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Detailed explanation of java internal classes (with relevant interview questions)

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Detailed explanation of java internal classes (with relevant interview questions)

Speaking of the term internal class, many people must be familiar with it, but they may feel unfamiliar with it. The reason is that there are not many scenarios that may be used when writing code. The most common use cases are when there is event monitoring, and even if they are used, the usage of internal classes is rarely summarized. Let’s find out today.

1. Basics of internal classes

In Java, a class can be defined in another class or in a method, like this Classes are called inner classes. Inner classes in a broad sense generally include these four types: member inner classes, local inner classes, anonymous inner classes and static inner classes. Let’s first understand the usage of these four internal classes.

1. Member inner class

Member inner class is the most common inner class. It is defined as located inside another class, in the following form:

class Circle { double radius = 0; public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } class Draw { //内部类 public void drawSahpe() { System.out.println("drawshape"); } } }
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It seems that class Draw is like a member of class Circle, and Circle is called an external class. A member inner class can unconditionally access all member properties and member methods of the outer class (including private members and static members).

class Circle { private double radius = 0; public static int count =1; public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } class Draw { //内部类 public void drawSahpe() { System.out.println(radius); //外部类的private成员 System.out.println(count); //外部类的静态成员 } } }
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However, it should be noted that when a member inner class has a member variable or method with the same name as the outer class, hiding will occur, that is, by default, members of the member inner class are accessed. If you want to access a member of the external class with the same name, you need to access it in the following form:

External class.this.Member variable

External class.this.Member method

Although the member inner class can unconditionally access the members of the outer class, the outer class is not so free to access the members of the member inner class. If you want to access members of a member inner class in an outer class, you must first create an object of the member inner class, and then access it through a reference pointing to this object:

class Circle { private double radius = 0; public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; getDrawInstance().drawSahpe(); //必须先创建成员内部类的对象,再进行访问 } private Draw getDrawInstance() { return new Draw(); } class Draw { //内部类 public void drawSahpe() { System.out.println(radius); //外部类的private成员 } } }
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The member inner class exists dependent on the outer class. , that is, if you want to create an object of a member inner class, the premise is that an object of the outer class must exist. The general way to create member inner class objects is as follows:

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { //第一种方式: Outter outter = new Outter(); Outter.Inner inner = outter.new Inner(); //必须通过Outter对象来创建 //第二种方式: Outter.Inner inner1 = outter.getInnerInstance(); } } class Outter { private Inner inner = null; public Outter() { } public Inner getInnerInstance() { if(inner == null) inner = new Inner(); return inner; } class Inner { public Inner() { } } }
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Inner classes can have private access rights, protected access rights, public access rights and package access rights. For example, in the above example, if the member inner class Inner is modified with private, it can only be accessed inside the external class. If it is modified with public, it can be accessed anywhere;

If it is modified with protected, it can only be accessed It can be accessed under the same package or by inheriting an external class; if it is the default access permission, it can only be accessed under the same package. This is a little different from external classes. External classes can only be modified with public and package access permissions.

2. Local internal class

A local internal class is a class defined in a method or a scope. The difference between it and a member internal class is that the local internal class Access is limited to the method or scope.

class People{ public People() { } } class Man{ public Man(){ } public People getWoman(){ class Woman extends People{ //局部内部类 int age =0; } return new Woman(); } }
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Note that a local inner class is like a local variable in a method and cannot have public, protected, private and static modifiers.

3. Anonymous inner classes

Anonymous inner classes should be the most commonly used when we write code. Using anonymous inner classes when writing event monitoring code is not only Convenient and makes the code easier to maintain. The following code is an Android event listening code:

scan_bt.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); history_bt.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } });
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This code sets listeners for two buttons, using anonymous internal classes. In this code:

new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
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is the use of anonymous inner classes. In the code, a listener object needs to be set for the button. Using an anonymous inner class can generate a corresponding object while implementing the methods in the parent class or interface, but the premise is that the parent class or interface must first exist before it can be used in this way. Of course, writing like the following is also possible, which has the same effect as using anonymous inner classes above.

private void setListener() { scan_bt.setOnClickListener(new Listener1()); history_bt.setOnClickListener(new Listener2()); } class Listener1 implements View.OnClickListener{ @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } class Listener2 implements View.OnClickListener{ @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
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Although this writing method can achieve the same effect, it is lengthy and difficult to maintain, so anonymous inner class methods are generally used to write event monitoring code. Similarly, anonymous inner classes cannot have access modifiers and static modifiers.

Anonymous inner classes are the only classes without a constructor. Because it has no constructor, the scope of use of anonymous inner classes is very limited. Most anonymous inner classes are used for interface callbacks. The anonymous inner class is automatically named Oututter$1.class by the system during compilation.

Generally speaking, anonymous inner classes are used to inherit other classes or implement interfaces. They do not need to add additional methods, but only implement or rewrite inherited methods.

4. Static inner class

A static inner class is also a class defined in another class, but there is an additional keyword static in front of the class. A static inner class does not need to depend on an outer class. This is somewhat similar to the static member properties of the class, and it cannot use non-static member variables or methods of the outer class. This is easy to understand, because there is no object of the outer class. In this case, you can create an object of a static inner class. If you allow access to non-static members of the outer class, there will be a contradiction, because the non-static members of the outer class must be attached to the specific object.

