重写后的标题为:What causes a "possible infinite loop" when accessing another model attribute in an appended attribute of a model?
P粉786432579 2023-09-04 17:47:10
<p>我的 <strong>Laravel 9</strong> 应用程序有两个模型: <code>brand</code> 模型和 <code>product</code> 模型。每个 <code>product</code> 属于一个 <code>brand</code>,而一个 <code>brand</code> 又属于多个 <code>products</code>(1:n 关系)。 <code>product</code> 模型应提供一个名为 <code>title_medium</code> 的“计算”(附加)属性,该属性根据请求连接品牌标题和产品标题。</p> <p>一旦我尝试在产品模型的 <code>getTitleMediumAttribute()</code> 方法中访问 <code>$this->brand</code> , <code>xdebug</code> 就会抛出 <code>possibleInfiniteloop</code> 异常并取消执行(N次迭代后) 。我认为这与关系和加载序列(渴望加载)有关,但到目前为止我找不到解决方案。</p> <h2>品牌模型</h2> <p><code>brand</code> 模型有一个属性 <code>title</code> 并且有许多属于 <code>brand</code> 的 <code>products</code>。</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class Brand extends Model { use HasFactory; /** * Additional attributes for this model */ protected $appends = [ 'prices' ]; protected $fillable = [ 'title' ]; /** * The &quot;booted&quot; method of the model. * * @return void */ protected static function booted() { static::creating(function ($brand) { $brand-&gt;slug = Str::slug($brand-&gt;title, '-', 'de'); }); } /** * Returns all products for a brand * * @return HasMany */ public function products(): HasMany { return $this-&gt;hasMany(Product::class); } }</pre> <h2>产品型号</h2> <p>每个<code>产品</code>都属于一个<code>品牌</code>。附加属性 <code>title_medium</code> 应连接品牌标题和产品标题。</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">namespace App\Models; class Product extends Model { use HasFactory, Searchable, Filterable; protected $fillable = [ 'title', 'brand_id', 'image' ]; /** * Additional attributes for this model */ protected $appends = [ 'title_long', 'lowest_price', 'highest_discount_percent_price', 'latest_price_date', 'price_count' ]; /** * The &quot;booted&quot; method of the model. * * @return void */ protected static function booted() { static::creating(function ($product) { $product-&gt;slug = Str::slug($product-&gt;title_long, '-', 'de'); }); } /** * Product belongs to one brand */ public function brand(): BelongsTo { return $this-&gt;belongsTo(Brand::class); } /** * Get the combined title from product and brand */ public function getTitleMediumAttribute(): string { // THIS CAUSES A &quot;POSSIBLE INFINITE LOOP EXCEPTION&quot; in xdebug return $this-&gt;brand-&gt;title . ' ' . $this-&gt;title; } }</pre></p>

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尝试使用 属性 而不是 getTitleMediumAttribute,像这样并告诉我是否仍然遇到相同的错误(使用此方法而不是 `getTitleMediumAttribute):

public function titleMedium(): Attribute
    return Attribute::get(
        fn () => "{$this->brand->title} $this->title",


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