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How to use JS array sort method

Release: 2018-06-04 10:48:55
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This time I will show you how to use the JS array sort method. What are the precautions when using the JS array sort method. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

In the algorithm class, we will be exposed to many kinds of sorting algorithms, such as bubble sort, selection sort, quick sort, heap sort, etc. So which sorting algorithm does javascript's sort method use? To figure this out, uh, just look at the v8 source code. The implementation of Array.sort in v8 is completed using JavaScript. At a glance, it uses the quick sort algorithm, but it is obviously more complicated than the quick sort we are familiar with. So what exactly is the complexity? Why make it so complicated? This is the question we are going to explore today.

Quick Sorting Algorithm

The quick sort algorithm is called a quick sort algorithm because it can achieve both the optimal and average time complexity of O(nlogn ), is a very widely used sorting algorithm. Its principle is not complicated. First find a benchmark element (pivot, any element can be used), and then compare all elements with the pivot element. If they are smaller than the pivot element, put them in one set, and put the others in another set. in; then perform quick sort on these two sets, and finally get a completely sorted sequence.

So the core of quick sort is to continuously cut the original array into small arrays and then perform the same processing on the small arrays. This is a typical divide-and-conquer algorithm design idea. Implementing a simple quicksort algorithm is not difficult. We might as well try it:

function QuickSort(arr, func) {
	if (!arr || !arr.length) return [];
	if (arr.length === 1) return arr;
	var pivot = arr[0];
	var smallSet = [];
	var bigSet = [];
	for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
		if (func(arr[i], pivot) < 0) {
		} else {
	return QuickSort(smallSet, func).concat([pivot]).concat(QuickSort(bigSet, func));
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This is a very basic implementation, selecting the first item of the array as the base element.

In-place sorting

We can notice that in the above algorithm, we actually create a new array as the calculation result, from It is uneconomical from a space usage perspective. The JavaScript quick sort algorithm does not create a new array like the above code, but sorts the elements by exchanging the positions of the elements based on the original array. Therefore, similar to the push, pop, and splice methods, the sort method will also modify the original arrayobject!

We said before that the core of quick sort is to cut the array. So if you just exchange elements on the original array, how to cut the array? It's very simple, we don't need to actually cut the array, we just need to remember the starting and ending index numbers of each part. For example, suppose there is an array [12, 4, 9, 2, 18, 25], and the first item 12 is selected as the base element. Then according to the original quick sort algorithm, the array will be cut into two small arrays: [4, 9, 2], 12, [18, 25]. But we can also not cut, first modify the original array to [4, 9, 2, 12, 18, 25] by comparing and exchanging elements, and then based on the position of the reference element 12, we think that the elements 0~2 are a group , elements No. 4~5 are a group. For the convenience of expression, here I call the partition composed of elements smaller than the reference element the decimal partition, and the other partition is called the large number partition. This is very similar to the partitioning of a computer hard disk. It does not really divide the hard disk into C drive and D drive, but records some starting and ending positions and logically divides it into several partitions. Similarly, in the quick sort algorithm, we also call this process partition. So accordingly, I have to modify my previous statement. The core of the quick sort algorithm is partitioning.

Having said so much, let’s implement a quick sort with partitions:

function swap(arr, from, to) {
	if (from == to) return;
	var temp = arr[from];
	arr[from] = arr[to];
	arr[to] = temp;
function QuickSortWithPartition(arr, func, from, to) {
	if (!arr || !arr.length) return [];
	if (arr.length === 1) return arr;
	from = from || 0;
	to = to || arr.length - 1;
	var pivot = arr[from];
	var smallIndex = from;
	var bigIndex = from + 1;
	for (; bigIndex <= to; bigIndex++) {
		if (func(arr[bigIndex], pivot) < 0) {
			swap(arr, smallIndex, bigIndex);
	swap(arr, smallIndex, from);
	QuickSortWithPartition(arr, func, from, smallIndex - 1);
	QuickSortWithPartition(arr, func, smallIndex + 1, to);
	return arr;
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It seems that the code is a lot longer, but it is not too complicated. First of all, since it involves the exchange of array elements, we first implement a swap method to handle element exchange. In the quick sort algorithm, two parameters are added, from and to, which respectively indicate which part of the array is currently being processed. from is the starting index and to is the ending index; if these two parameters are missing, it means processing the entire array.

同样的,我用最简单的方式选取基准元素,即所要处理分区的第一个元素。然后我定义了smallIndex和bigIndex两个变量,分别表示的是左侧小数分区的终止索引和右侧大数分区的终止索引。什么意思?就是说从第一个元素(基准元素)到第smallIndex个元素间的所有元素都比基准元素小,从第smallIndex + 1到第bigIndex个元素都比基准元素大。一开始没有比较时,很显然这两部分分区都是空的,而比较的过程很简单,直接是bigIndex向右移,一直移到分区尾部。每当bigIndex增加1,我们会进行一次判断,看看这个位置上的元素是不是比基准元素大,如果大的话,不用做处理,它已经处于大数分区了;但如果比基准元素小,就需要进行一次交换。怎么交换呢?首先将smallIndex增加1,意味着小数分区增加了一个元素,但此时smallIndex位置的元素很明显是一个大数(这个说法其实不对,如果之前大数分区里面没有元素,此时smallIndex和bigIndex相等,但对交换没有影响),而在bigIndex位置的元素是一个小数,所以只要把这两个位置的元素交换一下就好了。

最后可别忘了一开始的起始元素,它的位置并不正确,不过只要将它和smallIndex位置的元素交换位置就可以了。同时我们得到了对应的小数分区[from...smallIndex - 1]和大数分区[smallIndex + 1...to]。再对这两个分区递归排序即可。


