该代码使用 php-serial 项目进行串口通讯 ,完整代码打包下载:https://github.com/gonzalo123/gam-sms
AT+CPIN?\r : checks if SIM has the pin code. It answers +CPIN: READY or +CPIN: SIM PIN if we need to insert the pin number
AT+CMGS=”[number]”\r[text]Control-Z : to send a SMS (in php we have Control-Z with chr(26)). It returns OK or ERROR
AT+CMGF=1\r: set the device to operate in SMS text mode (0=PDU mode and 1=text mode). Returns OK.
AT+CMGL=\”ALL”\r read all the sms stored in the device. We also can use “REC UNREAD” Instead of “ALL”.
AT+CMGD=[ID]\r: Deletes a SMS from the device
<?php class Sms_Dummy implements Sms_Interface { public function deviceOpen() { } public function deviceClose() { } public function sendMessage($msg) { } public function readPort() { return array("OK", array()); } private $_validOutputs = array(); public function setValidOutputs($validOutputs) { $this->_validOutputs = $validOutputs; } }
2. 测试类
<?php require_once('Sms.php'); require_once('Sms/Interface.php'); require_once('Sms/Dummy.php'); $pin = 1234; $serial = new Sms_Dummy; if (Sms::factory($serial)->insertPin($pin) ->sendSMS(555987654, "test Hi")) { echo "SMS sent\n"; } else { echo "SMS not Sent\n"; }
3. 完整类
require_once('Sms.php'); require_once('Sms/Interface.php'); require_once('Sms/Serial.php'); $pin = 1234; try { $serial = new Sms_Serial; $serial->deviceSet("/dev/ttyS0"); $serial->confBaudRate(9600); $serial->confParity('none'); $serial->confCharacterLength(8); $sms = Sms::factory($serial)->insertPin($pin); if ($sms->sendSMS(555987654, "test Hi")) { echo "SMS sent\n"; } else { echo "Sent Error\n"; } // Now read inbox foreach ($sms->readInbox() as $in) { echo"tlfn: {$in['tlfn']} date: {$in['date']} {$in['hour']}\n{$in['msg']}\n"; // now delete sms if ($sms->deleteSms($in['id'])) { echo "SMS Deleted\n"; } } } catch (Exception $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case Sms::EXCEPTION_NO_PIN: echo "PIN Not set\n"; break; case Sms::EXCEPTION_PIN_ERROR: echo "PIN Incorrect\n"; break; case Sms::EXCEPTION_SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: echo "Service Not implemented\n"; break; default: echo $e->getMessage(); } }
4. PHP代码
<?php require_once('Sms.php'); require_once('Sms/Interface.php'); require_once('Sms/Http.php'); $serialEternetConverterIP = ''; $serialEternetConverterPort = 1113; $pin = 1234; try { $sms = Sms::factory(new Sms_Http($serialEternetConverterIP, $serialEternetConverterPort)); $sms->insertPin($pin); if ($sms->sendSMS(555987654, "test Hi")) { echo "SMS Sent\n"; } else { echo "Sent Error\n"; } // Now read inbox foreach ($sms->readInbox() as $in) { echo"tlfn: {$in['tlfn']} date: {$in['date']} {$in['hour']}\n{$in['msg']}\n"; // now delete sms if ($sms->deleteSms($in['id'])) { echo "SMS Deleted\n"; } } } catch (Exception $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case Sms::EXCEPTION_NO_PIN: echo "PIN Not set\n"; break; case Sms::EXCEPTION_PIN_ERROR: echo "PIN Incorrect\n"; break; case Sms::EXCEPTION_SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: echo "Service Not implemented\n"; break; default: echo $e->getMessage(); } }
以上就是PHP 通过 GSM Modem 收发短信的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(m.sbmmt.com)!