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Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

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This article brings you relevant knowledge about java, which mainly introduces a detailed analysis of the reflection mechanism, including an overview of the reflection mechanism, understanding of class classes, and creating runtime classes. Objects and other contents, let’s take a look at them below. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

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## 1. Java Overview of reflection mechanism

1. Java Reflection

(1) Reflection (reflection) is the key to being regarded as a dynamic language. The reflection mechanism allows the program to execute You can obtain the internal information of any class with the help of ReflectionAPI, and directly operate the internal properties and methods of any object.

(2) After loading the class, a Class type object is generated in the method area of ​​the heap memory (a class has only one Class object). This object contains the complete Structural information of the class. We can see the structure of the class through this object. This object is like a mirror, through which we can see the structure of the class, so we vividly call it reflection.

Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

2. Dynamic language vs static language

(1) Dynamic language

is a type of language that can change its structure at runtime: for example, new functions, objects, and even codes can be introduced, existing functions can be deleted or other structural changes can be made. In layman's terms, the code can change its structure according to certain conditions at runtime.

Main dynamic languages: Objective-C, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Erlang.

(2) Static language

Corresponding to dynamic language, a language whose runtime structure is immutable is a static language. Such as Java, C, C. Java is not a dynamic language, but Java can be called a "quasi-dynamic language". That is to say, Java has a certain degree of dynamics, and we can use reflection mechanisms and bytecode operations to obtain characteristics similar to dynamic languages. The dynamic nature of Java makes programming more flexible!

(3) Research and application of Java reflection mechanism

Functions provided by Java reflection mechanism

    is running Determine the class to which any object belongs at run time
  1. Construct an object of any class at run time
  2. Determine the member variables and methods of any class at run time
  3. Obtain generic information at runtime and call member variables and methods of any object at runtime
  4. Process annotations at runtime to generate dynamic agents
Reflection related Main API

    java.lang.Class: Represents a class
  1. java.lang.reflect.Method: Represents the method of the class
  2. java.lang.reflect. Field: Represents the member variables of the class
  3. java.lang.reflect.Constructor: Represents the constructor of the class … …
2. Understanding the Class class

1. Class loading process

1.1 Preliminary understanding

After the program passes the

javac.exe command, one or more bytecodes will be generated File (ending with .class). Then we use the
java.exe command to interpret and run a certain bytecode file. Equivalent to loading a certain bytecode file into memory. This process is called class loading. The class loaded into the memory is called a runtime class, and this runtime class serves as an instance of Class.

In other words, an instance of

Class corresponds to a runtime class.

Runtime classes loaded into memory will be cached for a certain period of time. Within this time, we can obtain this runtime class in different ways.

1.2 Illustration of the class loading process

When the program actively uses a class, if the class has not been loaded into the memory, the system will pass the following three steps: steps to initialize this class.

Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

Loading of classes: Load the bytecode content of the

class file into memory, and convert these static data into The runtime data structure of the method area, and then generates a java.lang.Class object representing this class, which serves as the access entrance (i.e. reference address) to the class data in the method area. All class data that needs to be accessed and used can only be accessed through this Class object. This loading process requires the participation of the class loader.

● 验证:确保加载的类信息符合JVM规范,例如:以cafe开头,没有安全方面的问题
● 准备:正式为类变量(static)分配内存并设置类变量默认初始值的阶段,这些内存 都将在方法区中进行分配。
● 解析:虚拟机常量池内的符号引用(常量名)替换为直接引用(地址)的过程。

● 执行类构造器【clinit】()方法的过程。类构造器【clinit】()方法是由编译期自动收集类中 所有类变量的赋值动作和静态代码块中的语句合并产生的。(类构造器是构造类信 息的,不是构造该类对象的构造器)。
● 当初始化一个类的时候,如果发现其父类还没有进行初始化,则需要先触发其父类 的初始化。
● 虚拟机会保证一个类的()方法在多线程环境中被正确加锁和同步。

public class ClassLoadingTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
} }
class A {
static { m = 300;
static int m = 100;
// 这个A的类构造器<clinit>()方法由类变量的赋值和静态代码块中的语句按照顺序合并产生,类似于
// <clinit>(){
// m = 300;
// m = 100;
// }</clinit></clinit></clinit>
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1.3 了解:什么时候会发生类初始化?


