
Libérer: 2017-04-21 10:39:36
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<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% Option Explicit %> <% On Error Resume Next %> <% Response.Charset="UTF-8" %> <% Server.ScriptTimeout=99999999 %>
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<% Dim strLocalPath '得到当前文件夹的物理路径 strLocalPath=Left(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),InStrRev(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),"\")) Dim objXmlFile Dim objNodeList Dim objFSO Dim objStream Dim i,j Set objXmlFile = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") objXmlFile.load(Server.MapPath("update.xml")) If objXmlFile.readyState=4 Then If objXmlFile.parseError.errorCode = 0 Then Set objNodeList = objXmlFile.documentElement.selectNodes("//folder/path") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") j=objNodeList.length-1 For i=0 To j If objFSO.FolderExists(strLocalPath & objNodeList(i).text)=False Then objFSO.CreateFolder(strLocalPath & objNodeList(i).text) End If Response.Write "创建目录" & objNodeList(i).text & "
" Response.Flush Next Set objFSO = nothing Set objNodeList = nothing Set objNodeList = objXmlFile.documentElement.selectNodes("//file/path") j=objNodeList.length-1 For i=0 To j Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") With objStream .Type = 1 .Open .Write objNodeList(i).nextSibling.nodeTypedvalue .SaveToFile strLocalPath & objNodeList(i).text,2 Response.Write "释放文件" & objNodeList(i).text & "
" Response.Flush .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing Next Set objNodeList = nothing End If End If Set objXmlFile = Nothing response.write "文件解包完毕" %>
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pack.asp 打包文件


<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% Option Explicit %> <% On Error Resume Next %> <% Response.Charset="UTF-8" %> <% Server.ScriptTimeout=99999999 %>
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<% Dim ZipPathDir,ZipPathFile Dim startime,endtime '在此更改要打包文件夹的路径 ZipPathDir = "D:\testasp\dictionary\xmlPacked\scrollColor"' ZipPathFile = "update.xml" if right(ZipPathDir,1)<>"\" then ZipPathDir=ZipPathDir&"\" '开始打包 CreateXml(ZipPathFile) '遍历目录内的所有文件以及文件夹 sub LoadData(DirPath) dim XmlDoc dim fso 'fso对象 dim objFolder '文件夹对象 dim objSubFolders '子文件夹集合 dim objSubFolder '子文件夹对象 dim objFiles '文件集合 dim objFile '文件对象 dim objStream dim pathname,TextStream,pp,Xfolder,Xfpath,Xfile,Xpath,Xstream dim PathNameStr response.Write("=========="&DirPath&"==========
") set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") set objFolder=fso.GetFolder(DirPath)'创建文件夹对象 Response.Write DirPath Response.flush Set XmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") XmlDoc.load Server.MapPath(ZipPathFile) XmlDoc.async=false '写入每个文件夹路径 set Xfolder = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//root").AppendChild(XmlDoc.CreateElement("folder")) Set Xfpath = Xfolder.AppendChild(XmlDoc.CreateElement("path")) Xfpath.text = replace(DirPath,ZipPathDir,"") set objFiles=objFolder.Files for each objFile in objFiles if lcase(DirPath & objFile.name) <> lcase(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")) then Response.Write "---
" PathNameStr = DirPath & "" & objFile.name Response.Write PathNameStr & "" Response.flush '================================================ '写入文件的路径及文件内容 set Xfile = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//root").AppendChild(XmlDoc.CreateElement("file")) Set Xpath = Xfile.AppendChild(XmlDoc.CreateElement("path")) Xpath.text = replace(PathNameStr,ZipPathDir,"") '创建文件流读入文件内容,并写入XML文件中 Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Type = 1 objStream.Open() objStream.LoadFromFile(PathNameStr) objStream.position = 0 Set Xstream = Xfile.AppendChild(XmlDoc.CreateElement("stream")) Xstream.SetAttribute "xmlns:dt","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" '文件内容采用二制方式存放 Xstream.dataType = "bin.base64" Xstream.nodeTypedValue = objStream.Read() set objStream=nothing set Xpath = nothing set Xstream = nothing set Xfile = nothing '================================================ end if next Response.Write "

" XmlDoc.Save(Server.Mappath(ZipPathFile)) set Xfpath = nothing set Xfolder = nothing set XmlDoc = nothing '创建的子文件夹对象 set objSubFolders=objFolder.Subfolders '调用递归遍历子文件夹 for each objSubFolder in objSubFolders pathname = DirPath & objSubFolder.name & "\" LoadData(pathname) next set objFolder=nothing set objSubFolders=nothing set fso=nothing end sub '创建一个空的XML文件,为写入文件作准备 sub CreateXml(FilePath) '程序开始执行时间 startime=timer() dim XmlDoc,Root Set XmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") XmlDoc.async = False Set Root = XmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'") XmlDoc.appendChild(Root) XmlDoc.appendChild(XmlDoc.CreateElement("root")) XmlDoc.Save(Server.MapPath(FilePath)) Set Root = Nothing Set XmlDoc = Nothing LoadData(ZipPathDir) '程序结束时间 endtime=timer() response.Write("页面执行时间:" & FormatNumber((endtime-startime),3) & "秒") end sub %>

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