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Analysis of real front-end interview questions

Release: 2018-05-24 10:58:49
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This time I will bring you an analysis of the front-end interview real questions. What are the precautions for the front-end interview real questions analysis? The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.

CSS for front-end interviews

The difference between display: none; and visibility: hidden;

  • Contact: They can both make the element invisible

  • The difference:

    • ##display:none; will make the element completely Disappears from the rendering tree and does not occupy any space when rendering; visibility: hidden; will not make the element disappear from the rendering tree. The renderer element continues to occupy space, but the content is invisible

    • display: none; is a non-inherited attribute. The disappearance of descendant nodes is caused by the disappearance of elements from the rendering tree. It cannot be displayed by modifying the attributes of descendant nodes; visibility:hidden;Yes Inherited attributes, descendant nodes disappear. Due to the inheritance of hidden, by setting visibility: visible;, the descendant nodes can explicitly

    • modify the regular flow.

      display of elements usually causes document reflow. Modifying the visibility attribute will only cause the element to be redrawn

    • The screen reader will not read the

      display: none;element content; it will Read visibility: hidden element content

css hack principles and common hacks

  • Principle: Use different browsers’ support for CSS and different parsing results to write browser-specific styles.

  • Common hacks include

    • Attribute hack

    • Selector hack

    • IE conditional comments

The difference between link and @import

  • link is the HTML method, @import is the CSS method

  • link Supports parallel downloading to the maximum extent, @import Too much nesting will lead to serial downloading, and FOUC will appear

  • link Yes Specify the candidate style by rel="alternate stylesheet"

  • The browser supports

    link earlier than @import, You can use @import to hide styles from old browsers

  • @import must be before the style rules, and can be before cssReference other files in the file

  • In general:

    link is better than @import

What are the inherited properties of CSS

    ##The properties about text layout such as:
    • word -break

    • letter-spacing

    • ##text-align
    • text-rendering
    • word-spacing
    • white-space
    • text-indent
    • text-transform
    • text-shadow
    • ##font
    • ##line-height

    • color

    • visibility

    • cursor

    • ##collapsing margins

Two or more adjacent margin will be merged into one

    , which is called margin collapse. The rules are as follows:
  • The vertical margin

    of two or more adjacent block elements in a normal flow will collapse
    • The margin of a floating element or an

    • element or an absolutely positioned element will not collapse with the margins of other elements in the vertical direction
    • The element that creates a block-level formatting context will not have margin folding with its child elements

    • The margin-bottom of the element itself and margin-top will also fold when they are adjacent

Can you introduce the standard CSS box model? What are the differences between the box models of lower versions of IE?

  • There are two types, IE box model and W3C box model;

  • Box model: content, padding ), margin, border;

  • Difference: The content part of IE calculates border and padding;

What are the CSS selectors? What properties can be inherited?

  • id selector (# myid)

  • class selector (.myclassname)

  • Tag selector(p, h1, p)

  • Adjacent selector(h1 p)

  • Child selector (ul > li)

  • Descendant selector (li a)

  • Wildcard selector(*)

  • Attribute selector (a[rel = "external"])

  • Pseudo class selector (a:hover, li:nth-child)

  • Inheritable styles: font-size font-family color, UL LI DL DD DT

  • Non-inheritable styles: border padding margin width height

##How is the CSS priority algorithm calculated?

  • Priority principle, the closest style definition shall prevail under the same weight condition

  • The loaded style shall be based on the last loaded one Positioning shall prevail

  • The priority is:

    !important > id > class > tag important is higher than the inline priority

What are the new pseudo-classes in CSS3?

p:first-of-type 选择属于其父元素的首个 <p> 元素的每个 <p> 元素。
p:last-of-type  选择属于其父元素的最后 <p> 元素的每个 <p> 元素。
p:only-of-type  选择属于其父元素唯一的 <p> 元素的每个 <p> 元素。
p:only-child        选择属于其父元素的唯一子元素的每个 <p> 元素。
p:nth-child(2)  选择属于其父元素的第二个子元素的每个 <p> 元素。
:after          在元素之前添加内容,也可以用来做清除浮动。
:before         在元素之后添加内容
:disabled       控制表单控件的禁用状态。
:checked        单选框或复选框被选中
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How to center p? How to center a floated element? How to center an absolutely positioned p?

