The URL format is written using the domain name system to name the URL, which is the domain name address; the domain name address is expressed hierarchically, with cn for China and us for the United States. The leftmost is the server category. www means that this computer is A web server.
#The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.
Web addressusually refers to the address of a web page on the Internet. Enterprises, institutions or individuals use technical processing to store some information on the Internet in a page-by-page manner. Each page has a corresponding address so that other users can access and obtain information. Such addresses are called URLs. URL In the Internet, if you want to access another computer on the Internet from one computer, you must know the other party's URL.
The URL mentioned here actually refers to two connotations, namely IP address and domain name address. On the surface, these two terms are quite technical, but as long as you explain them, you will understand the whole story.
However, it is difficult for people to remember computer URLs represented by numbers, not to mention there are tens of millions of IP addresses on the Internet. In order to solve this problem, computers are represented by names that people are good at remembering. In order to ensure the uniqueness of computer identification on the Internet, one solution can be to use centralized naming and management. There is only one organization on the entire Internet responsible for this work. Obviously, this solution is unrealistic. Therefore, the Internet provides a naming mechanism called the domain name system.
The URL named using the domain name system is the domain name address. The domain name address is expressed hierarchically, with cn for China, us for the United States, the server category on the far left, and www indicating that this computer is a Web server.
A URL usually refers to the address of a web page on the Internet. The Internet URL is an important identifier of the Internet. You must enter the Internet URL to browse network information and run network application software. Internet URLs vary with application content. IP addresses or domain names are used to access servers; email addresses are used to send and receive emails; file addresses are used to access files on the network.
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