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Let's take a look at the most detailed Git usage tutorial in history

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Let's take a look at the most detailed Git usage tutorial in history

Git is the most advanced distributed version control system in the world. Cloning a project is very fast.

Every development can be cloned from the master A local repository, even if there is no network, you can submit code to the local warehouse, view logs, create project branches, etc.

Each repository can create unlimited branches, and a branch is a complete directory, and this The directory has complete actual files

Recommended (free):git

1. Installation

Search online for installation tutorials , I won’t introduce it here

After the installation is completed, find "Git"->"Git Bash" in the start menu, and pop up something similar to a command line window, which means that Git is installed successfully

Then you need to set the machine information. All Git repositories on this machine will use this configuration

$ git config --global user.name "username"
$ git config --global user.email "email@example.com"
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2. Create a repository

1. Create an empty directory (it is best not to contain Chinese)

$ mkdir mymenu
$ cd mymenu
$ pwd
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pwd command displays the current directory

2. Initialize the warehouse

The git init command turns this directory into a warehouse that can be managed by git

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/hxk/mymenu/.git/
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An empty warehouse is initialized, and there are more .git directories in the directory.

The system automatically creates the only master branch

The version control system can only track changes to text files, and the encoding method is utf -8

3. Basic file operations

Create a test.txt file with the following content:

Hello World
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1. Add files to the warehouse

$ git add readme.txt
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2. Submit the file to the warehouse.

$ git commit -m "a new file"
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-m is followed by the description of this submission. After the submission is successful, it will be displayed:

1 file changed: 1 file Changed (our newly added readme.txt file);

2 insertions: Two lines of content were inserted (readme.txt has two lines of content).

Why does Git require add and commit to add files? A total of two steps? Because commit can submit many files at one time, you can add different files multiple times

$ git add file1.txt
$ git add file2.txt file3.txt
$ git commit -m "add 3 files."
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If the submitted remarks are wrong, you can use the following command to modify just Submitted remarks

$ git commit --amend
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3. Modify the file

Modify the test.txt file as follows:

Hello World ABC
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$ git add test.txt
$ git commit -m "append ABC"
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Every commit will generate a " Snapshot"

4. View history

$ git log
commit 1094adb7b9b3807259d8cb349e7df1d4d6477073 (HEAD -> master)
Author: hxk <hxk@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri July 20 21:06:15 2018 +0800

    append ABC

commit eaadf4e385e865d25c48e7ca9c8395c3f7dfaef0
Author: hxk <hxk@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri July 20 20:59:18 2018 +0800

    a new file
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git log displays the latest to farthest commit log. We can see two commits, the last one is append ABC

The version number of git is a hexadecimal number calculated using SHA1

If you think the output information is too much, you can add --pretty=oneline

$ git log --pretty=oneline
1094adb7b9b3807259d8cb349e7df1d4d6477073 (HEAD -> master) append ABC
eaadf4e385e865d25c48e7ca9c8395c3f7dfaef0 a new file
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5. Roll back the historical version

$ git reset
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First of all, Git must know which version the current version is. In Git, HEAD is used to represent the current version, which is the latest submission 1094adb..., above One version is HEAD^, and the previous version is HEAD^^. Of course, it is easier to write 100 ^ for the previous 100 versions, so it is easier to count. Written as HEAD~100.

Go back to the previous version

$ git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at eaadf4e a new file
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Now check the historical version again

$ git log
commit eaadf4e385e865d25c48e7ca9c8395c3f7dfaef0
Author: hxk <hxk@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri July 20 20:59:18 2018 +0800

    a new file
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The previous version is no longer visible. If you want to go back to the previous version, you need to Knowing the version number, there is a head pointer inside git that points to the current version, and the pointer points back from the current version, so git rolls back the version very quickly

$ git reset --hard 1094adb7
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6. View historical commands

If not Remember the version number just now, you can use the following command:

$ git reflog
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7. Check the status

$ git status
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4. Workspace and staging area

One difference between Git and SVN The only difference is that there is a concept of temporary storage area

Explanation of terms:

Working Directory: refers to the directory that can be seen on the computer. For example, the mymenu folder is a working directory. Area

Repository: .git directory. There are many things stored in Git's repository, the most important of which is the temporary storage area called stage (or index), and Git provides us with The first branch master is automatically created, and a pointer to master is called HEAD.

git add is to add the files that need to be submitted to the temporary storage area

git commit is to add all the contents of the temporary storage area Submit to the current branch

----------------------Test it------------- -------------

Create a new testfile text file in the workspace

First use git status to check the status:

$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

    modified:   test.txt

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
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Git tells us very clearly that test.txt has been modified, but testfile has never been added, so its status is Untracked.