  • Set a width for

    p, and then add margin:0 autoattribute

    margin:0 auto;
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  • Center a floating element

//确定容器的宽高 宽500 高 300 的层
 .p {
      width:500px ; height:300px;//高度可以不设
      margin: -150px 0 0 -250px;
      position:relative;         //相对定位
      background-color:pink;     //方便看效果
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  • Center the absolutely positioned p

  position: absolute;
  width: 1200px;
  background: none;
  margin: 0 auto;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
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What are the values ​​of display? Explain their role

  • #block is displayed like a block type element.

  • none Default value. Displayed like an inline element type.

  • inline-block is displayed like an inline element, but its content is displayed like a block type element.

  • list-item Displays like a block type element and adds style list markup.

  • table This element will be displayed as a block-level table

  • inherit Specifies that the value of the display attribute should be inherited from the parent element

What is the relative and absolute positioning origin of position?

  • absolute

    • Generate an absolutely positioned element relative to the first parent element whose value is not static position.

  • fixed (old IE does not support it)

    • Generate absolutely positioned elements, positioned relative to the browser window .

  • relative

    • Generates a relatively positioned element, positioned relative to its normal position.

  • static

    • 默认值。没有定位,元素出现在正常的流中(忽略 top, bottom, left, right - z-index 声明)。

  • inherit

    • 规定从父元素继承 position 属性的值


  • 新增各种CSS选择器  (: not(.input):所有 class 不是“input”的节点)

  • 圆角           (border-radius:8px)

  • 多列布局        (multi-column layout)

  • 阴影和反射        (ShadowReflect)

  • 文字特效      (text-shadow、)

  • 文字渲染      (Text-decoration

  • 线性渐变      (gradient)

  • 旋转          (transform)

  • 增加了旋转,缩放,定位,倾斜,动画,多背景

  • transform:\scale(0.85,0.90)\ translate(0px,-30px)\ skew(-9deg,0deg)\Animation:


// 把上、左、右三条边隐藏掉(颜色设为 transparent)
#demo {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  border-width: 20px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: transparent transparent red transparent;
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一个满屏 品 字布局 如何设计?

  • 简单的方式:

    • 上面的p宽100%,

    • 下面的两个p分别宽50%,

    • 然后用float或者inline使其不换行即可

经常遇到的浏览器的兼容性有哪些?原因,解决方法是什么,常用hack的技巧 ?

  • png24位的图片在iE6浏览器上出现背景,解决方案是做成PNG8.

  • 浏览器默认的margin和padding不同。解决方案是加一个全局的*{margin:0;padding:0;}来统一

  • IE下,可以使用获取常规属性的方法来获取自定义属性,也可以使用getAttribute()获取自定义属性;

  • Firefox下,只能使用getAttribute()获取自定义属性。

    • 解决方法:统一通过getAttribute()获取自定义属性

  • IE下,even对象有x,y属性,但是没有pageX,pageY属性

  • Firefox下,event对象有pageX,pageY属性,但是没有x,y属性


  • 行框的排列会受到中间空白(回车空格)等的影响,因为空格也属于字符,这些空白也会被应用样式,占据空间,所以会有间隔,把字符大小设为0,就没有空格了


  • 因为浏览器的兼容问题,不同浏览器对有些标签的默认值是不同的,如果没对CSS初始化往往会出现浏览器之间的页面显示差异

对BFC规范(块级格式化上下文:block formatting context)的理解?

  • 一个页面是由很多个 Box 组成的,元素的类型和 display 属性,决定了这个 Box 的类型

  • 不同类型的 Box,会参与不同的 Formatting Context(决定如何渲染文档的容器),因此Box内的元素会以不同的方式渲染,也就是说BFC内部的元素和外部的元素不会互相影响


// 以下是权重的规则:标签的权重为1,class的权重为10,id的权重为100,以下/// 例子是演示各种定义的权重值:
#id1 p{
.class1 p{
.class1 .class2 p{
// 如果权重相同,则最后定义的样式会起作用,但是应该避免这种情况出现
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display:inline-block 什么时候会显示间隙?(携程)

  • Remove spaces, use negative margins, use font-size:0, letter-spacing, word-spacing

##Talk about floating and clear float

  • A floated box can be moved left or right until its outer edge touches the border of the containing box or another floated box. Because the floated box is not in the document's normal flow, the block box of the document's normal flow behaves as if the floated box does not exist. The floating block box will float on the block box of the normal flow of the document

Introduce the standard CSS box model? What are the differences between the box models of lower versions of IE?

