Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

Release: 2023-04-08 19:51:01
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

Too many features will increase model complexity and overfitting, while too few features will result in underfitting of the model. Optimizing a model to be complex enough so that its performance is generalizable, but simple enough to be easy to train, maintain, and interpret is the main task of feature selection.

"Feature selection" means that some features can be retained and some others discarded. The purpose of this article is to outline some feature selection strategies:

  1. Remove unused columns
  2. Remove columns with missing values
  3. Irrelevant features
  4. Low variance features
  5. Multicollinearity
  6. Feature coefficient
  7. p-value
  8. Variance inflation factor (VIF)
  9. Based on features Importance feature selection
  10. Use sci-kit learn for automatic feature selection
  11. Principal component analysis (PCA)

The data set for this demonstration is under the MIT license Released from PyCaret - an open source low-code machine learning library.

The data set is pretty clean, but I did some preprocessing. Note that I am using this dataset to demonstrate how different feature selection strategies work, not to build the final model, so model performance is irrelevant.

First load the dataset:

import pandas as pddata = ''
df = pd.read_csv(data)
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

The dataset contains 202 rows and 26 columns - each row represents a car instance and each column represents its characteristics and corresponding prices. The columns include:

>> Index(['symboling', 'normalized-losses', 'make', 'fuel-type', 'aspiration', 'num-of-doors', 'body-style', 'drive-wheels', 'engine-location','wheel-base', 'length', 'width', 'height', 'curb-weight', 'engine-type', 'num-of-cylinders', 'engine-size', 'fuel-system', 'bore', 'stroke', 'compression-ratio', 'horsepower', 'peak-rpm', 'city-mpg', 'highway-mpg', 'price'], dtype='object')
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Now let’s delve into the 11 strategies for feature selection.

1. Delete unused columns

Of course, the easiest strategy is your intuition. Although intuitive, but sometimes useful, some columns will not be used in any form in the final model (e.g. "ID", "FirstName", "LastName", etc. columns). If you know a particular column won't be used, feel free to remove it. In our data, none of the columns have this problem so, I am not deleting any columns in this step.

2. Delete columns with missing values

Missing values are unacceptable in machine learning, so we use different strategies to clean missing data (such as imputation). But if a column is missing a lot of data, it's very good to remove it completely.

# total null values per column
symboling 0
normalized-losses 35
make 0
fuel-type 0
aspiration 0
num-of-doors 2
body-style 0
drive-wheels 0
engine-location 0
wheel-base 0
length 0
width 0
height 0
curb-weight 0
engine-type 0
num-of-cylinders 0
engine-size 0
fuel-system 0
bore 0
stroke 0
compression-ratio 0
horsepower 0
peak-rpm 0
city-mpg 0
highway-mpg 0
price 0
dtype: int64
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3. Irrelevant features

Whether the algorithm is regression (predicting numbers) or classification (predicting categories), features must be relevant to the target. If a feature shows no relevance, it is a prime target for elimination. Numerical and categorical features can be tested separately for correlation.

Numeric variables

# correlation between target and features
(df.corr().loc['price'].plot(kind='barh', figsize=(4,10)))
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

##In this example, peak-rpm, compression- Features such as ratio, stroke, bore, height, symboling have little correlation with price, so we can delete them.

It is possible to remove columns manually, but I prefer to do it programmatically using a correlation threshold (in this case 0.2):

# drop uncorrelated numeric features (threshold 
corr = abs(df.corr().loc['price'])
corr = corr[corr0.2]
cols_to_drop = corr.index.to_list()
df = df.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1)
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Categorical variables

You can use boxplots to find the correlation between target and categorical features:

import seaborn as sns
sns.boxplot(y = 'price', x = 'fuel-type', data=df)
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

The median price of diesel cars is higher than that of gasoline cars . This means that this categorical variable explains car prices, so it should be discarded. Each categorical column can be checked individually like this.

4. Low variance features

Check the difference of our features:

import numpy as np
# variance of numeric features
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

Here" bore" has extremely low variance, although it is a candidate for deletion. In this particular example, I'm reluctant to remove it because its value is between 2.54 and 3.94, so the variance is low:

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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!