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Outter.Inner inner = new Outter.Inner(); } } class Outter { public Outter() { } static class Inner { public Inner() { } } }
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Detailed explanation of java internal classes (with relevant interview questions)




public class Outter { private Inner inner = null; public Outter() { } public Inner getInnerInstance() { if(inner == null) inner = new Inner(); return inner; } protected class Inner { public Inner() { } } }
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Detailed explanation of java internal classes (with relevant interview questions)


E:\Workspace\Test\bin\com\cxh\test2>javap -v Outter$Inner Compiled from "Outter.java" public class com.cxh.test2.Outter$Inner extends java.lang.Object SourceFile: "Outter.java" InnerClass: #24= #1 of #22; //Inner=class com/cxh/test2/Outter$Inner of class com/cxh/tes t2/Outter minor version: 0 major version: 50 Constant pool: const #1 = class #2; // com/cxh/test2/Outter$Inner const #2 = Asciz com/cxh/test2/Outter$Inner; const #3 = class #4; // java/lang/Object const #4 = Asciz java/lang/Object; const #5 = Asciz this$0; const #6 = Asciz Lcom/cxh/test2/Outter;; const #7 = Asciz ; const #8 = Asciz (Lcom/cxh/test2/Outter;)V; const #9 = Asciz Code; const #10 = Field #1.#11; // com/cxh/test2/Outter$Inner.this$0:Lcom/cxh/t est2/Outter; const #11 = NameAndType #5:#6;// this$0:Lcom/cxh/test2/Outter; const #12 = Method #3.#13; // java/lang/Object."":()V const #13 = NameAndType #7:#14;// "":()V const #14 = Asciz ()V; const #15 = Asciz LineNumberTable; const #16 = Asciz LocalVariableTable; const #17 = Asciz this; const #18 = Asciz Lcom/cxh/test2/Outter$Inner;; const #19 = Asciz SourceFile; const #20 = Asciz Outter.java; const #21 = Asciz InnerClasses; const #22 = class #23; // com/cxh/test2/Outter const #23 = Asciz com/cxh/test2/Outter; const #24 = Asciz Inner; { final com.cxh.test2.Outter this$0; public com.cxh.test2.Outter$Inner(com.cxh.test2.Outter); Code: Stack=2, Locals=2, Args_size=2 0: aload_0 1: aload_1 2: putfield #10; //Field this$0:Lcom/cxh/test2/Outter; 5: aload_0 6: invokespecial #12; //Method java/lang/Object."":()V 9: return LineNumberTable: line 16: 0 line 18: 9 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 10 0 this Lcom/cxh/test2/Outter$Inner; }
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final com.cxh.test2.Outter this$0;
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public com.cxh.test2.Outter$Inner(com.cxh.test2.Outter);
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从这里可以看出,虽然我们在定义的内部类的构造器是无参构造器,编译器还是会默认添加一个参数,该参数的类型为指向外部类对象的一个引用,所以成员内部类中的Outter this&0 指针便指向了外部类对象,因此可以在成员内部类中随意访问外部类的成员。

从这里也间接说明了成员内部类是依赖于外部类的,如果没有创建外部类的对象,则无法对Outter this&0引用进行初始化赋值,也就无法创建成员内部类的对象了。



public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { } public void test(final int b) { final int a = 10; new Thread(){ public void run() { System.out.println(a); System.out.println(b); }; }.start(); } }
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Detailed explanation of java internal classes (with relevant interview questions)

根据上图可知,test方法中的匿名内部类的名字被起为 Test$1。


当test方法执行完毕之后,变量a的生命周期就结束了,而此时Thread对象的生命周期很可能还没有结束,那么在Thread的run方法中继续访问变量a就变成不可能了,但是又要实现这样的效果,怎么办呢?Java采用了 复制 的手段来解决这个问题。将这段代码的字节码反编译可以得到下面的内容:

Detailed explanation of java internal classes (with relevant interview questions)


bipush 10
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public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { } public void test(final int a) { new Thread(){ public void run() { System.out.println(a); }; }.start(); } }
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Detailed explanation of java internal classes (with relevant interview questions)



从上面可以看出,在run方法中访问的变量a根本就不是test方法中的局部变量a。这样一来就解决了前面所说的 生命周期不一致的问题。



到这里,想必大家应该清楚为何 方法中的局部变量和形参都必须用final进行限定了。


从前面可以知道,静态内部类是不依赖于外部类的,也就说可以在不创建外部类对象的情况下创建内部类的对象。另外,静态内部类是不持有指向外部类对象的引用的,这个读者可以自己尝试反编译class文件看一下就知道了,是没有Outter this&0引用的。









public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ // 初始化Bean1 (1) bean1.I++; // 初始化Bean2 (2) bean2.J++; //初始化Bean3 (3) bean3.k++; } class Bean1{ public int I = 0; } static class Bean2{ public int J = 0; } } class Bean{ class Bean3{ public int k = 0; } }
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创建静态内部类对象的一般形式为: 外部类类名.内部类类名 xxx = new 外部类类名.内部类类名()

创建成员内部类对象的一般形式为: 外部类类名.内部类类名 xxx = 外部类对象名.new 内部类类名()


Test test = new Test(); Test.Bean1 bean1 = test.new Bean1();
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Test.Bean2 b2 = new Test.Bean2();
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Bean bean = new Bean(); Bean.Bean3 bean3 = bean.new Bean3();
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public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Outter outter = new Outter(); outter.new Inner().print(); } } class Outter { private int a = 1; class Inner { private int a = 2; public void print() { int a = 3; System.out.println("局部变量:" + a); System.out.println("内部类变量:" + this.a); System.out.println("外部类变量:" + Outter.this.a); } } }
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1)成员内部类的引用方式必须为 Outter.Inner.


class WithInner { class Inner{ } } class InheritInner extends WithInner.Inner { // InheritInner() 是不能通过编译的,一定要加上形参 InheritInner(WithInner wi) { wi.super(); //必须有这句调用 } public static void main(String[] args) { WithInner wi = new WithInner(); InheritInner obj = new InheritInner(wi); } }
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