Submit the testfile and then check the status

$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

    new file:   testfile
    modified:   test.txt
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If you have not modified the workspace after submission, check the status and the workspace is clean

$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
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----- --------------------------Test ends--------------------------- --------------

5. Modification

1. Management modification



$ cat test.txt
Hello World ABC
This is the second line
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$ git add test.txt
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$ cat test.txt
Hello World ABC
This is the second line
This is the third line
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$ git commit -m "test add lines"
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第一次修改-->git add-->第二次修改-->git commit

add将工作区的修改存入暂存区,但是第二次修改并未存入暂存区,git commit只负责把暂存区的修改提交,所以正确的顺序应该是:

第一次修改 --> git add --> 第二次修改 --> git add --> git commit


$ git diff HEAD -- test.txt
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1)丢弃工作区的修改 git checkout -- file(--很重要,没有--,就变成了“切换到另一个分支”的命令

$ git checkout -- test.txt
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命令git checkout -- test.txt意思就是,把test.txt文件在工作区的修改全部撤销,这里有两种情况:



总之,就是让这个文件回到最近一次git commitgit add时的状态。

2)把暂存区的修改撤销掉(unstage),重新放回工作区 git reset HEAD <file>

$ git reset HEAD test.txt
Unstaged changes after reset:
M    test.txt
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git reset命令既可以回退版本,也可以把暂存区的修改回退到工作区。当我们用HEAD时,表示最新的版本。



$ rm test.txt
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一是要从版本库中删除该文件,那就用命令git rm删掉,并且git commit

$ git rm test.txt
$ git commit -m "remove test.txt"
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$ git checkout -- test.txt
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git checkout其实是用版本库里的版本替换工作区的版本,无论工作区是修改还是删除,都可以“一键还原”。

PS: 手动删除文件,然后使用git rm 和git add效果是一样的。













1)创建分支 git branch

切换分支 git checkout


$ git checkout -b dev
Switched to a new branch &#39;dev&#39;
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git checkout命令加上-b参数表示创建并切换,相当于以下两条命令:

$ git branch dev
$ git checkout dev
Switched to branch &#39;dev&#39;
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2)查看分支 git branch

然后,用git branch命令查看当前分支:

$ git branch
* dev
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git branch命令会列出所有分支,当前分支前面会标一个*号。


$ git checkout master
Switched to branch &#39;master&#39;
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3)合并某个分支到当前分支 git merge


$ git merge dev
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git merge命令用于合并指定分支到当前分支。合并后,再查看test.txt的内容,就可以看到,和dev分支的最新提交是完全一样的。

4)删除分支 git branch -d


$ git branch -d dev
Deleted branch dev (was b17d20e).
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$ git branch
* master
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$ git checkout -b feature1
Switched to a new branch &#39;feature1&#39;
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将test.txt修改了一下,加上“AND Simple”,在feature1分支上提交

Hello World ABC
This is the second line AND Simple
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$ git checkout master
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在master分支上,将test.txt的最后一行加上“& Simple”,提交:

Hello World ABC
This is the second line & Simple
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$ git merge feature1
Auto-merging test.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in test.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
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这时我们必须手动解决冲突后再提交,git status可以查看冲突的文件:

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of &#39;origin/master&#39; by 2 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

You have unmerged paths.
  (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
  (use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

    both modified:   test.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
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Hello World ABC
<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the second line & Simple
This is the second line AND Simple
>>>>>>> feature1
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This is the second line and Simple
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$ git add test.txt 
$ git commit -m "conflict fixed"
[master cf810e4] conflict fixed
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用git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit可以看到分支的合并情况,包括分支合并图(--graph)、一行显示(--pretty=oneline)、提交校验码缩略(--abbrev-commit)显示:

$ git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
*   cf810e4 (HEAD -> master) conflict fixed
| * 14096d0 (feature1) AND simple
* | 5dc6824 & simple
* b17d20e branch test
* d46f35e (origin/master) remove test.txt
* b84166e add test.txt
* 519219b git tracks changes
* e43a48b understand how stage works
* 1094adb append ABC
* eaadf4e a new file
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$ git branch -d feature1
Deleted branch feature1 (was 14096d0).
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通常,合并分支时,Git会用快速合并模式(Fast forward),但这种模式下,删除分支后,会丢掉分支信息。



$ git merge --no-ff -m "merge with no-ff" dev
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不使用Fast forward模式,merge后就像这样:如下图所示:






如果手头上有未完成的工作,先把工作现场git stash一下:

$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on dev: f52c633 add merge
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$ git status
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$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on dev: f52c633 add merge
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1)用git stash apply恢复,但是恢复后,stash内容并不删除,你需要用git stash drop来删除


$ git stash apply stash@{0}
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2)用git stash pop,恢复的同时把stash内容也删了:

$ git stash pop
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$ git branch -D 分支名
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$ git remote
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$ git remote -v
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$ git push origin master
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$ git pull
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如果git pull报错:没有指定本地分支与远程分支的链接,我们就要手动设置一下

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<远程分支名> 本地分支名
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$ git rebase
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Lets take a look at the most detailed Git usage tutorial in history


Lets take a look at the most detailed Git usage tutorial in history



1)新建一个标签(默认为HEAD,也可以指定一个commit id)


$ git tag <标签名>
$ git tag <标签名> <commit id>
$ git tag -a <标签名> -m "备注"
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git tag查看所有标签,用git show 标签名查看指定的某个标签信息

$ git tag
$ git show <标签名>
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$ git tag -d <标签名>
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$ git tag -d <标签名>
$ git push origin :refs/tags/<标签名>
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推送某个标签到远程 git push origin <tagname>

推送全部尚未推送到远程的本地标签 git push origin --tags

$ git push origin <标签名>
$ git push origin --tags
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To be continued...

The above is the detailed content of Let's take a look at the most detailed Git usage tutorial in history. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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