  • Box model composition: content, padding, border, margin

  • IE8 and below version browsers do not declare DOCTYPE, and the content width and height will include inner padding and borders, which is called the weird box model (IE box model)

  • Standard (W3C) Box model: element width = width padding border margin

  • Weird (IE) box model: element width = width margin

  • Standard browser pass Set the box-sizing: border-box property of css3 to trigger the "weird mode" parsing and calculation of width and height

What are the commonly used box-sizing properties? What are the functions of each?

  • box-sizing: content-box; //Default standard (W3C) box model element effect

  • box-sizing : border-box; // Trigger the effect of the weird (IE) box model element

  • ##box-sizing: inherit; // Inherit the value of the box-sizing attribute of the parent element
What are the CSS selectors?

##id selector #id
  • ##class selector .class

  • ## tag Selector p, h1, p

  • Adjacent selector h1 p

  • ##Sub-selector ul > li
  • Descendant selector li a
  • Wildcard selector *
  • Attribute selector a[rel='external']
  • Pseudo-class selector a:hover, li:nth-child
  • What CSS properties can be inherited? Which properties cannot be inherited?

Inheritable styles: font-size, font-family, color, list-style, cursor

    Not inheritable Style: width, height, border, padding, margin, background
  • How does CSS calculate selector priority?

##The same weight, whichever is most recently defined: Inline style> Internal style> External style

Including external loading When selecting a style, the later loaded style overwrites the previously loaded style and internal style
  • Selector priority: Inline style[1000] > id[100] > class[ 10] > Tag[1]
  • In the same set of attribute settings, !important has the highest priority, higher than the inline style
  • What are the new pseudo-classes in CSS3?
:root Select the root element of the document, which is equivalent to the html element

##:empty Select an element without child elements

  • :target Select the currently active target element

  • :not(selector) Select elements other than the selector element

  • :enabled  Select available form elements

  • :disabled  Select disabled form elements

  • :checked  Select selected form elements

  • :after Add content first inside the element

  • :before   Add content last inside the element

  • :nth-child(n)   Match the specified child element under the parent element and sort among all child elements n

  • :nth-last-child(n) matches the specified child element under the parent element, sorts the nth child element among all child elements, counting from back to front

  • :nth-child(odd)

  • :nth-child(even)

  • :nth-child( 3n 1)

  • :first-child

  • :last-child

  • :only- child

  • :nth-of-type(n) Matches the specified child element under the parent element, and sorts the n

  • among similar child elements :nth-last-of-type(n) matches the specified child element under the parent element, and sorts the nth child element among similar child elements, counting from back to front

  • :nth-of- type(odd)

  • :nth-of-type(even)

  • :nth-of-type(3n 1)

  • :first-of-type

  • :last-of-type

  • :only-of- type

  • ::selection Selects the element selected by the user

  • :first-line Selects the first line of the element

  • :first-letter Select the first character in the element

Please list several methods of hiding elements

  • visibility: hidden; This property simply hides an element, but the space occupied by the element still exists

  • opacity: 0; CSS3 properties, settings 0 can make an element completely transparent

  • position: absolute; Set a large left negative value positioning to position the element outside the visible area

  • display: none; The element will become invisible and will no longer take up space in the document.

  • transform: scale(0); Set an element to scale infinitely small, the element will be invisible, and the original position of the element will be retained

  • <p hidden="hidden"> HTML5 attribute, the effect is the same as display:none;, but this attribute is used to record the status of an element

  • height: 0;            Set the element height to 0 and eliminate the border

  • #filter: blur(0); This element "disappears" from the page

#What is the difference between the transparency effect of rgba() and opacity?

  • opacity Applies to the transparency of the element and all content within the element (including text)

  • rgba() only applies to the element Its own color or its background color, child elements will not inherit the transparency effect

#What does the css attribute content do?

  • The content attribute is specially applied to before/after pseudo-elements to insert additional content or styles

CSS3 What are the new features?

  • New selector p:nth-child(n){color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)}

  • Flexible box model display: flex;

  • Multiple column layout column-count: 5;

  • ##Media query @media (max- width: 480px) {.box: {column-count: 1;}}

  • Personalized font @font-face{font-family: BorderWeb; src:url(BORDERW0.eot );}

  • ##Color transparency color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75);
  • Rounded corners border-radius: 5px;
  • Gradient                background:linear-gradient(red, green, blue); 64, 128, 0.3);
  • Reflection box-reflect: below 2px;
  • 文字装饰       text-stroke-color: red;

  • 文字溢出       text-overflow:ellipsis;

  • 背景效果       background-size: 100px 100px;

  • 边框效果       border-image:url(bt_blue.png) 0 10;

  • 转换

    • 旋转          transform: rotate(20deg);

    • 倾斜          transform: skew(150deg, -10deg);

    • 位移          transform: translate(20px, 20px);

    • 缩放          transform: scale(.5);

  • 平滑过渡       transition: all .3s ease-in .1s;

  • 动画           @keyframes anim-1 {50% {border-radius: 50%;}} animation: anim-1 1s;

请解释一下 CSS3 的 Flexbox(弹性盒布局模型)以及适用场景?

