//导出文件接口 public String export(){ return this.myExport(exportList); }
private String myExport(Listlist){ com.bronzesoft.power.tools.json.JSONObject info = new com.bronzesoft.power.tools.json.JSONObject(); try{ List headList = new ArrayList (Arrays.asList("年", "月", "部门","部门负责人","经营值","收入", "支出","填报工时","标准工时","经营参数")); Commonutil.export(list,headList,"部门经营总览导出"); info = Commonutil.setInfo(info,"部门经营总览导出"); }catch (Exception e){ LogUtil.error(this.getClass().getName()+".exportExcel()", e); } return info.toString(); }
First, understand the organizational form of an Excel file. The Excel file corresponds to a workbook (XSSFWorkbook). A workbook can be composed of multiple sheets (XSSFSheet), a sheet is composed of multiple rows (XSSFRow), and a row is composed of multiple cells (XSSFCell).
public staticboolean export(List list,List headList,String fileName){ return myExport(list,headList,fileName,com.bronzesoft.rdm.platform.util.Constants.PATH + com.bronzesoft.power.platform.Constants.TEMPFOLDER_DIR ); } //将list导出为excel,文件名为fileName public static boolean myExport(List list,List headList,String fileName,String path){ try{ if(!checkListAndHead(list,headList)){ LogUtil.info( "head的长度有问题,导出的文件不正确" ); } File file = new File(path + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx"); if(!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } //创建对应excel文件,存储路径path待确定 XSSFWorkbook workBook = new XSSFWorkbook(); //创建一个excel的sheet页 XSSFSheet sheet = workBook.createSheet(fileName); XSSFRow row = null; XSSFCell cell = null; Map styles = StyleUtil.createStyles(workBook); //表头样式 CellStyle headCenterIndex = styles.get("headCenter"); //列的样式居中,背景颜色为白色 CellStyle center = styles.get("centerWhite"); row = sheet.createRow(0); //表头数据 for (int i = 0; i < headList.size(); i++) { //创建列 cell = row.createCell(i); //设置列的value cell.setCellValue(headList.get(i)); //设置列的样式 cell.setCellStyle(headCenterIndex); } //表格数据 //写入表格数据 String codeName = ""; int rownum = 1; T obj = null; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ obj = list.get(i); if(null != obj){ Field[] fields = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); row = sheet.createRow(rownum); for(int j = 0; j< fields.length; j++){ fields[j].setAccessible(true); codeName = String.valueOf(fields[j].get(obj)); //创建第j列 cell = row.createCell(j); cell.setCellValue(Commonutil.getStringVal(codeName)); cell.setCellStyle(center); } } rownum++; } // //i代表列,设置列的宽度 // for (int i = 0; i < headList.size(); i++) { // if(i == 0){ // sheet.setColumnWidth(i, 2000); // }else if(i == 1 || i == 3){ // sheet.setColumnWidth(i, 6000); // }else{ // sheet.setColumnWidth(i, 4000); // } // } //将文件写到临时目录 FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); workBook.write(out); }catch (Exception e){ LogUtil.error(fileName + "export失败" ); } return true; } //检查head的size是否符合规范 public static boolean checkListAndHead(List list,List headList){ if(list.size()>0){ T t = list.get(0); if(getColumnCount(t) != headList.size()){ LogUtil.info( "head的长度有问题" ); return false; } } return true; } //获取一个对象成员变量的个数 public static int getColumnCount(T t){ Field[] fields = t.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); int count = fields.length; return count; }
public static JSONObject setInfo(JSONObject info,String fileName) throws Exception { Storage s = Commonutil.getDefaultStorage(); info.put("port", String.valueOf(s.getPort())); info.put("dirAddress", Base64Util.encode(com.bronzesoft.rdm.platform.util.Constants.PATH)); info.put("address", Base64Util.encode(com.bronzesoft.power.platform.Constants.TEMPFOLDER_DIR + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx")); info.put("name", Base64Util.encode(fileName)); info.put("extendName", "xlsx"); return info; }
function doExport(){ synAjax.tabCall("com.bronzesoft.rdm.SeDeptTotalTab", "export", null, function(data){ doDownload(data); }); } function doDownload(data){ console.log('data',data) r = eval('('+data+')'); $("#_file_dir").val(r.dirAddress); $("#_file_address").val(r.address); $("#_file_name").val(r.name); $("#_file_extname").val(r.extendName); if ($.browser.safari) { $("#_file_downform").attr("target", ""); } var servlet = powerPath + "download"; $("#_file_downform").attr("action", servlet).submit(); }
The above is the detailed content of How to export excel files using the export method in java. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!