This article brings you an introduction to the use of timer functions in js (with code). It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
The setTimeout function is used to specify the number of milliseconds after which a function or a certain piece of code will be executed. It returns an integer representing the timer number, which can be used to cancel the timer later.
var timerId = setTimeout(func|code, delay)
In the above code, the setTimeout function accepts two parameters. The first parameter func|code is the name of the function or a piece of code to be delayed, and the second parameter delay is the number of milliseconds to delay execution.
It should be noted that the code to postpone execution must be put into setTimeout in the form of a string, because the engine uses the eval function internally to convert the string into code. If the postponed execution is a function, you can directly put the function name into setTimeout. On the one hand, the eval function has security concerns, and on the other hand, in order to facilitate the JavaScript engine to optimize the code, the setTimeout method usually takes the form of a function name, as shown below.
function f(){ console.log(2); } setTimeout(f,1000); // 或者 setTimeout(function (){ console.log(2) },1000);
If the second parameter of setTimeout is omitted, this parameter defaults to 0.
In addition to the first two parameters, setTimeout also allows adding more parameters. They will be passed into the deferred function (callback function).
setTimeout(function(a,b){ console.log(a+b); },1000,1,1);
In the above code, setTimeout has a total of 4 parameters. The last two parameters will be used as parameters of the callback function when the callback function is executed after 1000 milliseconds.
IE9.0 and below only allow setTimeout to have two parameters and do not support more parameters. There are three solutions at this time. The first is to run the callback function with parameters in an anonymous function, and then enter the anonymous function into setTimeout.
setTimeout(function() { myFunc("one","two", "three"); }, 1000);
In the above code, myFunc is the function that really wants to defer execution and has three parameters. If you put setTimeout directly, lower versions of IE cannot take parameters, so you can put it in an anonymous function.
The second solution is to use the bind method to bind the extra parameters to the callback function and generate a new function input setTimeout.
setTimeout(function(arg1){}.bind(undefined, 10), 1000);
In the above code, the first parameter of the bind method is undefined, which means that this of the original function is bound to the global scope, and the second parameter is the parameter to be passed into the original function. When run, it returns a new function that takes no parameters.
The third solution is to customize setTimeout and use the apply method to input parameters into the callback function.
<!--[if lte IE 9]> <script>(function(f){ window.setTimeout =f(window.setTimeout); window.setInterval =f(window.setInterval); })(function(f){ return function(c,t){ var a=[],2); returnf(function(){ c.apply(this,a)},t)}}); </script> <![endif]-->
In addition to parameter issues, there is another thing to note about setTimeout: if the callback function delayed by setTimeout is a method of an object, then the this keyword in the method will point to the global environment instead of The object in which it was defined.
var x = 1; var o = { x: 2, y: function(){ console.log(this.x); } }; setTimeout(o.y,1000);
Output result: 1
The above code outputs 1, not 2, which means that this of o.y no longer points to o, but to the global environment.
Look at another example where errors are not easy to find.
function User(login) { this.login = login; this.sayHi = function(){ console.log(this.login); } } var user = new User('John'); setTimeout(user.sayHi, 1000);
The above code will only display undefined, because when user.sayHi is executed, it is executed in the global object, so this.login cannot get the value.
In order to prevent this problem, one solution is to execute user.sayHi in a function.
setTimeout(function() { user.sayHi(); }, 1000);
In the above code, sayHi is executed in the user scope, not in the global scope, so the correct value can be displayed.
Another solution is to use the bind method to bind sayHi to user.
setTimeout(user.sayHi.bind(user), 1000);
The HTML 5 standard stipulates that the minimum time interval for setTimeout is 4 milliseconds. In order to save power, the browser will expand the time interval to 1000 milliseconds for pages that are not in the current window. In addition, if the laptop is on battery power, Chrome and IE 9 and above will switch the time interval to the system timer, which is approximately 15.6 milliseconds.
The usage of the setInterval function is exactly the same as setTimeout. The only difference is that setInterval specifies that a task should be executed every once in a while, which means it is not an unlimited number of scheduled executions. .
<input type="button" onclick="clearInterval(timer)"value="stop"> <script> var i = 1 var timer = setInterval(function(){ console.log(2); }, 1000); </script>
The above code means that a 2 will be output every 1000 milliseconds until the user clicks the stop button.
Like setTimeout, in addition to the first two parameters, the setInterval method can also accept more parameters, which will be passed into the callback function. Here is an example.
function f(){ for (var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){ console.log(arguments[i]); } } setInterval(f, 1000, "Hello World");
If the web page is not in the current window (or tab) of the browser, many browsers limit the recurring tasks specified by setInteral to be executed at most once per second.
The following is an example of implementing web page animation through the setInterval method.
var p = document.getElementById('somep'); var opacity = 1; var fader = setInterval(function() { opacity -= 0.1; if (opacity >= 0) { = opacity; } else { clearInterval(fader); }}, 100);
The above code sets the transparency of the p element every 100 milliseconds until it is completely transparent.
