On August 30, 2024, the Bank of Russia will issue a commemorative silver coin of 3 rubles “300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg State University” of the
On August 30, the Bank of Russia will issue a commemorative silver coin of 3 rubles “300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg State University” of the “Historical Events” series. It was established by decree of Peter I on February 8 (January 28, old style) 1724 under the Academy of Sciences and became the first university in Russia. Now SPbU is one of the most famous universities in Russia, a major scientific and research center.
The silver coin with a face value of 3 rubles (pure precious metal weight – 31.1 g, alloy fineness – 925) has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 39.0 mm.
There is a raised edge around the circumference of both the front and back sides of the coin.
On the obverse of the coin there is a relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the inscriptions “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, “BANK OF RUSSIA”, the coin denomination “3 RUBLES”, the date “2024”, the designation of the metal according to the Periodic Table of Elements of D.I. Mendeleyev, the alloy fineness, the trademark of the St. Petersburg Mint and the mass of the pure precious metal.
On the reverse side of the coin there are relief images of the main building of the Saint Petersburg State University and the university symbols framed by a pattern of lines made using the laser matting technique; there are inscriptions: at the top along the circumference – “SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY”, at the bottom – “founded in 1724”.
The side surface of the coin is ribbed.
The coin is made in proof quality.
The mintage of the coin is 3.0 thousand pieces.
The issued coin is a legal tender in the territory of the Russian Federation and must be accepted at face value for all types of payments without restrictions.
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