How to install dependencies in golang

Release: 2023-04-14 13:55:46
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In recent years, Golang has become more and more popular among developers. Due to its characteristics such as parallelism, easy deployment, and high efficiency, it is widely used in various scenarios. When developing with Golang, installing dependencies is a necessary step.

This article will share from the following aspects:

  1. How and steps to install dependencies in Golang
  2. Golang’s dependency management tool
  3. Commonly used Golang libraries and dependencies

1. Golang installation dependency methods and steps

Before you start, you need to confirm that you have installed the Golang development environment. If you haven't installed it yet, you can go to the official website to download the latest version.

There are two main ways to install dependencies in Golang:

Method 1: Use the go get command

In the terminal or command line window, use the go get command to download and install the specified packages.

For example:

go get
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This command will download the source code of the gin framework and install it into the $GOPATH directory.

Method 2: Manually install dependency packages

The steps are as follows:

  1. Manually download the source code of the required dependency package
  2. Copy the source code to $ Under the GOPATH/src directory
  3. Enter the source code directory and execute the go install command to install

For example, we will manually install a dependency package below:

// 下载源码并解压
tar -zxf v2.0.tar.gz

// 将源码复制到 $GOPATH/src 目录下
cp -r mgo-2.0 $GOPATH/src/

// 安装依赖包
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install
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2. Golang Dependency management tool

Although using go get or manually installing dependency packages can meet the needs of installing dependencies, this method has a disadvantage: the version numbers of these dependency packages are not managed. If the dependency packages are Without updates, we cannot determine whether we need to update the version of dependent packages, and cannot effectively manage the versions and upgrades of dependent packages.

Therefore, many Golang dependency management tools have appeared in the industry, such as Dep, Glide, Go Modules, etc. This article will not introduce it further, you can choose according to your own needs.

3. Commonly used Golang libraries and dependencies

3.1 Golang Web Framework

  • Gin: A high-performance web framework with detailed usage documentation and easy to use.
  • Echo: A simple and flexible web framework suitable for quickly building APIs.
  • Beego: A complete Web App development framework that provides a series of functions such as MVC architecture, ORM, logs, and Session.

3.2 Database operation library

  • GORM: A powerful ORM library that supports multiple mainstream databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 and SQL Server.
  • sqlx: An enhanced library based on the standard library database/sql, providing a more convenient API and better performance.

3.3 Log library

  • Logrus: A scalable, easy-to-use log library that supports multiple log formats and hierarchies.

3.4 Configuration Library

  • Viper: A powerful and flexible configuration library that supports multiple configuration formats and sources and can be easily integrated into Golang applications.

3.5 Unit Test Library

  • GoConvey: A simple and easy-to-use testing framework that supports BDD style.

3.6 Microservice Framework

  • GoMicro: A pluggable microservice framework that supports multiple transmission protocols and is easy to expand.

3.7 Other useful libraries

  • Cobra: A library for quickly creating command line applications, supporting parameter parsing and subcommands.
  • Prometheus: A monitoring measurement library and time series database that supports multiple data collection methods and query methods.

The above are only some commonly used Golang libraries and dependencies, which are not enough to cover all scenarios. During development, you can select and integrate based on your needs.


This article introduces the methods and steps for Golang to install dependencies, as well as commonly used Golang libraries and dependencies. I hope this article can help you install dependencies during Golang development.

The above is the detailed content of How to install dependencies in golang. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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