function rollDie(numSides = 6) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * numSides) + 1; }
function greet(person, msg = 'Hey there', punc = '!') { return `${msgs}, ${person}${punc}`; }
Spread 構文を使用すると、ゼロ個以上の引数 (関数呼び出しの場合) または要素 (配列リテラルの場合) が予期される場所で配列などの反復可能オブジェクトを展開したり、ゼロまたは複数の要素が期待される場所でオブジェクト式を展開したりできます。より多くのキーと値のペア (オブジェクト リテラルの場合) が期待されます。 - MDN
console.log(Math.max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2)); // 5 const nums = [4, 3, 53, 3, 5, 2, 4, 920, 3, 5, 2]; console.log(Math.max(...nums)); // 920
const cats = ['Fluffy', 'Zane', 'Jim']; const dogs = ['Doggo', 'Sir Barks A Lot']; const allPets = [...cats, ...dogs, 'Goldy']; console.log(allPets); //['Fluffy', 'Zane', 'Jim', 'Doggo', 'Sir Barks A Lot', 'Goldy']
const feline = { legs: 4, family: 'Felidae', }; const canine = { family: 'Canine', furry: true, }; const dog = { ...canine, isPet: true }; console.log(dog); // {family: 'Canine', furry: true, isPet: true} // Note, order matters - the last property takes precidence: const catDog = { ...feline, ...canine }; console.log(catDog); // {legs: 4, family: 'Canine', furry: true}
let newObj = { ...[2, 4, 6, 8] }; console.log(newObj); // {0: 2, 1: 4, 2: 6, 3: 8} let anotherObj = { ...'Hello' }; console.log(anotherObj); //{0: 'H', 1: 'e', 2: 'l', 3: 'l', 4: 'o'}
const dataFromForm = { email: 'jim@jimelm.com', password: '1234', username: 'jimelm', }; const person = { ...dataFromForm, id: 2134, isAdmin: false }; console.log(person); // {email: 'jim@jimelm.com', password: '1234', username: 'jimelm', id: 2134, isAdmin: false}
function sum(...nums) { return nums.reduce((total, el) => total + el); } function raceResults(gold, silver, ...everyoneElse) { console.log(`Gold metal goes to ${gold}`); console.log(`Silver metal goes to ${silver}`); console.log(`And thanks to: ${everyoneElse}`); }
const scores = [999, 888, 777, 666, 555, 444]; const [gold, silver, bronze, ...otherScores] = scores; console.log(gold); // 999 console.log(silver); // 888 console.log(bronze); // 777 console.log(otherScores); // [666, 555, 444]
const user = { email: 'marryelm@what.com', password: '134jsdf', firstName: 'Marry', lastName: 'Elm', born: 1927, died: 2091, city: 'Hayward', state: 'CA', }; const { email, state, city } = user; console.log(email); // marryelm@what.com console.log(state); // CA console.log(city); // Hayward const { born: birthYear } = user; console.log(birthYear); // 1927
const user2 = { email: 'stacy@what.com', firstName: 'stacy', lastName: 'kent', born: 1984, city: 'Boise', state: 'ID', }; const { city, state, died } = user2; console.log(died); // undefined const { city, state, died = 'N/A' } = user2; console.log(died); // N/A
const user2 = { email: 'stacy@what.com', firstName: 'stacy', lastName: 'kent', born: 1984, city: 'Boise', state: 'ID', }; function fullName({ firstName, lastName = '???' }) { return `${firstName} ${lastName}`; }
const movies = [ { title: 'Indiana Jones', score: 77, year: 1994, }, { title: 'Star Trek', score: 94, year: 1983, }, { title: 'Deadpool', score: 79, year: 2001, }, ]; let ratings = movies.map(({ title, score }) => { return `${title} is rated ${score}`; }); console.log(ratings); // ['Indiana Jones is rated 77', 'Star Trek is rated 94', 'Deadpool is rated 79']
以上がJavaScript: デフォルトのパラメータ、スプレッド演算子、残りのパラメータ、および構造化!の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。