Sauvegarde CakePHP

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CakePHP is an open-source tool for implementing dynamic programming; there are multiple methods to save the records in CakePHP. We can add new records to the table as well. We try to update the records at that time; we also need to perform the save operation per our requirement. One important thing is that we can say the common mistake in existing applications is that inherited code means when we have more than one relationship. We try to save the records, so this error can be solved by using multiple ways, depending on the developer.

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Overview of CakePHP save

One of the normal blunders we have found while doing Code Reviews of existing applications or simply working with acquired code is how HasMany relations information is saved. We have seen that to save HasMany relations; a few designers save the objective connection. Afterward, when the ID is recovered in the wake of saving, they save one for everyone and everything of the ‘many’ connection. There is no compelling reason to do this, as CakePHP can do this in one single ‘save’! You will not have any issue with conflicting information since all that will be put away in one exchange, and your code will look considerably more spotless.

Before saving operation, we need to work on a table class with a table registry. We can get the occasion out of the vault utilizing the get() technique. The get() technique will take the name of the information base table as a contention. This new case is utilized to get a specific record we need to refresh. Next, we must perform save operations such as cascading in multiple cases. Utilize this example to set new qualities you need to refresh, and afterward, at last, call the save () strategy with the TableRegistry class’ occurrence to refresh the record.

How to save Data in CakePHP?

Now let’s see how we can save the data in CakePHP as follows:

First, we need to create a new table and put some records into the table as follows:


`id` char(30) NOT NULL,
`EmpName` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
`EmpPass` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
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Now insert records in the newly created table as follows:


INSERT INTO `sampledemo` (`id`, `EmpName`, `EmpPass`) VALUES
('3', 'Siya','$2y$10$HKLH3YiZE'),
('4', 'Rohan','$2y$10$bZcoCTW'),
('5', 'Tanya','$2y$10$SnGQV8O');
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  • After executing the above query, we will get the following result, as shown in the screenshot.

Sauvegarde CakePHP

This is a simple way to insert the records into the table, but let’s consider that we need to update records and make some configurations as follows.

Now we need to make the changes in route.php as shown below:


use Cake\Http\Middleware\CsrfProtectionMiddleware;
use Cake\Routing\Route\DashedRoute;
use Cake\Routing\RouteBuilder;
$routes->scope('/', function (RouteBuilder $builder) {
$builder->registerMiddleware('csrf', new CsrfProtectionMiddleware([
'httpOnly' => true,
$builder->connect('/users/delete', ['controller' => 'sam, 'action' => 'delete']);
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Now we need to create a usercontroller.php file and write the following code.


namespace App\Controller;
use App\Controller\AppController;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;
class UsersController extends AppController{
public function sequence (){
$users = TableRegistry::get('users');
$query = $users->find();
public function delete($id){
$users_table = TableRegistry::get('users');
$users = $users_table->get($id);
echo "deleted successfully.";
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Now we need to create a directory for the user, and that file we call a ctp file, either sequence or index; as per our requirement, we can change the file’s name and write the following code.


<a href="add"> User</a>
foreach ($Output as $row):
echo "<tr><td>".$row->id."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row->Empname."</td>";
echo "<td>".$rows->EmpPass."</td>";
echo "<td><a href='".$this->Url->build(["controller" => "Users","action" => "edit",$row->id])."'>Edit</a></td>";
echo "<td><a href='".$this->Url->build(["controller" => "Users","action" => "delete",$row->id])."'>Delete</a></td></tr>";
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Now run the script in localhost and see the output; here is the result of the above implementation we illustrated using a screenshot.

Sauvegarde CakePHP

Now click on Edit Button; we get the following screen, as shown in the screenshot.

Sauvegarde CakePHP

Suppose we need to change our name and password of Tanya, then we need to click on the Edit button and enter the required details as shown in the following screenshot.

Sauvegarde CakePHP

Now click on the save button and see the reflection of the update command in the table; here, we illustrated this by using the following screenshot.

Sauvegarde CakePHP

CakePHP HABTM save

  • Saving information from a HasAndBelongsToMany (HABTM) relationship with CakePHP isn’t the simplest piece of utilizing this structure.
  • The fundamental trouble is that the configuration of HABTM information isn’t similar whether you need to relate existing records together (update passages in the join table) or make new records and partner them (make new records in the models’ table and the join table).

Saving with Associations

Given below shows what is saved with the association in CakePHP:

You can save some or the related substances as a whole whenever you save an element. As a matter of course, all first-level elements will be saved. For instance, saving an Article will refresh any filthy elements that are straightforwardly connected with the article’s table.

CakePHP provides the associated option to the developer as follows:

$specified table name->save($entity, ['associated' => ['Comments']]);
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In saving with the association, we can implement nested association between the different entities as follows:

$specified table name->save($entity, ['associated' => [specified column name]]);
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So in this way, we can implement saving with the association, and CakePHP also provides the different associations to the developer.


From the above article, we have taken in the essential idea of the CakePHP save and see the representation and example of the CakePHP save. Furthermore, we saw how and when we use the CakePHP save from this article.

Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!

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