  • Flexbox 用于不同尺寸屏幕中创建可自动扩展和收缩布局


  • 当前样式:getComputedStyle(el, null) VS el.currentStyle

  • 事件对象:e VS window.event

  • 鼠标坐标:e.pageX, e.pageY VS window.event.x, window.event.y

  • 按键码:e.which VS event.keyCode

  • 文本节点:el.textContent VS el.innerText


  • 在列的父元素上使用这个背景图进行Y轴的铺放,从而实现一种等高列的假像

  • 模仿表格布局等高列效果:兼容性不好,在ie6-7无法正常运行

  • css3 flexbox 布局: .container{display: flex; align-items: stretch;}


  • 如果是单行文本, line-height 设置成和 height 值

.vertical {
      height: 100px;
      line-height: 100px;
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  • 已知高度的块级子元素,采用绝对定位和负边距

.container {
  position: relative;
.vertical {
  height: 300px;  /*子元素高度*/
  position: absolute;
  top:50%;  /*父元素高度50%*/
  margin-top: -150px; /*自身高度一半*/
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  • 未知高度的块级父子元素居中,模拟表格布局

  • 缺点:IE67不兼容,父级 overflow:hidden 失效

.container {
      display: table;
    .content {
      display: table-cell;
      vertical-align: middle;
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  • 新增 inline-block 兄弟元素,设置 vertical-align

    • 缺点:需要增加额外标签,IE67不兼容

.container {
  height: 100%;/*定义父级高度,作为参考*/
.extra .vertical{
  display: inline-block;  /*行内块显示*/
  vertical-align: middle; /*垂直居中*/
.extra {
  height: 100%; /*设置新增元素高度为100%*/
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  • 绝对定位配合 CSS3 位移

.vertical {
  position: absolute;
  top:50%;  /*父元素高度50%*/
  transform:translateY(-50%, -50%);
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  • CSS3弹性盒模型

.container {
  justify-content: center; /*子元素水平居中*/
  align-items: center; /*子元素垂直居中*/
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  • 要求:三列布局;中间主体内容前置,且宽度自适应;两边内容定宽

    • 好处:重要的内容放在文档流前面可以优先渲染

    • 原理:利用相对定位、浮动、负边距布局,而不添加额外标签

  .container {
      padding-left: 150px;
      padding-right: 190px;
  .main {
      float: left;
      width: 100%;
  .left {
      float: left;
      width: 190px;
      margin-left: -100%;
      position: relative;
      left: -150px;
  .right {
      float: left;
      width: 190px;
      margin-left: -190px;
      position: relative;
      right: -190px;
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  • 双飞翼布局:对圣杯布局(使用相对定位,对以后布局有局限性)的改进,消除相对定位布局

  • 原理:主体元素上设置左右边距,预留两翼位置。左右两栏使用浮动和负边距归位,消除相对定位。

.container {
.main-wrap {
    width: 100%;
    float: left;
.main {
    margin-left: 150px;
    margin-right: 190px;
.left {
    float: left;
    width: 150px;
    margin-left: -100%;
    /*position: relative;*/
.right {
    float: left;
    width: 190px;
    margin-left: -190px;
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在CSS样式中常使用 px、em 在表现上有什么区别?

  • px 相对于显示器屏幕分辨率,无法用浏览器字体放大功能

  • em 值并不是固定的,会继承父级的字体大小: em = 像素值 / 父级font-size


  • 非IE浏览器下,容器不设高度且子元素浮动时,容器高度不能被内容撑开。


  • 工作原理:

    • 浮动元素脱离文档流,不占据空间(引起“高度塌陷”现象)

    • 浮动元素碰到包含它的边框或者其他浮动元素的边框停留


  • 父元素的高度无法被撑开,影响与父元素同级的元素

  • 与浮动元素同级的非浮动元素会跟随其后


  • 添加额外标签,例如 <p style="clear:both"></p>

  • 使用 br 标签和其自身的 clear 属性,例如 <br clear="all" />

  • 父元素设置 overflow:hidden; 在IE6中还需要触发 hasLayout,例如zoom:1;

  • 父元素也设置浮动

  • 使用 :after 伪元素。由于IE6-7不支持 :after,使用 zoom:1 触发 hasLayout


    content: "\200B";
    display: table; 
    height: 0;
    clear: both;
    *zoom: 1;
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什么是 FOUC(Flash of Unstyled Content)? 如何来避免 FOUC?

