Summary of PHP source code encryption methods

Release: 2023-03-26 19:22:02
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This time I will bring you a summary of PHP's source code encryption methods. What are the precautions for PHP's source code encryption? . Here are practical cases, let's take a look.

Although sharing is a traditional virtue, sometimes we work hard to write some programs just to sell some small money, earn some hard work, and to prevent some unscrupulous people from reselling, so we have to improve our programs. Encryption, let’s introduce how to encrypt our PHP source code through PHP’s custom function.

The first method

 function encode_file_contents($filename) { 
  if (&#39;php&#39; == $type && is_file($filename) && is_writable($filename)) { // 如果是PHP文件 并且可写 则进行压缩编码 
   $contents = file_get_contents($filename); // 判断文件是否已经被编码处理 
   $contents = php_strip_whitespace($filename); 
      // 去除PHP头部和尾部标识 
   $headerPos = strpos($contents,&#39;<?php&#39;); 
   $footerPos = strrpos($contents,&#39;?>'); 
   $contents = substr($contents, $headerPos + 5, $footerPos - $headerPos); 
   $encode = base64_encode(gzdeflate($contents)); // 开始编码 
   $encode = '<?php&#39;."\n eval(gzinflate(base64_decode("."&#39;".$encode."&#39;".")));\n\n?>"; 
   return file_put_contents($filename, $encode); 
  return false; 
 $filename = 'dam.php'; 
 echo "OK,加密完成!" 
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The second method

 function RandAbc($length = "") { // 返回随机字符串 
  $str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; 
  return str_shuffle($str); 
 $filename = &#39;index.php&#39;; //要加密的文件 
 $T_k1 = RandAbc(); //随机密匙1 
 $T_k2 = RandAbc(); //随机密匙2 
 $vstr = file_get_contents($filename); 
 $v1 = base64_encode($vstr); 
 $c = strtr($v1, $T_k1, $T_k2); //根据密匙替换对应字符。 
 $c = $T_k1.$T_k2.$c; 
 $q1 = "O00O0O"; 
 $q2 = "O0O000"; 
 $q3 = "O0OO00"; 
 $q4 = "OO0O00"; 
 $q5 = "OO0000"; 
 $q6 = "O00OO0"; 
 $s = &#39;$&#39;.$q6.&#39;=urldecode("%6E1%7A%62%2F%6D%615%5C%76%740%6928%2D%70%78%75%71%79%2A6%6C%72%6B%64%679%5F%65%68%63%73%77%6F4%2B%6637%6A");$&#39;.$q1.&#39;=$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{3}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{6}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{33}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{30};$&#39;.$q3.&#39;=$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{33}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{10}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{24}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{10}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{24};$&#39;.$q4.&#39;=$&#39;.$q3.&#39;{0}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{18}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{3}.$&#39;.$q3.&#39;{0}.$&#39;.$q3.&#39;{1}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{24};$&#39;.$q5.&#39;=$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{7}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{13};$&#39;.$q1.&#39;.=$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{22}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{36}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{29}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{26}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{30}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{32}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{35}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{26}.$&#39;.$q6.&#39;{30};eval($&#39;.$q1.&#39;("&#39;.base64_encode(&#39;$&#39;.$q2.&#39;="&#39;.$c.&#39;";eval(\&#39;?>\'.$'.$q1.'($'.$q3.'($'.$q4.'($'.$q2.',$'.$q5.'*2),$'.$q4.'($'.$q2.',$'.$q5.',$'.$q5.'),$'.$q4.'($'.$q2.',0,$'.$q5.'))));').'"));'; 
 $s = '<?php &#39;."\n".$s."\n".&#39; ?>'; 
 //echo $s; 
 // 生成 加密后的PHP文件 
 $fpp1 = fopen('temp_'.$filename, 'w'); 
 fwrite($fpp1, $s) or die('写文件错误'); 
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The third method

