isDone, description }) { const handleIsDoneChange = async ( event ) => { try { await updateTask({ id, isDone: event.currentTarget.checked, }); } catch (err: any) { window.alert("Error while updating task " + err?.message); } }; return ( {user && user.identities.username && (
{user.identities.username.id} {`'s tasks :)`}
)}{tasks && }
No tasks yet.
; return (Very nice! In the Wasp app you can see how much easier it is to call the server-side code via Wasp operations. Plus, Wasp gives you the added benefit of refreshing the client-side cache for the Entity that's referenced in the operation definition (in this case Task). And the cherry on top is how easy it is to pass the authenticated user to the component, something we haven't even touched on in the Django app, and which we will talk about more below.
So we already started to get a feel in the above code for how simple it is to pass an authenticated user around in Wasp. But how do we actually go about implementing full-stack Authentication in Wasp and Django.
This is one of Wasp’s biggest advantages. It couldn't be easier or more intuitive. On the other hand, the Django implementation is so long and complicated I'm not going to even bother showing you the code and I'll just list out the stps instead;
app TodoApp { wasp: { version: "^0.14.0" }, title: "Todo App", auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { usernameAndPassword: {} } } //...
And that's all it takes to implement full-stack Auth with Wasp! But that's just one example, you can also add other auth methods easily, like google: {}, gitHub: {} and discord: {} social auth, after configuring the apps and adding your environment variables.
Wasp allows you to get building without worrying about so many things. I don’t need to worry about password hashing, multiple projects and apps, CORS headers, etc. I just need to add a couple lines of code.
Wasp just makes sense.
Let's check out what it takes to add a simple username and password auth implementation to a Django app (remember, this isn't even the code, just a checklist!):
Install Necessary Packages:
Update Django Settings:
Set Up URL Routing:
Implement Authentication Context in React:
Create Login Component in React:
Protect React Routes and Components:
Implement Task Update and Delete Functionality:
Add Authentication to Django Views:
I just want to highlight one more aspect of Wasp that I really love. In Django, we're completely responsible for dealing with all the boilerplate code when setting up a new app. In other words, we have to set up new apps from scratch every time (even if it's been done before a million times by us and other devs). But with Wasp we can scaffold a new app template in a number of ways toreallyjump start the development process.
Let's check out these other ways to get a full-stack app started in Wasp.
A simplewasp newin the terminal shows numerous starting options and app templates. If I really want to make a todo app for example, well there you have it, option 2.
Right out of the box you have a to-do application with authentication, CRUD functionality, and some basic styling. All of this is ready to be amended for your specific use case.
Or what if you want to turn code into money? Well, you can also get a fully functioning SaaS app. Interested in the latest AI offereings? You also have a vector embeddings template, or an AI full-stack app protoyper! 5 options that save you from having to write a ton of boilerplate code.
Just throw a name, prompt, and select a few of your desired settings and boom, you get a fully functioning prototype app. From here you can use other other AI tools, like Cursor's AI code editor, to generate new features and help you debug!
? Note that the Mage functionality is also achievable via the terminal ("ai-generated"), but you need to provide your own open-ai api key for it to work.
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所以你已经得到它了。正如我在一开始所说的,来自 Django 的我很惊讶使用 Wasp 构建全栈应用程序是多么容易,这也是我写这篇文章的动力。
希望我能够向您展示为什么脱离 Django 而转而使用 Wasp 在时间、精力和情感上都大有裨益。
以上がWasp: Web 開発における Django に対する JavaScript の答えの詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。