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  • LeetCode DayGreedy Algorithms Part 5
    LeetCode DayGreedy Algorithms Part 5
    56. Merge Intervals Given an array of intervals where intervals[i] = [starti, endi], merge all overlapping intervals, and return an array of the non-overlapping intervals that cover all the intervals in the input. Example 1: Input: intervals
    tutoriel Java 867 2024-07-18 20:38:30
  • Unleashing the Potential: Software Development Services in Pune by Osumare Marketing Solution Pvt. Ltd.
    Unleashing the Potential: Software Development Services in Pune by Osumare Marketing Solution Pvt. Ltd.
    Introduction In the digital age, software development has become the backbone of successful businesses, driving innovation and efficiency. Pune, a city renowned for its thriving IT industry, is home to numerous software development companies. Among
    tutoriel Java 536 2024-07-18 20:02:01
  • Pergunte ao especialista - Break e goto
    Pergunte ao especialista - Break e goto
    Você diz que goto é desestruturado e que break com um rótulo oferece uma alternativa melhor. Mas, convenhamos, usar break com um rótulo, que pode resultar na remoção de muitas linhas de código e níveis de aninhamento por break, também não desestrutur
    tutoriel Java 597 2024-07-18 19:48:37
  • How to Hire a Java Developer
    How to Hire a Java Developer
    How to Hire a Java Developer Hiring a Java developer involves a strategic process to ensure you find the right fit for your project. Follow these steps to guide you: 1. Define Your Requirements Project Scope: Clearly outline your pr
    tutoriel Java 705 2024-07-18 19:18:29
  • Declarando Variáveis de Controle de Laço Dentro do for
    Declarando Variáveis de Controle de Laço Dentro do for
    Conceito É possível declarar a variável de controle diretamente na declaração do laço for. Isso é útil quando a variável só é necessária dentro do próprio laço. Vantagens Melhora a legibilidade e organização do código. Limita o escopo da variáv
    tutoriel Java 896 2024-07-18 19:18:22
  • Random-Access Files
    Random-Access Files
    Java provides the RandomAccessFile class to allow data to be read from and written to at any locations in the file. All of the streams you have used so far are known as read-only or write-only streams. These streams are called sequential streams. A f
    tutoriel Java 616 2024-07-18 19:08:51
  • What is Data-Driven Testing with Selenium WebDriver and Java #interviewQuestion
    What is Data-Driven Testing with Selenium WebDriver and Java #interviewQuestion
    Data-Driven Testing with Selenium WebDriver and Java Data-driven testing is a technique where test data is separated from the test scripts. This allows for efficient execution of tests with various data sets. Implementation Steps
    tutoriel Java 661 2024-07-18 19:04:00
  • Developing Efficient Algorithms - Measuring Algorithm Efficiency Using Big O Notation
    Developing Efficient Algorithms - Measuring Algorithm Efficiency Using Big O Notation
    Algorithm design is to develop a mathematical process for solving a problem. Algorithm analysis is to predict the performance of an algorithm. The preceding two chapters introduced classic data structures (lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, sets
    tutoriel Java 847 2024-07-18 15:44:28
  • Microservices Project
    Microservices Project
    ⚙️Microservices project is inspired by piggymetrics by @sqshq "Alexander Lukyanchikov", but this implementation uses PostgreSQL and a simpler business logic, the main goal of this project is to show an example of microservices architecture.
    tutoriel Java 920 2024-07-18 14:26:20
  • Case Study: Evaluating Expressions
    Case Study: Evaluating Expressions
    Stacks can be used to evaluate expressions. Stacks and queues have many applications. This section gives an application that uses stacks to evaluate expressions. You can enter an arithmetic expression from Google to evaluate the expression, as shown
    tutoriel Java 478 2024-07-18 14:10:09
  • Importance of concurrency and parallelism
    Importance of concurrency and parallelism
    In today's world, software plays a crucial role in our daily lives. We can place orders and have groceries delivered to our doorsteps within minutes, and we receive real-time notifications about traffic congestion. In India, with systems like UPI, fi
    tutoriel Java 372 2024-07-18 13:39:28
  • Case Study: Occurrences of Words
    Case Study: Occurrences of Words
    This case study writes a program that counts the occurrences of words in a text and displays the words and their occurrences in alphabetical order of the words. The program uses a TreeMap to store an entry consisting of a word and its count. For each
    tutoriel Java 765 2024-07-18 13:37:39
  • Looking for new opportunities...
    Looking for new opportunities...
    Hi everyone, This is my first post on dev.to community. I am currently looking for a job switch in software development roles in India or remote. I have been searching for opportunities for a long time now and hope that probably posting something her
    tutoriel Java 390 2024-07-18 13:36:34
  • Microservices Architecture with Spring Cloud
    Microservices Architecture with Spring Cloud
    Microservices architecture is a design approach where an application is composed of loosely coupled services. Each service is responsible for a specific functionality and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Spring Cloud is a suite o
    tutoriel Java 792 2024-07-18 08:27:19
  • Case Study: Counting Keywords
    Case Study: Counting Keywords
    This section presents an application that counts the number of the keywords in a Java source file. For each word in a Java source file, we need to determine whether the word is a keyword. To handle this efficiently, store all the keywords in a HashSe
    tutoriel Java 675 2024-07-18 08:05:39


