
Libérer: 2020-03-06 15:19:12
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#encoding=utf-8 import urllib2 import re class neihanba(): def spider(self): ''' 爬虫的主调度器 ''' isflow=True#判断是否进行下一页 page=1 while isflow: url=""+str(page)+".html" html=self.load(url),page) panduan=raw_input("是否继续(y/n)!") if panduan=="y": isflow=True page+=1 else: isflow=False def load(self,url): ''' 针对url地址进行全部爬去 :param url: url地址 :return: 返回爬去的内容 ''' header = { "User-Agent": " Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.79 Safari/537.36" } request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) html = return html def deal(self,html,page): ''' 对之前爬去的内容进行正则匹配,匹配出标题和正文内容 :param html:之前爬去的内容 :param page: 正在爬去的页码 ''' parrten=re.compile('
  • (.*?)
  • ',re.S) titleList=parrten.findall(html) for title in titleList: parrten1=re.compile('(.*)') ti1=parrten1.findall(title) parrten2=re.compile('
    ',re.S) til2=parrten2.findall(title) for t in ti1: tr=t.replace("","").replace("","") self.writeData(tr,page) for t in til2: tr=t.replace("


    ","").replace("&ldquo","\"").replace("&rdquo","\"") self.writeData(tr,page) def writeData(self,context,page): ''' 将最终爬去的内容写入文件中 :param context: 匹配好的内容 :param page: 当前爬去的页码数 ''' fileName = "di" + str(page) + "yehtml.txt" with open(fileName, "a") as file: file.writelines(context + "\n") if __name__ == '__main__': n=neihanba() n.spider()
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    #encoding=utf-8 import urllib import urllib2 import re class zhiLian(): def spider(self,position,workPlace): ''' 爬虫的主调度器 :param position: 职位 :param workPlace: 工作地点 ''' url="" url+=urllib.urlencode({"jl":workPlace}) url+="&" url+=urllib.urlencode({"kw":position}) isflow=True#是否进行下一页的爬去 page=1 while isflow: url+="&"+str(page) html=self.load(url) self.deal1(html,page) panduan = raw_input("是否继续爬虫下一页(y/n)!") if panduan == "y": isflow = True page += 1 else: isflow = False def load(self,url): ''' 针对url地址进行全部爬去 :param url: url地址 :return: 返回爬去的内容 ''' header = { "User-Agent": " Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.79 Safari/537.36" } request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) html = return html def deal1(self,html,page): ''' 对之前爬去的内容进行正则匹配,匹配职位所对应的链接 :param html:之前爬去的内容 :param page: 正在爬去的页码 ''' parrten=re.compile('.*?',re.S) til=parrten.findall(html)#爬去链接 for t in til: self.deal2(t,page) def deal2(self,t,page): ''' 进行二次爬虫,然后在新的页面中对公司、薪资、工作经验进行匹配 :param t: url地址 :param page: 当前匹配的页数 ''' html=self.load(t)#返回二次爬虫的内容 parrten1=re.compile('(.*?)\s+.*?',re.S) parrten2=re.compile('
  • 职位月薪:(.*?) .*?
  • ',re.S) parrent3=re.compile('
  • 工作经验:(.*?)
  • ',re.S) til1=parrten1.findall(html) til2=parrten2.findall(html) til3=parrent3.findall(html) str="" for t in til1: t=t.replace('',"") str+=t str+="\t" for t in til2: str+=t str += "\t" for t in til3: str+=t self.writeData(str,page) def writeData(self,context,page): ''' 将最终爬去的内容写入文件中 :param context: 匹配好的内容 :param page: 当前爬去的页码数 ''' fileName = "di" + str(page) + "yehtml.txt" with open(fileName, "a") as file: file.writelines(context + "\n") if __name__ == '__main__': position=raw_input("请输入职位:") workPlace=raw_input("请输入工作地点:") z=zhiLian() z.spider(position,workPlace)
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    #encoding=utf-8 import urllib import urllib2 import re class teiba(): def spider(self,name,startPage,endPage): url="" url+=urllib.urlencode({"kw":name}) for page in range(startPage,endPage+1): pn=50*(page-1) urlFull=url+"&"+urllib.urlencode({"pn":pn}) html=self.loadPage(url) self.dealPage(html,page) def loadPage(self,url): header={ "User-Agent":" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.79 Safari/537.36" } request=urllib2.Request(url,headers=header) response=urllib2.urlopen(request) return html def dealPage(self,html,page): partten=re.compile(r'(.*?)',re.S) titleList=partten.findall(html) rstr=r'#(.*?)#' for title in titleList: title=re.sub(rstr,"",title) self.writePage(title,page) def writePage(self,context,page): fileName="di"+str(page)+"yehtml.txt" with open(fileName,"a") as file: file.writelines(context+"\n") if __name__ == '__main__': name=raw_input("请输入贴吧名:") startPage=raw_input("请输入起始页:") endPage=raw_input("请输入终止页:") t=teiba() t.spider(name,int(startPage),int(endPage))
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