上面的分区过程(仅仅)还是有一定的优化空间的,因为上面的分区过程中,大数分区和小数分区都是从左向右增长,其实我们可以考虑从两侧向中间遍历,这样能有效地减少交换元素的次数。举个例子,例如我们有一个数组[2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3],采用上面的分区算法,一共碰到三次比基准元素小的情况,所以会发生三次交换;而如果我们换个思路,把从右往左找到小于基准和元素,和从左往右找到大于基准的元素交换,这个数组只需要交换一次就可以了,即把第一个3和最后一个1交换。


function QuickSortWithPartitionOp(arr, func, from, to) {
	if (!arr || !arr.length) return [];
	from = from || 0;
	to = to || arr.length - 1;
	if (from >= to - 1) return arr;
	var pivot = arr[from];
	var smallEnd = from + 1;
	var bigBegin = to;
	while (smallEnd < bigBegin) {
		while (func(arr[bigBegin], pivot) > 0 && smallEnd < bigBegin) {
		while (func(arr[smallEnd], pivot) < 0 && smallEnd < bigBegin) {
		if (smallEnd < bigBegin) {
			swap(arr, smallEnd, bigBegin);
	swap(arr, smallEnd, from);
	QuickSortWithPartitionOp(arr, func, from, smallEnd - 1);
	QuickSortWithPartitionOp(arr, func, smallEnd + 1, to);
	return arr;
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function getPivot(arr, func, from, to) {
	var middle = (from + to) >> 1;
	var i0 = arr[from];
	var i1 = arr[to];
	var i2 = arr[middle];
	var temp;
	if (func(i0, i1) > 0) {
		temp = i0;
		i0 = i1;
		i1 = temp;
	if (func(i0, i2) > 0) {
		arr[middle] = i0;
		arr[from] = i2;
		arr[to] = i1;
		return i0;
	} else {
		arr[from] = i0;
		if (func(i1, i2) > 0) {
			arr[middle] = i1;
			arr[to] = i2;
			return i1;
		} else {
			arr[middle] = i2;
			arr[to] = i1;
			return i2;
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function QuickSortWithPartitionDump(arr, func, from, to) {
	if (!arr || !arr.length) return [];
	from = from || 0;
	to = to || arr.length - 1;
	if (from >= to - 1) return arr;
	var pivot = getPivot(arr, func, from, to);
	var smallEnd = from;
	var bigBegin = to;
	for (var i = smallEnd + 1; i < bigBegin; i++) {
		var order = func(arr[i], pivot);
		if (order < 0) {
			swap(arr, i, smallEnd);
		} else if (order > 0) {
			while (bigBegin > i && order > 0) {
				order = func(arr[bigBegin], pivot);
			if (bigBegin == i) break;
			swap(arr, i, bigBegin);
			if (order < 0) {
				swap(arr, i, smallEnd);
	QuickSortWithPartitionDump(arr, func, from, smallEnd);
	QuickSortWithPartitionDump(arr, func, bigBegin, to);
	return arr;
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简单解释一下这段代码,上文已经说过,在getPivot方法中,我将比基准小的元素放到第一位,把比基准大的元素放到最后一位。定义三个变量smallEnd、bigBegin、i,从from到smallEnd之间的元素都比基准元素小,从smallEnd到i之间的元素都和基准元素一样大,从i到bigBegin之间的元素都是还没有比较的,从bigBegin到to之间的元素都比基准元素大。了解这个关系就好理解这段代码了。遍历从smallEnd + 1到bigBegin之间的元素:
* 如果这个元素小于基准,那么smallEnd增加1,这时smallEnd位置的元素是等于基准元素的(或者此时smallEnd与i相等),交换smallEnd与i处的元素就可以了。
* 如果这个元素大于基准,相对比较复杂一点。此时让bigBegin减小1,检查大数分区前面一个元素是不是大于基准,如果大于基准,重复此步骤,不断让bigBegin减小1,直到找到不比基准大的元素(如果这个过程中,发现bigBegin与i相等,则中止遍历,说明分区结束)。找到这个不比基准大小元素时需要区分是不是比基准小。如果比基准小,需要做两步交换,先将i位置的大数和bigBegin位置的小数交换,这时跟第一种case同时,smallEnd增加1,并且将i位置的小数和smallEnd位置的元素交换。如果和基准相等,则只需要将i位置的大数和bigBegin位置的小数交换。
* 如果这个元素与基准相等,什么也不用做。



function insertionSort(a, func, from, to) {
	for (var i = from + 1; i < to; i++) {
		var element = a[i];
		for (var j = i - 1; j >= from; j--) {
			var tmp = a[j];
			if (func(tmp, element) > 0) {
				a[j + 1] = tmp;
			} else {
		a[j + 1] = element;
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由于快速排序的不稳定性(少数情况下性能差,前文已经详细描述过),David Musser于1997设计了内省排序法(Introsort)。这个算法在快速排序的基础上,监控递归的深度。一旦长度为n的数组经过了logn层递归(快速排序算法最佳情况下的递归层数)还没有结束的话,就认为这次快速排序的效率可能不理想,转而将剩余部分换用其他排序算法,通常使用堆排序算法(Heapsort,最差时间复杂度和最优时间复杂度均为nlogn)。



function quickSort(arr, from, to){
    // 排序分区过程省略
    // ...
    if (to - bigBegin < smallEnd - from) {
      quickSort(a, bigBegin, to);
      to = smallEnd;
    } else {
      quickSort(a, from, smallEnd);
      from = bigBegin;
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The above is the detailed content of How to use JS array sort method. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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