Code de contact du formulaire de message d'entreprise jQuery

Le code de contact du formulaire de message d'entreprise jQuery est un formulaire de message d'entreprise simple et pratique et le code de la page d'introduction contactez-nous.

Effets de lecture de boîte à musique HTML5 MP3

L'effet spécial de lecture de boîte à musique HTML5 MP3 est un lecteur de musique MP3 basé sur HTML5 + CSS3 pour créer de jolies émoticônes de boîte à musique et cliquer sur le bouton de commutation.

Effets spéciaux du menu de navigation d'animation de particules cool HTML5

L'effet de menu de navigation d'animation de particules cool HTML5 est un effet spécial qui change de couleur lorsque le menu de navigation est survolé par la souris.

Code d'édition par glisser-déposer du formulaire visuel jQuery

Le code d'édition par glisser-déposer du formulaire visuel jQuery est un formulaire visuel basé sur jQuery et le framework bootstrap.

有机果蔬供应商网页模板 Bootstrap5

Modèle d'amorçage


modèle de back-end

房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5

房产资源服务平台网页模板 Bootstrap5
Modèle d'amorçage

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4

简约简历资料网页模板 Bootstrap4
Modèle d'amorçage


这是一款可爱的夏天元素矢量素材,包含了太阳、遮阳帽、椰子树、比基尼、飞机、西瓜、冰淇淋、雪糕、冷饮、游泳圈、人字拖、菠萝、海螺、贝壳、海星、螃蟹、柠檬、防晒霜、太阳镜等等,素材提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

四个红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材(AI+EPS+PNG)

这是一款红的的 2023 毕业徽章矢量素材,共四个,提供了 AI 和 EPS 和免扣 PNG 等格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款由唱歌的小鸟和装满花朵的推车设计的春天 banner 矢量素材,提供了 AI 和 EPS 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。


这是一款金色的毕业帽矢量素材,提供了 EPS 和免扣 PNG 两种格式,含 JPG 预览图。

Modèle de site Web d'entreprise de services de nettoyage et de réparation de décoration intérieure

Le modèle de site Web d'entreprise de services de nettoyage et d'entretien de décoration d'intérieur est un modèle de site Web à télécharger adapté aux sites Web promotionnels qui proposent des services de décoration, de nettoyage, d'entretien et d'autres organisations de services. Astuce : Ce modèle appelle la bibliothèque de polices Google et la page peut s'ouvrir lentement.
Modèle frontal

Modèle de page de guide de CV personnel aux couleurs fraîches

Le modèle de page de guide de CV de candidature personnelle de correspondance de couleurs fraîches est un téléchargement de modèle Web de page de guide d'affichage de travail de CV de recherche d'emploi personnel adapté au style de correspondance de couleurs fraîches. Astuce : Ce modèle appelle la bibliothèque de polices Google et la page peut s'ouvrir lentement.
Modèle frontal

Modèle Web de CV de travail créatif de concepteur

Le modèle Web de CV de travail créatif de concepteur est un modèle Web téléchargeable pour l'affichage de CV personnels adapté à divers postes de concepteur. Astuce : Ce modèle appelle la bibliothèque de polices Google et la page peut s'ouvrir lentement.
Modèle frontal

Modèle de site Web d'entreprise de construction d'ingénierie moderne

Le modèle de site Web d'entreprise d'ingénierie et de construction moderne est un modèle de site Web téléchargeable adapté à la promotion du secteur des services d'ingénierie et de construction. Astuce : Ce modèle appelle la bibliothèque de polices Google et la page peut s'ouvrir lentement.
Modèle frontal
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