 class text_auth 
  var $n_iter; 
  function text_auth() 
  function setIter($n_iter) 
   $this->n_iter = $n_iter; 
  function getIter() 
   return $this->n_iter; 
  function encrypt($data, $key) 
   $n = $this->_resize($data, 4); 
   $data_long[0] = $n; 
   $n_data_long = $this->_str2long(1, $data, $data_long); 
   $n = count($data_long); 
   if (($n & 1) == 1) { 
    $data_long[$n] = chr(0); 
   $this->_resize($key, 16, true); 
   if ( '' == $key ) 
    $key = '0000000000000000'; 
   $n_key_long = $this->_str2long(0, $key, $key_long); 
   $enc_data = ''; 
   $w   = array(0, 0); 
   $j   = 0; 
   $k   = array(0, 0, 0, 0); 
   for ($i = 0; $i < $n_data_long; ++$i) { 
    if ($j + 4 <= $n_key_long) { 
     $k[0] = $key_long[$j]; 
     $k[1] = $key_long[$j + 1]; 
     $k[2] = $key_long[$j + 2]; 
     $k[3] = $key_long[$j + 3]; 
    } else { 
     $k[0] = $key_long[$j % $n_key_long]; 
     $k[1] = $key_long[($j + 1) % $n_key_long]; 
     $k[2] = $key_long[($j + 2) % $n_key_long]; 
     $k[3] = $key_long[($j + 3) % $n_key_long]; 
    $j = ($j + 4) % $n_key_long; 
    $this->_encipherLong($data_long[$i], $data_long[++$i], $w, $k); 
    $enc_data .= $this->_long2str($w[0]); 
    $enc_data .= $this->_long2str($w[1]); 
   return $enc_data; 
  function decrypt($enc_data, $key) 
   $n_enc_data_long = $this->_str2long(0, $enc_data, $enc_data_long); 
   $this->_resize($key, 16, true); 
   if ( '' == $key ) 
    $key = '0000000000000000'; 
   $n_key_long = $this->_str2long(0, $key, $key_long); 
   $data = ''; 
   $w  = array(0, 0); 
   $j  = 0; 
   $len = 0; 
   $k  = array(0, 0, 0, 0); 
   $pos = 0; 
   for ($i = 0; $i < $n_enc_data_long; $i += 2) { 
    if ($j + 4 <= $n_key_long) { 
     $k[0] = $key_long[$j]; 
     $k[1] = $key_long[$j + 1]; 
     $k[2] = $key_long[$j + 2]; 
     $k[3] = $key_long[$j + 3]; 
    } else { 
     $k[0] = $key_long[$j % $n_key_long]; 
     $k[1] = $key_long[($j + 1) % $n_key_long]; 
     $k[2] = $key_long[($j + 2) % $n_key_long]; 
     $k[3] = $key_long[($j + 3) % $n_key_long]; 
    $j = ($j + 4) % $n_key_long; 
    $this->_decipherLong($enc_data_long[$i], $enc_data_long[$i + 1], $w, $k); 
    if (0 == $i) { 
     $len = $w[0]; 
     if (4 <= $len) { 
      $data .= $this->_long2str($w[1]); 
     } else { 
      $data .= substr($this->_long2str($w[1]), 0, $len % 4); 
    } else { 
     $pos = ($i - 1) * 4; 
     if ($pos + 4 <= $len) { 
      $data .= $this->_long2str($w[0]); 
      if ($pos + 8 <= $len) { 
       $data .= $this->_long2str($w[1]); 
      } elseif ($pos + 4 < $len) { 
       $data .= substr($this->_long2str($w[1]), 0, $len % 4); 
     } else { 
      $data .= substr($this->_long2str($w[0]), 0, $len % 4); 
   return $data; 
  function _encipherLong($y, $z, &$w, &$k) 
   $sum = (integer) 0; 
   $delta = 0x9E3779B9; 
   $n  = (integer) $this->n_iter; 
   while ($n-- > 0) { 
    $y  = $this->_add($y, 
         $this->_add($z << 4 ^ $this->_rshift($z, 5), $z) ^ 
          $this->_add($sum, $k[$sum & 3])); 
    $sum = $this->_add($sum, $delta); 
    $z  = $this->_add($z, 
         $this->_add($y << 4 ^ $this->_rshift($y, 5), $y) ^ 
          $this->_add($sum, $k[$this->_rshift($sum, 11) & 3])); 
   $w[0] = $y; 
   $w[1] = $z; 
