This article will use a stored procedure to determine whether a column (field) exists. Please see details.
Recommended courses:MySQL Tutorial.
Determine whether the field exists:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS schema_change; DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE schema_change() BEGIN DECLARE CurrentDatabase VARCHAR(100); SELECT DATABASE() INTO CurrentDatabase; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema=CurrentDatabase AND table_name = 'rtc_order' AND column_name = 'IfUpSend') THEN ALTER TABLE rtc_order ADD COLUMN `IfUpSend` BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否上传 是否上传'; END IF; END// DELIMITER ; CALL schema_change();
mysql Determine whether the field exists. If it exists, modify the field:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_tempPro; if(@count>0) THEN alter table 表名 change column `旧列名` `新列名` varchar(30) comment '字段说明'; end if; end; call proc_tempPro; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_tempPro;
Determine through stored procedures Whether the field exists, if not, increase:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS pro_AddColumn; CREATE PROCEDURE pro_AddColumn() BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='component' AND COLUMN_NAME='PRINT_CHECK_STATUS') THEN ALTER TABLE component ADD PRINT_CHECK_STATUS int(10) default 0; END IF; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='component' AND COLUMN_NAME='PRINT_CHECK_TIME') THEN ALTER TABLE component ADD PRINT_CHECK_TIME datetime NULL; END IF; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema=podcloud AND table_name='component' AND COLUMN_NAME='PRINT_CHECK_BACK_REASON') THEN ALTER TABLE component ADD PRINT_CHECK_BACK_REASON varchar(500) default null; END IF; END; CALL pro_AddColumn; DROP PROCEDURE pro_AddColumn; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS pro_AddIndex; DELIMITER; CREATE PROCEDURE pro_AddIndex() BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema=CurrentDatabase AND table_name = 'rtc_phototype' AND index_name = 'index_name') THEN ALTER TABLE `rtc_Phototype` ADD INDEX index_name ( `imgtype` ); END IF; END; DELIMITER; CALL pro_AddIndex(); Drop procedure pro_AddIndex;
The above is the detailed content of mysql determines whether a column exists. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!