  • 当使用 @import 导入 CSS 时,会导致某些页面在 IE 出现奇怪的现象:


  • 产生原因:当样式表晚于结构性html加载时,加载到此样式表时,页面将停止之前的渲染。

  • 等待此样式表被下载和解析后,再重新渲染页面,期间导致短暂的花屏现象。

  • 解决方法:使用 link 标签将样式表放在文档 head

介绍使用过的 CSS 预处理器?

  • CSS 预处理器基本思想:为 CSS 增加了一些编程的特性(变量、逻辑判断、函数等)

  • 开发者使用这种语言进行进行 Web 页面样式设计,再编译成正常的 CSS 文件使用

  • 使用 CSS 预处理器,可以使 CSS 更加简洁、适应性更强、可读性更佳,无需考虑兼容性

  • 最常用的 CSS 预处理器语言包括:Sass(SCSS)和 LESS


  • 多个css合并,尽量减少HTTP请求

  • 将css文件放在页面最上面

  • 移除空的css规则

  • 避免使用CSS表达式

  • 选择器优化嵌套,尽量避免层级过深

  • 充分利用css继承属性,减少代码量

  • 抽象提取公共样式,减少代码量

  • 属性值为0时,不加单位

  • 属性值为小于1的小数时,省略小数点前面的0

  • css雪碧图


  • 浏览器解析 CSS 选择器的方式是从右到左


  • 在网页中的应该使用“偶数”字体:

    • 偶数字号相对更容易和 web 设计的其他部分构成比例关系

    • 使用奇数号字体时文本段落无法对齐

    • 宋体的中文网页排布中使用最多的就是 12 和 14


  • 需要在border外侧添加空白,且空白处不需要背景(色)时,使用 margin

  • 需要在border内测添加空白,且空白处需要背景(色)时,使用 padding


  • CSS可以拆分成2部分:公共CSS 和 业务CSS:

    • 网站的配色,字体,交互提取出为公共CSS。这部分CSS命名不应涉及具体的业务

    • 对于业务CSS,需要有统一的命名,使用公用的前缀。可以参考面向对象的CSS


  • 元素竖向的百分比设定是相对于容器的宽度,而不是高度

全屏滚动的原理是什么? 用到了CSS的那些属性?

  • 原理类似图片轮播原理,超出隐藏部分,滚动时显示

  • 可能用到的CSS属性:overflow:hidden; transform:translate(100%, 100%); display:none;


  • 响应式设计就是网站能够兼容多个终端,而不是为每个终端做一个特定的版本

  • 基本原理是利用CSS3媒体查询,为不同尺寸的设备适配不同样式

  • 对于低版本的IE,可采用JS获取屏幕宽度,然后通过resize方法来实现兼容:

$(window).resize(function () {
function screenRespond(){
var screenWidth = $(window).width();
if(screenWidth <= 1800){
  $("body").attr("class", "w1800");
if(screenWidth <= 1400){
  $("body").attr("class", "w1400");
if(screenWidth > 1800){
  $("body").attr("class", "");
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    • 视差滚动是指多层背景以不同的速度移动,形成立体的运动效果,具有非常出色的视觉体验

    • 一般把网页解剖为:背景层、内容层和悬浮层。当滚动鼠标滚轮时,各图层以不同速度移动,形成视差的

    • 实现原理

      • 以 “页面滚动条” 作为 “视差动画进度条”

      • 以 “滚轮刻度” 当作 “动画帧度” 去播放动画的

      • 监听 mousewheel 事件,事件被触发即播放动画,实现“翻页”效果


    link > visited > hover > active

    • L-V-H-A love hate 用喜欢和讨厌两个词来方便记忆


    • 伪元素 -- 在内容元素的前后插入额外的元素或样式,但是这些元素实际上并不在文档中生成。

    • 它们只在外部显示可见,但不会在文档的源代码中找到它们,因此,称为“伪”元素。例如:

p::before {content:"第一章:";}
p::after {content:"Hot!";}
p::first-line {background:red;}
p::first-letter {font-size:30px;}
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  • 伪类 -- 将特殊的效果添加到特定选择器上。它是已有元素上添加类别的,不会产生新的元素。例如:

a:hover {color: #FF00FF}
p:first-child {color: red}
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::before 和 :after 中双冒号和单冒号有什么区别?