  function _decipherLong($y, $z, &$w, &$k) 
   $sum = 0xC6EF3720; 
   $delta = 0x9E3779B9; 
   $n  = (integer) $this->n_iter; 
   while ($n-- > 0) { 
    $z  = $this->_add($z, 
         -($this->_add($y << 4 ^ $this->_rshift($y, 5), $y) ^ 
           $this->_add($sum, $k[$this->_rshift($sum, 11) & 3]))); 
    $sum = $this->_add($sum, -$delta); 
    $y  = $this->_add($y, 
         -($this->_add($z << 4 ^ $this->_rshift($z, 5), $z) ^ 
           $this->_add($sum, $k[$sum & 3]))); 
   $w[0] = $y; 
   $w[1] = $z; 
  function _resize(&$data, $size, $nonull = false) 
   $n  = strlen($data); 
   $nmod = $n % $size; 
   if ( 0 == $nmod ) 
    $nmod = $size; 
   if ($nmod > 0) { 
    if ($nonull) { 
     for ($i = $n; $i < $n - $nmod + $size; ++$i) { 
      $data[$i] = $data[$i % $n]; 
    } else { 
     for ($i = $n; $i < $n - $nmod + $size; ++$i) { 
      $data[$i] = chr(0); 
   return $n; 
  function _hex2bin($str) 
   $len = strlen($str); 
   return pack(&#39;H&#39; . $len, $str); 
  function _str2long($start, &$data, &$data_long) 
   $n = strlen($data); 
   $tmp = unpack(&#39;N*&#39;, $data); 
   $j  = $start; 
   foreach ($tmp as $value) 
    $data_long[$j++] = $value; 
   return $j; 
  function _long2str($l) 
   return pack(&#39;N&#39;, $l); 
  function _rshift($integer, $n) 
   if (0xffffffff < $integer || -0xffffffff > $integer) { 
    $integer = fmod($integer, 0xffffffff + 1); 
   if (0x7fffffff < $integer) { 
    $integer -= 0xffffffff + 1.0; 
   } elseif (-0x80000000 > $integer) { 
    $integer += 0xffffffff + 1.0; 
   if (0 > $integer) { 
    $integer &= 0x7fffffff; 
    $integer >>= $n; 
    $integer |= 1 << (31 - $n); 
   } else { 
    $integer >>= $n; 
   return $integer; 
  function _add($i1, $i2) 
   $result = 0.0; 
   foreach (func_get_args() as $value) { 
    if (0.0 > $value) { 
     $value -= 1.0 + 0xffffffff; 
    $result += $value; 
   if (0xffffffff < $result || -0xffffffff > $result) { 
    $result = fmod($result, 0xffffffff + 1); 
   if (0x7fffffff < $result) { 
    $result -= 0xffffffff + 1.0; 
   } elseif (-0x80000000 > $result) { 
    $result += 0xffffffff + 1.0; 
   return $result; 
// 加密过程
view sourceprint?
 $text_file = S_ROOT . './456.php'; 
 $str = @file_get_contents($text_file); 
 require_once S_ROOT . "./text_auth.php"; 
 $text_auth = new text_auth(64); 
 $str = $text_auth->encrypt($str, ""); 
 $filename = S_ROOT . './789.php'; // 加密后的文本为二进制,普通的文本编辑器无法正常查看 
 file_put_contents($filename, $str); 
// 解密过程
view sourceprint
?01 $text_file = S_ROOT . './789.php'; 
 $str = @file_get_contents($text_file); 
 require_once S_ROOT . "./text_auth.php"; 
 $text_auth = new text_auth(64); 
 $str = $text_auth->decrypt($str, ""); 
 $filename = S_ROOT . './456.php'; 
 file_put_contents($filename, $str);
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I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

How to use PHP unlink and rmdir to delete files in the directory

php and js open a local exe application to pass parameters Detailed explanation of steps

The above is the detailed content of Summary of PHP source code encryption methods. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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