The example in this article describes how jquery implements mobile phone number selection. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
Some time ago, I saw that China Unicom’s free combination package was very attractive, so I decided to change my number. However, choosing a number is a very tiring task. I couldn’t choose the number I wanted in the free number list for a long time, so I wrote a script. The analysis of these mobile phone numbers, although not very accurate, at least filtered out the junk numbers. Welcome to make bricks.
The code depends on jQuery. If you are interested, you can refactor it yourself to remove the dependency.
It is recommended to use the debugging tool of Chrome browser to execute.
jquery mobile phone number analysis score:
/*class*/RegexpMatchScorer = function (/*Required RegExp*/reg, /*Required Number*/threshold){ return function(/*Required char[]*/numberArray){ if(!!numberArray && !!reg && !!threshold){ var matcheList = numberArray.join().match(reg); if(matcheList != null){ return matcheList.length * threshold; } } return 0; }; } //分析后8位号码计算号码分数 function analyseNumbers(/*Required String[]*/numberList, /*Optional Object{begin,size}*/range, /*Optional function(char[])[]*/addtionRules){ //无4号码计分 function non4(numberArray){ var threshold = 4; if(!numberArray.inArray("4")){ return threshold; } return 0; } //总数字量加分最高10分 function numberCount(numberArray){ var threshold = 10; var charCount = uniqueArray(numberArray).length; return threshold - ((charCount - 1) * (threshold / (numberArray.length - 1))); } //重复次数加分 function adjoinRepeat(numberArray){ var threshold = 2; var score = 0; for(var i=1;i<numberArray.length;i++){ var times = 0; if(numberArray[i - 1] == numberArray[i]){ times++; score+=threshold*times; }else{ times=0; } } return score; } //顺数加分(3位以上) function straight(numberArray){ var threshold = 2.5; var sideTimes = 2.5//顺数在两端时2.5倍得分 var inverseTimes = 0.6 var score = 0; for(var i=2;i<numberArray.length;i++){ var sTimes = 0; var iTimes = 0; if((Number(numberArray[i])-1==Number(numberArray[i-1]) && Number(numberArray[i])-2==Number(numberArray[i-2]) && ++sTimes) || (Number(numberArray[i])+1==Number(numberArray[i-1]) && Number(numberArray[i])+2==Number(numberArray[i-2]) && ++iTimes) ){ var sc = 0; if(i == 2 || i == numberArray.length - 1){ sc = threshold*sideTimes;//顺数在两端时2.5倍得分 }else{ sc = threshold; } score += sc * (sTimes + iTimes*inverseTimes); }else{ sTimes=0; iTimes=0; } } return score; } //数组去复 function uniqueArray(parr) { function _unique(_arr, i){ if(i>=_arr.length){ return; } if(_arr[i] == _arr[i+1]){ _arr.splice(i+1,1); _unique(_arr,i); }else{ _unique(_arr,i+1); } } var arr=parr.slice().sort(); _unique(arr,0); return arr; } /************* * 计分逻辑 **************/ var nonRepeatList = uniqueArray(numberList); var scorerList = [non4, numberCount, adjoinRepeat, straight, new RegexpMatchScorer(new RegExp("(6|8|9)","g"),0.7)]; if(!!addtionRules){ scorerList.concat(addtionRules); } var scoreTable = []; //分析号码 nonRepeatList.forEach(function(data){ var score = 0; var pn = data.toString(); if(!!range){ pn = pn.substr(range.begin, range.size); } var numberArray = pn.split(""); scorerList.forEach(function(scorer){ score += scorer(numberArray.slice()); }); //发布分数 scoreTable.push({"number":data, "score":score}); }); return scoreTable; }
Capture the number list and analyze:
//必须在num.10010.com下执行 var url = ""; var nl = []; for(var i=1;i<=50;i++){ var urli = url+i; $.get(urli,function(data,status){ var _json = eval(data); for(var j=0;j<(_json.moreNumArray.length/7);j++){ var idx = j*7; var num = _json.moreNumArray[idx]; nl.push(num); } }); } //待上面代码抓取号码完毕后分析号码 //查XX分以上的号码 (function(sc){var x=[];analyseNumbers(nl,{begin:-8,size:8}).forEach(function(d,i){if(d.score>=sc)x.push(d.number+" : "+d.score);}); return x.sort().join("\n");}) (/*score*/10);
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s jquery programming design.