Multicollinearity occurs when there is a correlation between any two features. In machine learning, it is expected that each feature should be independent of other features, i.e. there should be no collinearity between them. High horsepower vehicles tend to have high engine sizes. So you might want to eliminate one of them and let the other determine the target variable - price.

We can test for multicollinearity on numeric and categorical features separately:

Numerical variables

Heatmap is the easiest way to check and find relevant features.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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可以根据相关阈值手动或以编程方式删除这些功能。我将手动删除具有 0.80 共线性阈值的特征。

# drop correlated features
df = df.drop(['length', 'width', 'curb-weight', 'engine-size', 'city-mpg'], axis=1)
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还可以使用称为方差膨胀因子 (VIF) 的方法来确定多重共线性并根据高 VIF 值删除特征。我稍后会展示这个例子。




df_cat = df[['fuel-type', 'body-style']]
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!


crosstab = pd.crosstab(df_cat['fuel-type'], df_cat['body-style'])
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!


from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

输出依次是卡方值、p 值、自由度和预期频率数组。

p 值




# drop columns with missing values
df = df.dropna()
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# get dummies for categorical features
df = pd.get_dummies(df, drop_first=True)
# X features
X = df.drop('price', axis=1)
# y target
y = df['price']
# split data into training and testing set
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
# scaling
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.fit_transform(X_test)
# convert back to dataframe
X_train = pd.DataFrame(X_train, columns = X.columns.to_list())
X_test = pd.DataFrame(X_test, columns = X.columns.to_list())
# instantiate model
model = LinearRegression()# fit, y_train)
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如果正在运行回归任务,则特征适应度的一个关键指标是回归系数(所谓的 beta 系数),它显示了模型中特征的相对贡献。有了这些信息,可以删除贡献很小或没有贡献的功能。

# feature coefficients
coeffs = model.coef_
# visualizing coefficients
index = X_train.columns.tolist()
(pd.DataFrame(coeffs, index = index, columns = ['coeff']).sort_values(by = 'coeff')
.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(4,10)))
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

某些特征beta 系数很小,对汽车价格的预测贡献不大。可以过滤掉这些特征:

# filter variables near zero coefficient value
temp = pd.DataFrame(coeffs, index = index, columns = ['coeff']).sort_values(by = 'coeff')
temp = temp[(temp['coeff']>1) | (temp['coeff'] -1)]
# drop those features
cols_coeff = temp.index.to_list()
X_train = X_train[cols_coeff]
X_test = X_test[cols_coeff]
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7.p 值

在回归中,p 值告诉我们预测变量和目标之间的关系是否具有统计显著性。statsmodels 库提供了带有特征系数和相关 p 值的回归输出的函数。

如果某些特征不显著,可以将它们一个一个移除,然后每次重新运行模型,直到找到一组具有显着 p 值的特征,并通过更高的调整 R2 提高性能。

import statsmodels.api as sm
ols = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

8.方差膨胀因子 (VIF)

方差膨胀因子 (VIF) 是衡量多重共线性的另一种方法。它被测量为整体模型方差与每个独立特征的方差的比率。一个特征的高 VIF 表明它与一个或多个其他特征相关。根据经验:

  • VIF = 1 表示无相关性
  • VIF = 1-5 中等相关性
  • VIF >5 高相关

VIF 是一种消除多重共线性特征的有用技术。对于我们的演示,将所有 VIF 高于10的删除。

from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor
# calculate VIF
vif = pd.Series([variance_inflation_factor(X.values, i) for i in range(X.shape[1])], index=X.columns)
# display VIFs in a table
index = X_train.columns.tolist()
vif_df = pd.DataFrame(vif, index = index, columns = ['vif']).sort_values(by = 'vif', ascending=False)
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!


决策树/随机森林使用一个特征来分割数据,该特征最大程度地减少了杂质(以基尼系数杂质或信息增益衡量)。找到最佳特征是算法如何在分类任务中工作的关键部分。我们可以通过 feature_importances_ 属性访问最好的特征。


from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# instantiate model
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=200, random_state=0)
# fit model,y)
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# feature importance
importances = model.feature_importances_
# visualization
cols = X.columns
(pd.DataFrame(importances, cols, columns = ['importance'])
.sort_values(by='importance', ascending=True)
.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(4,10)))
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!