  1. 当虚拟机启动,先初始化main方法所在的类
  2. new一个类的对象
  3. 调用类的静态成员(除了final常量)和静态方法
  4. 使用java.lang.reflect包的方法对类进行反射调用
  5. 当初始化一个类,如果其父类没有被初始化,则先会初始化它的父类


  1. 当访问一个静态域时,只有真正声明这个域的类才会被初始化
  2. 当通过子类引用父类的静态变量,不会导致子类初始化
  3. 通过数组定义类引用,不会触发此类的初始化
  4. 引用常量不会触发此类的初始化(常量在链接阶段就存入调用类的常量池中了)

1.4 类加载器的作用

 类加载的作用:将class文件字节码内容加载到内存中,并将这些静态数据转换成方法区的运行时数据结构,然后在堆中生成一个代表这个类的java.lang.Class对象,作为 方法区中类数据的访问入口。
 类缓存:标准的JavaSE类加载器可以按要求查找类,但一旦某个类被加载到类加载器 中,它将维持加载(缓存)一段时间。不过JVM垃圾回收机制可以回收这些Class对象。

Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

1.5 JVM中不同类型的类的加载器

Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

1.6 代码演示


    public void test1(){
        ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoaderTest.class.getClassLoader();
        ClassLoader classLoader1 = classLoader.getParent();
        ClassLoader classLoader2 = classLoader1.getParent();

        ClassLoader classLoader3 = String.class.getClassLoader();

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    public void test2() throws Exception {

        Properties pros =  new Properties();
        //读取配置文件的方式一://        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("jdbc.properties");//        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("src\\jdbc1.properties");//        pros.load(fis);

        ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoaderTest.class.getClassLoader();
        InputStream is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("jdbc1.properties");

        String user = pros.getProperty("user");
        String password = pros.getProperty("password");
        System.out.println("user = " + user + ",password = " + password);
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2. 何为Class类?


public final Class getClass()
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Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

 对象照镜子后可以得到的信息:某个类的属性、方法和构造器、某个类到底实现了哪些接口。对于每个类而言,JRE 都为其保留一个不变的Class类型的对象。
一个 Class对象包含了特定某个结构(class/interface/enum/annotation/primitivetype/void/[])的有关信息。


Class 对象只能由系统建立对象

 一个加载的类在 JVM中只会有一个Class实例


 每个类的实例都会记得自己是由哪个Class 实例所生成


Class class is the source of Reflection. For any class you want to dynamically load and run, you can only get the corresponding

## first.
#3. Common methods of Class class

Method nameFunction descriptionReturns the Call the default constructor and return an instance of the Returns the name of the entity (class, interface, array class, basic type or Returns the ##Class [] getInterfaces()ClassClassLoader getClassLoader()Class getSuperclass()Constructor[] getConstructors()Field[] getDeclaredFields()Returns a
static Class forName(String name) Class object of the specified class name name
Object newInstance() Class object
getName() void) represented by this Class object
Class getSuperClass() Class object# of the parent class of the current Class object
Get the interface of the current object
Returns the class loader of this class
Return the Class
Returns an array containing some Constructor objects
Returns Field An array of objects ##Method getMethod(String name,Class … paramTypes)
Method Object, the formal parameter type of this object is paramType <h3>3. 哪些类型可以有Class对象?</h3> <blockquote><p>(1)class: 外部类,成员(成员内部类,静态内部类),局部内部类,匿名内部类<br> (2)interface:接口<br> (3)[]:数组<br> (4)enum:枚举<br> (5)annotation:注解@interface<br> (6)primitive type:基本数据类型<br> (7)void</p></blockquote> <h2>三、获取Class类实例的四种方法</h2> <h3>1. 调用运行时类的属性:.class</h3> <blockquote><p>前提:若已知具体的类,通过类的class属性获取,该方法最为安全可靠, 程序性能最高<br> 示例: <code>Class clazz1 = String.class;

2. 通过运行时类的对象,调用getClass()

示例:Class clazz = “www.atguigu.com”.getClass();

3.调用Class的静态方法:forName(String classPath)

前提:已知一个类的全类名,且该类在类路径下,可通过Class类的静态方法forName() 获取,可能抛出ClassNotFoundException
示例: Class clazz = Class.forName(“java.lang.String”);

4. 使用类的加载器:ClassLoader

ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
Class clazz4 = cl.loadClass(“类的全类名”);

5. 代码演示

@Testpublic void test1() throws ClassNotFoundException {
            Class clazz1 = Person.class;
            System.out.println(clazz1);//class com.jiaying.java1.Person
            Person p1 = new Person();
            Class clazz2 = p1.getClass();
            System.out.println(clazz2);//class com.jiaying.java1.Person

            //方式三:调用Class的静态方法:forName(String classPath)
            Class clazz3 = Class.forName("com.jiaying.java1.Person");
            Class clazz5 = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
            System.out.println(clazz3);//class com.jiaying.java1.Person
            System.out.println(clazz5);//class java.lang.String

