重要:これは JavaScript と TypeScript コードの実行についてのみ説明します。そうは言っても、この記述は、他のコードを他の言語で実行する方向にもなるかもしれません。
それがuserコードであることを考えると、サーバーの停止 (無限ループの可能性があります) から機密情報の窃取まで、あらゆることが予想されます。
この記事では、Web ワーカー、静的コード分析などを含む、ユーザー コードの実行を軽減するためのさまざまな戦略について説明します… あなたは気にする必要があります CodeSandbox や StackBiltz のような共同開発環境から、 January のようなカスタマイズ可能な API プラットフォームに至るまで、ユーザーが提供したコードを実行する必要があるシナリオは数多くあります。コードの遊び場でさえリスクにさらされます。 つまり、ユーザーが提供したコードを安全に実行することの重要な利点は次の 2 つです:
2 番目の引数は関数本体です。
function evaluate() { const { code, input } = JSON.parse(Host.inputString()); const func = eval(code); const result = func(input).toString(); Host.outputString(result); } module.exports = { evaluate };
You'll have to compile the above code first using Extism, which will output a Wasm file that can be run in an environment that has Wasm-runtime (browser or node.js).
const message = { input: '1,2,3,4,5', code: ` const sum = (str) => str .split(',') .reduce((acc, curr) => acc + parseInt(curr), 0); module.exports = sum; `, }; // continue running the wasm file
We're now moving to the server-side, Docker is a great option to run code in an isolation from the host machine. (Beware of container escape)
You can use dockerode to run the code in a container.
import Docker from 'dockerode'; const docker = new Docker(); const code = `console.log("hello world")`; const container = await docker.createContainer({ Image: 'node:lts', Cmd: ['node', '-e', code], User: 'node', WorkingDir: '/app', AttachStdout: true, AttachStderr: true, OpenStdin: false, AttachStdin: false, Tty: true, NetworkDisabled: true, HostConfig: { AutoRemove: true, ReadonlyPaths: ['/'], ReadonlyRootfs: true, CapDrop: ['ALL'], Memory: 8 * 1024 * 1024, SecurityOpt: ['no-new-privileges'], }, });
Keep in mind that you need to make sure the server has docker installed and running. I'd recommend having a separate server dedicated only to this that acts as a pure-function server.
Moreover, you might benefit from taking a look at sysbox, a VM-like container runtime that provides a more secure environment. Sysbox is worth it, especially if the main app is running in a container, which means that you'll be running Docker in Docker.
This was the method of choice at January but soon enough, the language capabilities mandated more than passing the code through the container shell. Besides, for some reason, the server memory spikes frequently; we run the code inside self-removable containers on every 1s debounced keystroke. (You can do better!)
I'm particularly fond of Firecracker, but it’s a bit of work to set up, so if you cannot afford the time yet, you want to be on the safe side, do a combination of static analysis and time-boxing execution. You can use esprima to parse the code and check for any malicious act.
Well, same story with one (could be optional) extra step: Transpile the code to JavaScript before running it. Simply put, you can use esbuild or typescript compiler, then continue with the above methods.
async function build(userCode: string) { const result = await esbuild.build({ stdin: { contents: `${userCode}`, loader: 'ts', resolveDir: __dirname, }, inject: [ // In case you want to inject some code ], platform: 'node', write: false, treeShaking: false, sourcemap: false, minify: false, drop: ['debugger', 'console'], keepNames: true, format: 'cjs', bundle: true, target: 'es2022', plugins: [ nodeExternalsPlugin(), // make all the non-native modules external ], }); return result.outputFiles![0].text; }
Additionally, you can avoid transpiling altogether by running the code usingDenoorBunin a docker container since they support TypeScript out of the box.
Running user code is a double-edged sword. It can provide a lot of functionality and customization to your platform, but it also exposes you to significant security risks. It’s essential to understand the risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them and remember that the more isolated the environment, the safer it is.
以上が信頼できない JavaScript コードの実行の詳細内容です。詳細については、PHP 中国語 Web サイトの他の関連記事を参照してください。