  • 在 CSS 中伪类一直用 : 表示,如 :hover, :active 等

  • 伪元素在CSS1中已存在,当时语法是用 : 表示,如 :before 和 :after

  • 后来在CSS3中修订,伪元素用 :: 表示,如 ::before 和 ::after,以此区分伪元素和伪类

  • 由于低版本IE对双冒号不兼容,开发者为了兼容性各浏览器,继续使使用 :after 这种老语法表示伪元素

  • 综上所述:::before 是 CSS3 中写伪元素的新语法; :after 是 CSS1 中存在的、兼容IE的老语法


  • 产生原因:由于Chrome默认会给自动填充的input表单加上 input:-webkit-autofill 私有属性造成的

  • 解决方案1:在form标签上直接关闭了表单的自动填充:autocomplete="off"

  • 解决方案2:input:-webkit-autofill { background-color: transparent; }

input [type=search] 搜索框右侧小图标如何美化?

  -webkit-appearance: none;
  height: 15px;
  width: 15px;
  border-radius: 8px;
  background:url("images/searchicon.png") no-repeat 0 0;
  background-size: 15px 15px;
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<a href="logo.jpg" download>下载</a>
<a href="logo.jpg" download="网站LOGO" >下载</a>

iOS safari 如何阻止“橡皮筋效果”?

      var stopScrolling = function(event) {
      document.addEventListener('touchstart', stopScrolling, false);
      document.addEventListener('touchmove', stopScrolling, false);
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你对 line-height 是如何理解的?

  • line-height 指一行字的高度,包含了字间距,实际上是下一行基线到上一行基线距离

  • 如果一个标签没有定义 height 属性,那么其最终表现的高度是由 line-height 决定的

  • 一个容器没有设置高度,那么撑开容器高度的是 line-height 而不是容器内的文字内容

  • 把 line-height 值设置为 height 一样大小的值可以实现单行文字的垂直居中

  • line-height 和 height 都能撑开一个高度,height 会触发 haslayout,而 line-height 不会

line-height 三种赋值方式有何区别?(带单位、纯数字、百分比)

  • 带单位:px 是固定值,而 em 会参考父元素 font-size 值计算自身的行高

  • 纯数字:会把比例传递给后代。例如,父级行高为 1.5,子元素字体为 18px,则子元素行高为 1.5 * 18 = 27px

  • 百分比:将计算后的值传递给后代

设置元素浮动后,该元素的 display 值会如何变化?

  • 设置元素浮动后,该元素的 display 值自动变成 block

怎么让Chrome支持小于12px 的文字?

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  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
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font-style 属性 oblique 是什么意思?

  • font-style: oblique; 使没有 italic 属性的文字实现倾斜


  • 16.7ms 多数显示器默认频率是60Hz,即1秒刷新60次,所以理论上最小间隔: 1s / 60 * 1000 = 16.7ms

display:inline-block 什么时候会显示间隙?

  • When adjacent inline-block elements are separated by newlines or spaces, a spacing will occur

  • Non-inline-block horizontal elements are set to inline -block will also have horizontal spacing

  • You can use vertical-align:top; to eliminate vertical gaps

  • You can add font-size to the parent :0; Set the required font size in the child element to eliminate the vertical gap

  • Writing the li tag on the same line can eliminate the vertical gap, but the code readability is poor

overflow: How to solve the problem of not being able to scroll smoothly when scrolling?

  • Listen to the wheel event, and then use jquery's animate to achieve a smooth effect when scrolling to a certain distance.

A height-adaptive p, there are two p inside, one with a height of 100px, I hope the other one fills the remaining height

  • Option 1:
    .sub { height: calc(100%-100px); }

  • ##Option 2:

    .container { position:relative; }
    .sub { position: absolute; top: 100px; bottom: 0; }

  • Option 3:

    .container { display:flex; flex-direction:column; }
    .sub { flex:1; }

  • I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

  • Recommended reading:

  • Using parsing in avalon front-end projects

  • Detailed explanation of steps to use React-router v4

The above is the detailed content of Analysis of real front-end interview questions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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