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Summary of Js front-end performance optimization

Release: 2018-02-28 13:42:48
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The best resource optimization is not to load resources. Caching is also the most effective optimization method. To be honest, although client-side caching occurs on the browser side, caching is mainly controlled by the server and has little to do with our front-end. But it is still necessary to understand.

Caching includes server-side caching and client-side caching. This article only talks about client-side caching. The so-called client cache is mainly http cache. HTTP caching is mainly divided into forced caching and negotiated caching.

Forced caching

  • Expires (http1.0)

Use Expires in http1.0 to do forced caching. The value of Exprires is the expiration time of the data returned by the server. When the request time when requesting again is less than the returned time, the cached data will be used directly. However, since the server time and client time may be different, this will also lead to cache hit errors.

  • Cache-Control

Cache-Control has many attributes, and different attributes have different meanings.

  1. private: The client can cache

  2. public: Both the client and the proxy server can cache

  3. max-age=t: cached content will expire after t seconds

  4. no-cache: Negotiation cache is required to verify cached data

  5. no-store: All content will not be cached.

Negotiate Cache

When the browser requests data for the first time, the server will respond to the client with the cache ID and data, and the client will back them up in the cache. . When requesting again, the client will send the identifier in the cache to the server, and the server will judge based on this identifier. If it has not expired, a 304 status code will be returned. The browser can use the cached data directly after receiving this status code.

  • Last-Modified

When the server responds to the request, it will tell the browser the last modification time of the resource

  • if-Modified-Since

When the browser requests the server again, the request header will contain this field, followed by the Last-Modified (last modification time) obtained in the cache ). When the server receives this request header and contains if-Modified-Since, it compares it with the last modification time of the requested resource. If it is greater than the last modification time of the requested resource, it returns 304, and the browser obtains the resource from the cache. If it is less than the last modification time of the requested resource, 200 is returned and the latest resource is returned. The browser obtains the latest resource from the server and caches it.

  • Etag

A unique identifying string generated by the server for each resource

  • If -None-Match

When requesting the server again, the browser's request message header will contain this field, and the subsequent value is the identifier obtained in the cache. After receiving the message, the server finds If-None-Match and compares it with the unique identifier of the requested resource. If they are the same, it means that the resource has not been modified, return 304, and the browser obtains the resource from the cache. If they are different, it means that the resource has been modified, then return 200, and return the latest resource. The browser obtains the latest resource from the server and caches it.

Last-Modified and ETag can be used together. The server will verify the ETag first. If they are consistent, it will continue to compare Last-Modified and finally decide whether to return 304.

If you use a front-end packaging tool, you can add a version number or hash value to the file when packaging the file, and you can also distinguish whether the resource has expired.

Reduce http requests

  • Use CDN to host static resources

  • ##You can use packaging tools such as gulp and webpack to package js and css Wait for files to be merged and compressed

  • Pictures are loaded lazily and on demand, and pictures are loaded only when scrolling to the visible area of ​​the picture

  • Small pictures And pictures that will basically not change are transmitted using base64 encoding. Don't abuse base64. Even small pictures will generate a long string after base64 encoding. If you abuse base64, it will be counterproductive.

  • Sprite pictures, this is also for pictures that basically will not change. I only use sprite images because if one image is modified, the entire sprite image will be regenerated. If used indiscriminately, it will be counterproductive.

Reduce the size of http request resources

  • Use webpack, gulp and other tools to compress resources

  • Turn on gzip compression on the server (the compression rate is very impressive, generally above 30%)

  • If you use packaging tools, packaging optimization must be done well, public resources, third-party code extraction, No packaged libraries are required...

Rendering Optimization

Those who have read the previous js running mechanism should know that from the time the url is entered in the browser to the page appearing on the screen , what happened (tcp handshake, dns resolution, etc. are not within the scope of knowledge).
  • FPS 16ms, less than 10ms is best. Google devtool to check the frame rate

If the browser FPS reaches 60, it will appear smoother. The refresh frequency of most monitors is 60Hz, and the browser will automatically refresh animations at this frequency.
Calculated based on FPS equal to 60, the average frame time is 1000ms/60 = 16.7ms, so each rendering time cannot exceed 16ms. If this time is exceeded, frame loss and lag will occur.

You can check the refresh rate in Timeline in the Chrome browser developer tools, and you can check the time consumption of all frame rates and the execution status of a certain frame. Timeline usage tutorial: https://segmentfault.com/a/11...

In order to ensure normal FPS, some rendering performance optimization is still necessary. The following are all strategies related to rendering optimization.

  • Try to use css3 for animation

As we all know, the performance of css is faster than js, so you can use css and try not to use js To achieve

  • avoid using setTimeout or setInterval, try to use requestAnimationFrame for animation or high-frequency Dom operations.

Because setTimeout and setInterval cannot guarantee the execution timing of the callback function, it is likely to be executed at the end of the frame, resulting in frame loss, but requestAnimationFrame can guarantee that the callback function will be executed at the beginning of each frame of animation. When executing
requestAnimationFrame Chinese MDN address: https://developer.mozilla.org...

  • Complex calculation operations use Web Workers

If you need complex data operations, such as traversing and summing an array of elements, then Web Workers are perfect.

Web Workers can allow JavaScript scripts to run in background threads (similar to creating a child thread), and the background thread will not affect the page in the main thread. However, threads created using Web Workers cannot operate the DOM tree.
For more information about Web Workers, you can view the MDN detailed explanation: https://developer.mozilla.org...

  • css is placed at the head and js is placed at the tail.

Those who have read the previous js running mechanism should know the process of page rendering, so I won’t go into details. Placing css at the head will avoid the splash screen phenomenon caused by re-layout after generating the html tree. js generally has a greater impact on the page and is generally placed at the end for last execution.

