What to do if php htmlentities is garbled
- Solution to garbled php htmlentities: 1. Use "htmlentities($str,ENT_COMPAT,"GB2312")"; 2. Output "htmlspecialchars($str)".
2023.03.14 14:56:01
htmlentities php
What does ^quxjg$c mean?
- ^quxjg$c means wrong file and cannot be opened; the reason is because the extension is almost an essential part of every file. If a file does not have an extension, the operating system cannot process the file and cannot determine how to process the file.
2021.06.21 14:44:47
What is the code for ^quxjg$c?
- ^quxjg$c indicates an error file and cannot be opened; the reason is that the extension is almost an essential part of every file. If a file does not have an extension, the operating system cannot process the file and cannot identify and process the file. file method.
2023.01.13 00:37:34