最简单粗暴和直接的方法——到github下载zip文件,slim github【链接】。解压之后把【1】Slim文件夹,【2】.htaccess文件和【3】index.php文件复制到www目录中。若看到以下网页说明slim安装成功。
图2 slim安装成功
[php]view plaincopy
get( '/', function () { echo 'Hello Slim'; } ); // POST route $app->post( '/post', function () { echo 'This is a POST route'; } ); // PUT route $app->put( '/put', function () { echo 'This is a PUT route'; } ); // PATCH route $app->patch('/patch', function () { echo 'This is a PATCH route'; }); // DELETE route $app->delete( '/delete', function () { echo 'This is a DELETE route'; } ); /** * Step 4: Run the Slim application * * This method should be called last. This executes the Slim application * and returns the HTTP response to the HTTP client. */ $app->run(); 此时再打开浏览器输入localhost将只能看到以下内容,其实浏览器使用get方法,在slim的Get路由中输出了Hello Slim。 $app->post( '/post', function () { echo 'This is a POST route'; } );
在slim中, '/post'为相对路径,该路径可支持变量。 function ()为后续的处理函数。其他HTTP方法也类似。
图3 Slim Get路由
curl --request POSThttp://localhost/post
curl --request PUThttp://localhost/put
curl --request DELETEhttp://localhost/delete
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