由于随机森林分类器有很多估计量(例如上面例子中的 200 棵决策树),可以用置信区间计算相对重要性的估计值。

# calculate standard deviation of feature importances
std = np.std([i.feature_importances_ for i in model.estimators_], axis=0)
# visualization
feat_with_importance = pd.Series(importances, X.columns)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,5)), ax=ax)
ax.set_title("Feature importances")
ax.set_ylabel("Mean decrease in impurity")
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!


10.使用 Scikit Learn 自动选择特征

sklearn 库中有一个完整的模块,只需几行代码即可处理特征选择。

sklearn 中有许多自动化流程,但这里我只展示一些:

# import modules
from sklearn.feature_selection import (SelectKBest, chi2, SelectPercentile, SelectFromModel, SequentialFeatureSelector, SequentialFeatureSelector)
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基于卡方的技术根据一些预定义的分数选择特定数量的用户定义特征 (k)。这些分数是通过计算 X(独立)和 y(因)变量之间的卡方统计量来确定的。在 sklearn 中,需要做的就是确定要保留多少特征。如果想保留 10 个功能,实现将如下所示:

# select K best features
X_best = SelectKBest(chi2, k=10).fit_transform(X,y)
# number of best features
>> 10
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如果有大量特征,可以指定要保留的特征百分比。假设我们想要保留 75% 的特征并丢弃剩余的 25%:

# keep 75% top features
X_top = SelectPercentile(chi2, percentile = 75).fit_transform(X,y)
# number of best features
>> 36
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正则化减少了过拟合。如果你有太多的特征,正则化控制它们的效果,或者通过缩小特征系数(称为 L2 正则化)或将一些特征系数设置为零(称为 L1 正则化)。

一些模型具有内置的 L1/L2 正则化作为超参数来惩罚特征。可以使用转换器 SelectFromModel 消除这些功能。

让我们实现一个带有惩罚 = 'l1' 的 LinearSVC 算法。然后使用 SelectFromModel 删除一些功能。

# implement algorithm
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
model = LinearSVC(penalty= 'l1', C = 0.002, dual=False),y)
# select features using the meta transformer
selector = SelectFromModel(estimator = model, prefit=True)
X_new = selector.transform(X)
>> 2
# names of selected features
feature_names = np.array(X.columns)
>> array(['wheel-base', 'horsepower'], dtype=object)
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序贯法有两种变体。前向选择技术从 0 特征开始,然后添加一个最大程度地减少错误的特征;然后添加另一个特征,依此类推。


# instantiate model
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0)
# select features
selector = SequentialFeatureSelector(estimator=model, n_features_to_select=10, direction='backward', cv=2)
# check names of features selected
feature_names = np.array(X.columns)
>> array(['bore', 'make_mitsubishi', 'make_nissan', 'make_saab',
'aspiration_turbo', 'num-of-doors_two', 'body style_hatchback', 'engine-type_ohc', 'num-of-cylinders_twelve', 'fuel-system_spdi'], dtype=object)
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11.主成分分析 (PCA)


# import PCA module
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# scaling data
X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X)
# fit PCA to data
pca = PCA()
evr = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
# visualizing the variance explained by each principal components
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
plt.plot(range(0, len(evr)), evr.cumsum(), marker="o", linestyle="--")
plt.xlabel("Number of components")
plt.ylabel("Cumulative explained variance")
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Summary of 11 feature selection strategies for machine learning!

20 个主成分解释了超过 80% 的方差,因此可以将模型拟合到这 20 个成分(特征)。可以预先确定方差阈值并选择所需的主成分数量。


这是对可应用于特征选择的各种技术的有用指南。在拟合模型之前应用了一些技术,例如删除具有缺失值的列、不相关的列、具有多重共线性的列以及使用 PCA 进行降维,而在基本模型实现之后应用其他技术,例如特征系数、p 值、 VIF 等。虽然不会在一个项目中完全使用所有策略,这些策略都是我们进行测试的方向。

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