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How to use group by

Release: 2023-09-19 10:22:35
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The usage of group by is "SELECT column 1, column 2, ... FROM table name GROUP BY column 1, column 2, ...". Proper use of group by can achieve flexible classification of data. and aggregation calculations to meet different data analysis needs. Group by may have a certain impact on the performance of the database, especially when processing large amounts of data. When using group by, you should choose the grouping column reasonably to avoid excessive grouping. and aggregation operations to improve query efficiency.

How to use group by

Group by is a query statement commonly used in relational databases. It is used to group data according to specified columns and Aggregation calculations are performed for each group. By using the group by statement, the data can be classified according to the value of a certain column, thereby achieving data analysis and statistics. Below I will introduce the usage of group by and related precautions in detail.

1. Syntax:

The group by statement is usually used together with the select statement to specify the columns that need to be grouped. The basic syntax is as follows:

   SELECT 列1, 列2, ... FROM 表名 GROUP BY 列1, 列2, ...
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Among them, column 1, column 2, etc. represent the column names that need to be grouped, and the table name represents the name of the table to be queried.

2. Group calculation:

The group by statement is usually used with aggregate functions to calculate each group. Commonly used aggregate functions include sum, avg, count, max, min, etc. By using aggregate functions in the select statement, you can perform operations such as sum, average, count, maximum value, minimum value, etc. on each grouped data. For example, to calculate the total sales of each region, you can use the following statement:

   SELECT 地区, SUM(销售额) FROM 销售表 GROUP BY 地区
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3. Multi-column grouping:

The group by statement can specify multiple columns for grouping, which can achieve more Fine-grained data classification. For example, to group sales data by region and product type, you can use the following statement:

   SELECT 地区, 产品类型, SUM(销售额) FROM 销售表 GROUP BY 地区, 产品类型
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4. Filter grouping:

Sometimes we only group data that meets specific conditions and For aggregate calculations, you can use the having clause. The having clause is used after the group by statement to filter the grouped results. For example, to filter out regions with total sales greater than 10,000, you can use the following statement:

   SELECT 地区, SUM(销售额) FROM 销售表 GROUP BY 地区 HAVING SUM(销售额) > 10000
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5. Notes:

- Only the columns that appear in the select statement can be used in the group by statement. Or a column using an aggregate function.

- The column order in the group by statement is consistent with the column order in the select statement.

- The group by statement will aggregate rows with the same grouping value together, so each row in the result set represents a grouping.

- The group by statement sorts the results so that they are displayed in the order of the groups.

- The group by statement can be used with other query statements (such as where, order by, etc.) to further filter and sort the results.

By rationally using the group by statement, flexible classification and aggregation calculation of data can be achieved to meet different data analysis needs. However, it should be noted that the group by statement may have a certain impact on the performance of the database, especially when processing large amounts of data. Therefore, when using the group by statement, the grouping column should be selected appropriately to avoid excessive grouping and aggregation operations to improve query efficiency.

The above is the basic usage of group by and related precautions. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any further questions please feel free to let me know.

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