  • Event debounce and throttling

For high-frequency triggered events (mousemove, scroll) and other events, If not controlled it can trigger many events in a short period of time.

Function anti-shake means that when triggered frequently, the code will only be executed once if there is enough free time. Scenario: In the email input box during registration, as the user inputs, it is judged in real time whether the email format is correct. When the first input event is triggered, set the timing: perform the check after 800ms. If only 100ms has passed and the last timer has not been executed, clear the timer and retime it to 800ms. Until the latest input, there is no adjacent input, the timing of this latest input ends, and the check code is finally executed.

const filter  = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;  
function checkEmail(){  
    let timer=null;  
    return function (){  
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Function throttling means that the js method only runs once within a certain period of time. That is, what was originally executed 100 times per second becomes 10 times per second.
Scenario: The actual scenario of function throttling application, most of which will be used when listening to scrolling events of page elements.

var canRun = true;
document.getElementById("throttle").onscroll = function(){
        // 判断是否已空闲,如果在执行中,则直接return

    canRun = false;
        canRun = true;
    }, 300);
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  • Dom operation

Front-end developers all know that Do operation is very time-consuming (I have personally tested a 30*30 table traversal add style). So try to avoid frequent Dom operations. If you can't avoid it, try to optimize the DOm operations.


2: 合并Dom操作,使用createDocumentFragment()
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    var frag = document.createDocumentFragment()
    for (i<10) {
        var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;)
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 3: 使用React、Vue等框架的虚拟dom(原理目前还不明白),可以更快的实现dom操作。
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  • Try to avoid repaint (rePaint) and reflow (reFlow)

It will be triggered if you use js to modify the color or background color of the element Redrawing is relatively expensive because the browser will check all nodes within a DOM element after the visual effect of the DOM element changes.

If you modify the size and position of the element, reflow will occur. Reflow is more expensive. It will be triggered after the position of a certain DOM element changes, and it will recalculate the position of all elements and the content on the page. The occupied area will cause a certain part of the page or even the entire page to be re-rendered.

  • css3 hardware acceleration

When the browser renders, it will be divided into two layers: ordinary layers and composite layers.

The ordinary document flow can be understood as a composite layer. Although the absolute and fixed layout can be separated from the ordinary document flow, it still belongs to the ordinary layer and hardware acceleration will not be activated. The repaint and reflow mentioned above refer to redraw and reflow on ordinary layers.

Composite layers will enable hardware acceleration. It is not in the same layer as the ordinary layer, so the composite layer will not affect the ordinary layer. If an element is promoted to the composite layer, and then the element is operated, it will not cause the ordinary layer to be redrawn and reflowed. This improves rendering performance.

How to start hardware acceleration:

1. Use translate3d and translateZ

webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
-moz-transform: translateZ(0);
-ms-transform: translateZ(0);
-o-transform: translateZ(0);
transform: translateZ(0);

webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
-ms-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
-o-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
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如果使用硬件加速,请使用z-index配合使用, 因为如果这个元素添加了硬件加速,并且index层级比较低, 那么在这个元素的后面其它元素(层级比这个元素高的,或者相同的,并且releative或absolute属性相同的), 会默认变为复合层渲染,如果处理不当会极大的影响性能
  • 避免强制同步布局和布局抖动

浏览器渲染过程为:js/css(javascript) > 计算样式(style) > 布局(layout) > 绘制(paint) > 渲染合并图层(Composite)



offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetWidth, offsetHeight




请求了getComputedStyle(), 或者 IE的 currentStyle
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// 先写后读,触发强制布局
function logBoxHeight() {
    // 更新box样式

    // 为了返回box的offersetHeight值
    // 浏览器必须先应用属性修改,接着执行布局过程

// 先读后写,避免强制布局
function logBoxHeight() {
    // 获取box.offsetHeight

    // 更新box样式
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function resizeAllParagraphsToMatchBlockWidth() {
  for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
    paragraphs[i].style.width = box.offsetWidth + &#39;px&#39;;

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// bed  每次循环都要去获取left ,就会发生一次回流
function logBoxHeight() {
  box.style.left += 10

// goog 
var width = box.offsetWidth;

function resizeAllParagraphsToMatchBlockWidth() {
  for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
    // Now write.
    paragraphs[i].style.width = width + &#39;px&#39;;
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  • DOMContentLoaded与Load

DOMContentLoaded 事件触发时,仅当DOM加载完成才触发DOMContentLoaded,此时样式表,图片,外部引入资源都还没加载。而load是等所有的资源加载完毕才会触发。

1. 解析HTML结构。
2. 加载外部脚本和样式表文件。
3. 解析并执行脚本代码。
4. DOM树构建完成。//DOMContentLoaded
5. 加载图片等外部文件。
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  • 视觉优化

等待加载时间可以合理使用loading gif动图一定程度上消除用户等待时间的烦躁感



  • 避免全局查找


// bad
function f () {
    for (...){

function f () {
    var href = window.location.href
    for (...){
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  • 循环技巧

// bed 
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
// good
for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++){
// 不用每次查询长度
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  • 不要使用for in 遍历数组

for in是最慢的,其他的都差不多,其中直接使用for循环是最快的。for in只是适合用来遍历对象。

  • 使用+''代替String()吧变量转化为字符串

var a = 12
a = String(a)

// good
var a = 12
a = a + &#39;&#39;
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  • 删除dom


  • 使用事件代理处理事件


  • 通过js生成的dom对象必须append到页面中


  • 避免与null比较


  • 尽量使用三目运算符代替if else

if(a>b){num = a}
else{num = b}

// 可以替换为
num = a > b ? a : b
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  • 当判断条件大于3中情况时,使用switch代替if






The above is the detailed content of Summary of Js front-end performance optimization. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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