A common use of setInterval is to implement polling. The following is an example of polling whether the hash value of the URL has changed.
var hash = window.location.hash; var hashWatcher = setInterval(function() { if (window.location.hash != hash) { updatePage(); }}, 1000);
setInterval specifies the interval between "start execution" and does not consider the time consumed by each task execution itself. So in reality, the interval between executions will be less than the specified time. For example, setInterval specifies execution every 100ms, and each execution takes 5ms. Then the second execution will start 95 milliseconds after the first execution ends. If an execution takes a particularly long time, say 105 milliseconds, then after it ends, the next execution will start immediately.
var i = 1; var timer = setTimeout(function() { alert(i++); timer = setTimeout(arguments.callee,2000); }, 2000);
function interval(func, wait){ var interv = function(){; setTimeout(interv,wait); }; setTimeout(interv,wait); }interval(function(){ console.log(2); },1000);
var id1 = setTimeout(f,1000); var id2 = setInterval(f,1000); clearTimeout(id1); clearInterval(id2);
(function() { var gid = setInterval(clearAllTimeouts,0); function clearAllTimeouts(){ var id = setTimeout(function(){}, 0); while (id >0) { if (id !==gid) { clearTimeout(id); } id--; } }})();
$('textarea').on('keydown', ajaxAction);
$('textarea').on('keydown', debounce(ajaxAction, 2500))
function debounce(fn, delay){ var timer = null;// 声明计时器 return function(){ var context =this; var args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function(){ fn.apply(context,args); }, delay); }; }
// 用法示例
var todoChanges = _.debounce(batchLog, 1000); Object.observe(models.todo, todoChanges);
setTimeout和setInterval的运行机制是,将指定的代码移出本次执行,等到下一轮EventLoop时,再检查是否到了指定时间。如果到了,就执行对应的代码;如果不到,就等到再下一轮Event Loop时重新判断。
setTimeout(someTask, 100); veryLongTask();
setInterval(function () { console.log(2); }, 1000); (function () { sleeping(3000); })();
setTimeout的作用是将代码推迟到指定时间执行,如果指定时间为0,即setTimeout(f, 0),那么会立刻执行吗?
答案是不会。因为上一段说过,必须要等到当前脚本的同步任务和“任务队列”中已有的事件,全部处理完以后,才会执行setTimeout指定的任务。也就是说,setTimeout的真正作用是,在“消息队列”的现有消息的后面再添加一个消息,规定在指定时间执行某段代码。setTimeout添加的事件,会在下一次Event Loop执行。
setTimeout(f, 0)将第二个参数设为0,作用是让f在现有的任务(脚本的同步任务和“消息队列”指定的任务)一结束就立刻执行。也就是说,setTimeout(f, 0)的作用是,尽可能早地执行指定的任务。而并不是会立刻就执行这个任务。
setTimeout(function () { console.log('hello world!'); }, 0);
上面代码的含义是,尽可能早地显示“hello world!”。
setTimeout(f, 0)指定的任务,最早也要到下一次EventLoop才会执行。请看下面的例子。
setTimeout(function() { console.log("Timeout"); }, 0) function a(x) { console.log("a()开始运行"); b(x); console.log("a()结束运行"); } function b(y) { console.log("b()开始运行"); console.log("传入的值为" + y); console.log("b()结束运行"); } console.log("当前任务开始"); a(42); console.log("当前任务结束");
// 当前任务开始, a() 开始运行, b() 开始运行, 传入的值为42,b() 结束运行, a() 结束运行, 当前任务结束
上面代码说明,setTimeout(f, 0)必须要等到当前脚本的所有同步任务结束后才会执行。
即使消息队列是空的,0毫秒实际上也是达不到的。根据HTML5标准,setTimeout推迟执行的时间,最少是4毫秒。如果小于这个值,会被自动增加到4。这是为了防止多个setTimeout(f, 0)语句连续执行,造成性能问题。
另一方面,浏览器内部使用32位带符号的整数,来储存推迟执行的时间。这意味着setTimeout最多只能推迟执行2147483647毫秒(24.8天),超过这个时间会发生溢出,导致回调函数将在当前任务队列结束后立即执行,即等同于setTimeout(f, 0)的效果。
这时,需要区分两种任务:正常任务(task)与微任务(microtask)。它们的区别在于,“正常任务”在下一轮EventLoop执行,“微任务”在本轮Event Loop的所有任务结束后执行。
console.log(1); setTimeout(function() { console.log(2); }, 0); Promise.resolve().then(function() { console.log(3); }).then(function() { console.log(4); }); console.log(5);
// 1, 5,3,4, 2
上面代码的执行结果说明,setTimeout(fn, 0)在Promise.resolve之后执行。
这是因为setTimeout语句指定的是“正常任务”,即不会在当前的Event Loop执行。而Promise会将它的回调函数,在状态改变后的那一轮Event Loop指定为微任务。所以,3和4输出在5之后、2之前。
• setTimeout
• setInterval
• setImmediate
• I/O
• 各种事件(比如鼠标单击事件)的回调函数
微任务目前主要是process.nextTick和 Promise 这两种情况。
The above is the detailed content of Introduction to the use of timer functions in js (with code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!