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Comment convertir des nombres flottants en nombres entiers en JavaScript ?

Mary-Kate Olsen
Libérer: 2024-10-18 06:17:30
881 Les gens l'ont consulté

How Can You Convert Float Numbers to Whole Numbers in JavaScript?

Converting Float Numbers to Whole Numbers in JavaScript

Converting float numbers to whole numbers is a common task in JavaScript. There are two primary methods to accomplish this: truncation and rounding.

Truncation with Math.floor()

Truncation involves removing the decimal portion of a number, resulting in the nearest integer towards negative infinity. This is achieved using the Math.floor() function:

var intvalue = Math.floor(floatvalue);
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Rounding with Math.ceil() and Math.round()

Rounding can be performed in two ways:

  • Math.ceil(): Rounds the number up to the nearest integer towards positive infinity.
  • Math.round(): Similar to Math.ceil(), but rounds to the nearest integer, even if it's towards negative infinity when the fractional part is exactly 0.5.

The code below demonstrates these methods:

var intvalue = Math.ceil(floatvalue); 
var intvalue = Math.round(floatvalue);
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Additional Considerations

  • Math.trunc(): Available in ECMAScript 6, this function specifically truncates the number without rounding.
  • Other Methods: Bit manipulation operators like ~, >>, and >>> can also be used to convert floats to integers, although they may not be as efficient.


The following table illustrates the different conversion methods with various input values:

Value Math.floor() Math.ceil() Math.round()
Positive (Less than 3.5) Truncated Rounded up Rounded up
Positive (Greater than or equal to 3.5) Truncated Rounded up Rounded up
Negative (Greater than -3.5) Rounded up Truncated Truncated
Negative (Less than or equal to -3.5) Rounded up Truncated Rounded down

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