            System.out.println(clazz1 == clazz2);//true
            System.out.println(clazz1 == clazz3);//true

            //方式四:使用类的加载器:ClassLoader  (了解)
            ClassLoader classLoader = ReflectionTest.class.getClassLoader();
            Class clazz4 = classLoader.loadClass("com.jiaying.java1.Person");
            System.out.println(clazz4);//class com.jiaying.java1.Person
            System.out.println(clazz1 == clazz4);//true}
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四、 创建运行时类的对象

1. 引入



  1. 类必须有一个无参数的构造器。
  2. 类的构造器的访问权限需要足够。


  1. 通过Class类的getDeclaredConstructor(Class … parameterTypes)取得本类的指定形参类型的构造器
  2. 向构造器的形参中传递一个对象数组进去,里面包含了构造器中所需的各个参数。
  3. 通过Constructor实例化对象。

2. 语法步骤


String name = “atguigu.java.Person";Class clazz = null;clazz = Class.forName(name);
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Constructor con = clazz.getConstructor(String.class,Integer.class);
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Person p2 = (Person) con.newInstance("Peter",20);System.out.println(p2);
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3. 代码演示

    public void test1() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {

        Class<person> clazz = Person.class;



        Person obj = clazz.newInstance();

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4. 体会反射的动态性

    public void test2(){

        for(int i = 0;i <h2>五、获取运行时类的完整结构</h2><p>提供具有丰富内容的<code>Person</code>类</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">//接口public interface MyInterface {
    void info();}//注解@Target({TYPE, FIELD, METHOD, PARAMETER, CONSTRUCTOR, LOCAL_VARIABLE})@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)public @interface MyAnnotation {
    String value() default "hello";}//父类public class Creature<t> implements Serializable {
    private char gender;
    public double weight;

    private void breath(){

    public void eat(){
    }}//Person类@MyAnnotation(value="hi")public class Person extends Creature<string> implements Comparable<string>,MyInterface{

    private String name;
    int age;
    public int id;

    public Person(){}

    private Person(String name){
        this.name = name;

     Person(String name,int age){
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
    private String show(String nation){
        System.out.println("我的国籍是:" + nation);
        return nation;

    public String display(String interests,int age) throws NullPointerException,ClassCastException{
        return interests + age;

    public void info() {

    public int compareTo(String o) {
        return 0;

    private static void showDesc(){

    public String toString() {
        return "Person{" +
                "name='" + name + '\'' +
                ", age=" + age +
                ", id=" + id +
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1. 获取当前运行时类的属性结构

方法 作用
public Field[] getFields() 返回此Class对象所表示的类或接口的publicField
public Field[] getDeclaredFields() 返回此Class对象所表示的类或接口的全部Field
  • Field方法中:
方法 作用
public int getModifiers() 以整数形式返回此Field的修饰符
public Class> getType() 得到Field的属性类型
public String getName() 返回Field的名称
    public void test1(){

        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Field[] fields = clazz.getFields();
        for(Field f : fields){

        Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
        for(Field f : declaredFields){

    //权限修饰符  数据类型 变量名
    public void test2(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;
        Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
        for(Field f : declaredFields){
            int modifier = f.getModifiers();
            System.out.print(Modifier.toString(modifier) + "\t");

            Class type = f.getType();
            System.out.print(type.getName() + "\t");

            String fName = f.getName();

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2. 获取当前运行时类的方法结构

方法 作用
public Method[] getMethods() 返回此Class对象所表示的类或接口的public的方法
public Method[] getDeclaredMethods() 返回此Class对象所表示的类或接口的全部方法
  • Method类中:
方法 作用
public Class> getReturnType() 取得全部的返回值
public Class>[] getParameterTypes() 取得全部的参数
public int getModifiers() 取得修饰符
public Class>[] getExceptionTypes() 取得异常信息
    public void test1(){

        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
        for(Method m : methods){
        Method[] declaredMethods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
        for(Method m : declaredMethods){
    权限修饰符  返回值类型  方法名(参数类型1 形参名1,...) throws XxxException{}
    public void test2(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;
        Method[] declaredMethods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
        for(Method m : declaredMethods){
            Annotation[] annos = m.getAnnotations();
            for(Annotation a : annos){

            System.out.print(Modifier.toString(m.getModifiers()) + "\t");

            System.out.print(m.getReturnType().getName() + "\t");

