win98 PWS环境下连接读取远程SQLServer_PHP教程

Libérer: 2016-07-13 17:01:04
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Connect/Read Remote SQL server Using PWS in win 98
I had to test Microsoft's Personal Webserver (PWS) in win 98 to access Remote SQL server 7.0
installed in a NT server. The clients to win 98 had LAN connections. Easy one , don't vote, have fun with
PWS. In fact I tested my connection with this script, before I created an out of process server demo with

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' Name: Connect/Read Remote SQL server U
' sing PWS in win 98
' Description:I had to test Microsoft's
' Personal Webserver (PWS) in win 98 to ac
' cess Remote SQL server 7.0 installed in
' a NT server. The clients to win 98 had L
' AN connections. Easy one , don't vote, h
' ave fun with PWS. In fact I tested my co
' nnection with this script, before I crea
' ted an out of process server demo with V
' B.
' By: Manas Mukherjee

www.bkjia.comtrue Connect/Read Remote SQL server Using PWS in win 98 I had to test Microsoft's Personal Webserve...
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