This time I will bring you how to use Vue's shopCart component. What are the things to note when using Vue's shopCart component?The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
1. shopCart component
(1) goods parent component and sub-component shopCart pass parametersdeliveryPrice:{ // 单价 从json seller 对象数据中获取 type:Number, default:0 }, minPrice:{ // 最低起送价 从json seller 对象数据中获取 type:Number, default:20 }
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'deliveryPrice' of undefined"Solution: The router-view component in the root component App.vue obtains the seller data and passes it to the goods component (the root component is also the parent component of goods )
props: { sell: Object // 相当于 形参 },
props:{ // 通过父组件传过来的 ( 相当于形参 ) selefoodsArr:{ // 用户选中的商品存放在一个数组里 接收的是 data.json数据的 goods(数组) type:Array, // 当父组件传过来的 类型是对象或者 是数组时, default 就是一个函数 default (){ return [] // 返回数组 存放着选中 商品 对应的 goods下的 foods 数组(由 父组件 的 实参 决定的返回值) } }
computed:{ totalPrice (){ //计算总价,超过起送额度后提示可付款 let total=0 // 定义一个返回值 this.selefoodsArr.forEach((rfoods) =>{ // 遍历 这个 goods 数组 取到 价格 和 数量 (当然在这里数据库没有count 这个属性,稍后 我们会利用 vue.set() 新建一个count 属性) total += rfoods.price * rfoods.count // 形参 rfoods 实参 是 foods }); return total; }, totalCount (){ // //计算选中的food数量,在购物车图标处显示,采用绝对定位,top:0;right:0;显示在购物车图标右上角 let count=0 this.selefoodsArr.forEach((rfoods) =>{ // 形参 rfoods 实参 是 foods count += rfoods.count }); return count; }, payDesc (){ //控制底部右边内容随food的变化而变化,payDesc()控制显示内容,enough 添加类调整显示样式 let diff = this.minPrice - this.totalPrice if (!this.totalPrice) { return `¥${this.minPrice}起送` } else if (diff > 0) { return `还差¥${diff}元` } else { return '去结算' } } }
&.active color white &.enough background #00b43c color white
2. cartControl component
Description: This component controls the shopping cart ball. Which involves the animation of the ball (1) Add the new attribute count Description: Add an attribute count to foods under goods to store the items selected by the user Number of products, calculation of the total price of the product, and changes in associated badges (displaying the number of products selected by the user) Method: import Vue from 'vue'; use the set interface and add attributes through vue.set() , it can be detected when it changes, so that the parent component can obtain the count value (used when traversing the selected products)methods:{ addCart(event){ // 点击count 加, //console.log(; if (!event._constructed) { // 去掉自带click事件的点击 return; } if(!this.foodsele.count){ Vue.set(this.foodsele, 'count', 1) }else{ this.foodsele.count++ } }, decreaseCart (event){ // 点击减少 if (!event._constructed) { // 去掉自带click事件的点击 return; } if(this.foodsele.count){ this.foodsele.count -- } } }
.cart-decrease display inline-block padding 6px transition: all .4s linear /*过渡效果的 CSS 属性的名称、过渡效果需要多少时间、速度效果的速度曲线*/ .inner line-height 24px font-size 24px color rgb(0,160,220) transition all 0.4s linear &.move-enter-active, &.move-leave-active transform translate3d(0,0,0) /* 这样可以开启硬件加速,动画更流畅,3D旋转,X轴位移24px */ .inner display inline-block /* 设置成inline-block才有高度,才能有动画 */ transform rotate(0) &.move-enter, &.move-leave-active opacity: 0 transform translate3d(24px,0,0) .inner transform rotate(180deg)
3. Parabolic ball animation
Control the ball through two layers. The outer layer controls the change in one direction, and the inner layer controls the change in the other direction (write two layers to have a parabola effect), using a fixed layout (an animation relative to the viewport) ) Event emission and reception Value passing between components-1 Value passing between components-2Extension
Transfer between Vue1.0 componentsaddCart(event){ // 点击count 加, // console.log(; if (!event._constructed) { // 去掉自带click事件的点击 return; } if(!this.foodsele.count){ Vue.set(this.foodsele, 'count', 1) }else{ this.foodsele.count++ } // 当点击 添加数量时 通过 $emit 属性 提交一个名为 add 给父组件 // 子组件通过 $emit触发 add事件 ,将参数传递给父组件 this.$emit('add',; }
addFood(target) { this._drop(target); }
1-3. 父组件访问子组件 vue 提供了接口 ref
_drop(target) { // 体验优化,异步执行下落动画 this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.shopCart.balldrop(target);// 将target传入shopCart子组件中的balldrop方法,所以drop方法能获得用户点击按钮的元素,即能获取点击按钮的位置 }); }
区别 访问DOM 变量
1-3. 操作 shopCart 组件
data (){ // 定义一个数组 来 控制小球的状态 定义多个对象,表示页面中做多同时运动的小球 return{ // 定义 5 个 小球 balls:[{show:false},{show:false},{show:false},{show:false},{show:false}], dropBalls:[] // 接收下落小球 } }
methods:{ balldrop(ele) { // console.log(el) 取到点击 对象 for(var i=0;i Copy after login
动画过程开始,利用vue 提供的钩子函数
beforeEnter (el){ //找到所以设为true的小球 let count=this.balls.length while(count--){ let ball = this.balls[count]; if({ let pos=ball.el.getBoundingClientRect() //返回元素相对于视口偏移的位置 let x=pos.left-32 // 点击的按钮与小球(fixed)之间x方向的差值 let y=-( = ''; //设置初始位置前,手动置空,覆盖之前的display:none,使其显示 = `translate3d(0,${y}px,0)`; //外层元素做纵向的动画,y是变量 = `translate3d(0,${y}px,0)`; let inner = el.getElementsByClassName('inner_hook')[0];//内层元素做横向动画,inner-hook(用于js选择的样式名加上-hook,表明只是用 //于js选择的,没有真实的样式含义) = `translate3d(${x}px,0,0)`; = `translate3d(${x}px,0,0)`; } } }, enter(el) { /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ let rf = el.offsetHeight; this.$nextTick(() => {//异步执行 = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; //重置回来 = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; let inner = el.getElementsByClassName('inner_hook')[0]; = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; }); }, afterEnter(el) { let ball = this.dropBalls.shift(); //取到做完动画的球,再置为false,即重置,它还可以接着被利用 if (ball) { = false; = 'none'; } }
&.drop-enter,&.drop-enter-active transition all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.49,-0.29,0.75,0.41) .inner width 16px height 16px border-radius 50% background rgb(0,160,220) transition all 0.4s linear
The above is the detailed content of How to use Vue's shopCart component. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!