            Class[] parameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
            if(!(parameterTypes == null && parameterTypes.length == 0)){
                for(int i = 0;i  0){
                System.out.print("throws ");
                for(int i = 0;i <h3>3. 获取当前运行时类的构造器结构</h3>
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方法 作用
public Constructor<t>[] getConstructors()</t> 返回此 Class 对象所表示的类的所有public构造方法。
public Constructor<t>[] getDeclaredConstructors()</t> 返回此 Class 对象表示的类声明的所有构造方法。
  • Constructor类中:
方法 作用
public int getModifiers() 取得修饰符
public String getName() 取得方法名称
public Class>[] getParameterTypes() 取得参数的类型

    public void test1(){

        Class clazz = Person.class;
        Constructor[] constructors = clazz.getConstructors();
        for(Constructor c : constructors){

        Constructor[] declaredConstructors = clazz.getDeclaredConstructors();
        for(Constructor c : declaredConstructors){


    public void test2(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Class superclass = clazz.getSuperclass();


    public void test3(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Type genericSuperclass = clazz.getGenericSuperclass();


    代码:逻辑性代码  vs 功能性代码
    public void test4(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Type genericSuperclass = clazz.getGenericSuperclass();
        ParameterizedType paramType = (ParameterizedType) genericSuperclass;
        Type[] actualTypeArguments = paramType.getActualTypeArguments();//        System.out.println(actualTypeArguments[0].getTypeName());
    public void test5(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Class[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();
        for(Class c : interfaces){

        Class[] interfaces1 = clazz.getSuperclass().getInterfaces();
        for(Class c : interfaces1){


    public void test6(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Package pack = clazz.getPackage();


    public void test7(){
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Annotation[] annotations = clazz.getAnnotations();
        for(Annotation annos : annotations){
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提高反射的效率。如果代码中必须用反射,而该句代码需要频繁的被 调用,那么请设置为true,使得原本无法访问的私有成员也可以访问,参数值为false则指示反射的对象应该实施Java语言访问检查。

1. 调用运行时类中指定的属性


方法 作用
public Field getField(String name) 返回此Class对象表示的类或接口的指定的publicField
public Field getDeclaredField(String name) 返回此Class对象表示的类或接口的指定的Field


方法 作用
public Object get(Object obj) 取得指定对象obj上此Field的属性内容
public void set(Object obj,Object value) 设置指定对象obj上此Field的属性内容


public class ReflectionTest {
    public void testField() throws Exception {
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Person p = (Person) clazz.newInstance();

        Field id = clazz.getField("id");


        set():参数1:指明设置哪个对象的属性   参数2:将此属性值设置为多少


        int pId = (int) id.get(p);

    如何操作运行时类中的指定的属性 -- 需要掌握
    public void testField1() throws Exception {
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Person p = (Person) clazz.newInstance();

        //1. getDeclaredField(String fieldName):获取运行时类中指定变量名的属性
        Field name = clazz.getDeclaredField("name");


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2. 调用运行时类中的指定的方法


  1. 通过Class类的getMethod(String name,Class…parameterTypes)方法取得 一个Method对象,并设置此方法操作时所需要的参数类型。
  2. 之后使用Object invoke(Object obj, Object[] args)进行调用,并向方法中 传递要设置的obj对象的参数信息。

Detailed analysis of java reflection mechanism (summary sharing)

Object invoke(Object obj, Object … args)
Object 对应原方法的返回值,若原方法无返回值,此时返回null

若原方法若为静态方法,此时形参Object obj可为null

若原方法形参列表为空,则Object[] argsnull
若原方法声明为private,则需要在调用此invoke()方法前,显式调用 方法对象的setAccessible(true)方法,将可访问private的方法。


    如何操作运行时类中的指定的方法 -- 需要掌握
    public void testMethod() throws Exception {

        Class clazz = Person.class;

        Person p = (Person) clazz.newInstance();

        getDeclaredMethod():参数1 :指明获取的方法的名称  参数2:指明获取的方法的形参列表
        Method show = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("show", String.class);

        3. 调用方法的invoke():参数1:方法的调用者  参数2:给方法形参赋值的实参
        Object returnValue = show.invoke(p,"CHN"); //String nation = p.show("CHN");


        // private static void showDesc()

        Method showDesc = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("showDesc");
        //如果调用的运行时类中的方法没有返回值,则此invoke()返回null//        Object returnVal = showDesc.invoke(null);
        Object returnVal = showDesc.invoke(Person.class);

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3. 调用运行时类中的指定的构造器


    public void testConstructor() throws Exception {
        Class clazz = Person.class;

        //private Person(String name)

        Constructor constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class);


        Person per = (Person) constructor.newInstance("Tom");

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