The movements involved in writing web pages at work are often very simple, such as changing the width, height, transparency, and position. These are the most commonly used forms. In order to save trouble, we have integrated them, so we have the following stuff:
Compatible with: IE series, chrome, firefox, opera, Safari, 360
/* javascript简易运动 Move.action(dom对象,json格式属性值对,缓动参考值,回调方法) 示例: var box = document.getElementById('Ele'); Move.action(box,{width:500,height:200,left:200,top:100,marginLeft:10,opacity:.5},5,function(){ console.log('end'); }); */ var Move = { version: '1.5', //判断是否空对象 isEmptyObject: function(obj) { for (var attr in obj) { return false; } return true; }, //取CSS样式值 getStyle: function(obj, attr) { if (obj.currentStyle) { //IE return obj.currentStyle[attr]; } else { return getComputedStyle(obj, null)[attr]; } }, //运动 action: function(obj, json, sv, callback) { _this = this; //obj是否为空 if (_this.isEmptyObject(obj)) { return false; } //运动开始 clearInterval(obj.timer); obj.timer = setInterval(function() { var isAllCompleted = true, //假设全部运动都完成了 speed, //速度 attrValue, //当前值 targetV; //目标值 for (attr in json) { attrValue = _this.getStyle(obj, attr); switch (attr) { case 'opacity': attrValue = Math.round((isNaN(parseFloat(attrValue)) ? 1 : parseFloat(attrValue)) * 100); speed = (json[attr] * 100 - attrValue) / (sv || 4); targetV = json[attr] * 100; break; default: attrValue = isNaN(parseInt(attrValue)) ? 0 : parseInt(attrValue); speed = (json[attr] - attrValue) / (sv || 4); targetV = json[attr]; } speed = speed > 0 ? Math.ceil(speed) : Math.floor(speed); //如果循环过程中存在尚未结束的运动,isAllCompleted为假 if (attrValue != targetV) { isAllCompleted = false; } switch (attr) { case 'opacity': { = "alpha(opacity=" + (attrValue + speed) + ")"; = (attrValue + speed) / 100; }; break; default:[attr] = attrValue + speed + 'px'; } } //所有循环结束后,只有当全部运动结束后(isAllCompleted=true)时才关闭定时器 if (isAllCompleted) { clearInterval(obj.timer); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } } }, 30); } };
The above describes the method of implementing simple movements in web pages using JavaScript. I hope it will inspire everyone to implement simple movements in JavaScript.