How to use cursor in Oracle

Release: 2017-12-11 14:51:20
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This article mainly introduces the detailed explanation of the basic usage of cursor in Oracle. It is relatively comprehensive. After reading this article, I hope you can master how to use cursor in Oracle.


The SELECT statement is used to query data from the database. When using the SELECT statement in PL/SQL, you must Used with the INTO clause, the
return value of the query is assigned to the variable in the INTO clause, and the variable declaration is in DELCARE. The SELECT INTO syntax is as follows:

  SELECT [DISTICT|ALL]{*|column[,column,...]}   INTO (variable[,variable,...] |record)   FROM {table|(sub-query)}[alias]   WHERE............
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The SELECT statement in PL/SQL only returns one row of data. If there is more than one row of data, then an explicit cursor must be used (we will discuss the cursor later), and the INTO clause must have the same number of columns as the SELECT clause. Record variables can also be included in the INTO clause.

%TYPE attribute

Variables and constants can be declared as built-in or user-defined data types in PL/SQL to reference A column name, while inheriting its data type

type and size. This dynamic assignment method is very useful. For example, if the data type and size of the column referenced by the variable changes, if %TYPE,
is used, the user does not have to modify the code, otherwise the code must be modified.


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Not only can %TYPE be used in column names, but also variables, cursors, records, or declared constants. %TYPE can be used. This is useful for defining variables of the same data type.

  DELCARE V_A NUMBER(5):=10;   V_B V_A%TYPE:=15;   V_C V_A%TYPE;   BEGIN   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE   ('V_A='||V_A||'V_B='||V_B||'V_C='||V_C);   END   SQL>/   V_A=10 V_B=15 V_C=   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.   SQL>
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Other DML statements

Other DML statements for operating data are: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and LOCK TABLE, the syntax of these statements in PL/SQL is the same as the syntax in SQL

. We have discussed the use of DML statements before and will not repeat them here. Any variable declared in the DECLARE section can be used in a DML statement. If it is a nested

block, pay attention to the scope of the variable.


  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FIRE_EMPLOYEE (pempno in number)   AS   v_ename EMP.ENAME%TYPE;   BEGIN   SELECT ename INTO v_ename   FROM emp   WHERE empno=p_empno;   INSERT INTO FORMER_EMP(EMPNO,ENAME)   VALUES (p_empno,v_ename);   DELETE FROM emp   WHERE empno=p_empno;   UPDATE former_emp   SET date_deleted=SYSDATE   WHERE empno=p_empno;   EXCEPTION   WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee Number Not Found!');   END
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## Results of DML statement

When a DML statement is executed, the results of the DML statement are stored in four cursor attributes. These attributes are used to control the program flow or understand the status of the program. When running a DML statement, PL/SQL opens a built-in cursor and processes the results. The cursor is an area in memory that maintains query results.The cursor is opened when the DML statement is run and closed after completion. Implicit cursors only use three attributes: SQL%FOUND,

SQL%NOTFOUND, and SQL%ROWCOUNT. SQL%FOUND and SQL%NOTFOUND are Boolean values, and SQL%ROWCOUNT is an integer value.


The values of SQL%FOUND and SQL%NOTFOUND are NULL before executing any DML statement. After executing the DML statement, the attribute value of SQL%FOUND will be:

. TRUE: DELETE and UPDATE. At least one row is DELETE or UPDATE.

. TRUE: SELECT INTO returns at least one row



Before executing any DML statement, the value of SQL%ROWCOUNT is NULL. For the SELECT INTO statement, if the execution is successful
, SQL The value of %ROWCOUNT is 1. If there is no success, the value of SQL%ROWCOUNT is 0 and an exception NO_DATA_FOUND is generated.


SQL%ISOPEN is A Boolean value that is TRUE if the cursor is open and FALSE if the cursor is closed. SQL%
ISOPEN is always FALSE for implicit cursors because implicit cursors

## The # mark is opened when the DML statement is executed and closed immediately when it ends.

Transaction control statement

A transaction is a logical unit of work that can include one or more DML statements. Transaction control helps users Ensure data consistency. If any DMLstatement in the transaction control logical unit fails, the entire transaction will be rolled back. In PL/SQL, users can explicitly use COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT andSET TRANSACTION statements.
The COMMIT statement terminates the transaction, permanently saves the changes in the database, and releases all LOCK at the same time. ROLLBACK terminates the current transaction and releases all LOCK,

but does not save any changes in the database, SAVEPOI

NT is used to set the intermediate point. When the transaction calls too many database operations, the intermediate point is very useful. SET TRANSACTION is used to set the transaction attributes, such as read-write and isolation level.

Explicit cursor

When the query returns more than one row, an explicit cursor is required. At this time, the user The select into statement cannot be used. PL/SQL manages implicit

cursors. The implicit cursor is opened when the query starts and is automatically closed when the query ends. Explicit cursors are declared in the declaration part of the PL/SQL block, opened in the execution part or exception handling part, fetch data, and closed.
Using Cursors




CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement;



  DELCARE   CURSOR C_EMP IS SELECT empno,ename,salary   FROM emp   WHERE salary>2000   ORDER BY ename;   ........   BEGIN
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来选择所有的列 。



  OPEN cursor_name
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 CLOSE cursor_name
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FETCH cursor_name INTO variable[,variable,...]



  SET SERVERIUTPUT ON   DECLARE   v_ename EMP.ENAME%TYPE;   v_salary EMP.SALARY%TYPE;   CURSOR c_emp IS SELECT ename,salary FROM emp;   BEGIN   OPEN c_emp;   FETCH c_emp INTO v_ename,v_salary; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of Employee'|| v_ename ||'is'|| v_salary);   FETCH c_emp INTO v_ename,v_salary;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of Employee'|| v_ename ||'is'|| v_salary);   FETCH c_emp INTO v_ename,v_salary;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of Employee'|| v_ename ||'is'|| v_salary);   CLOSE c_emp;   END
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  SET SERVERIUTPUT ON   DECLARE   v_ename EMP.ENAME%TYPE;   v_salary EMP.SALARY%TYPE;   CURSOR c_emp IS SELECT ename,salary FROM emp;   BEGIN   OPEN c_emp;   LOOP   FETCH c_emp INTO v_ename,v_salary;   EXIT WHEN c_emp%NOTFOUND;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of Employee'|| v_ename ||'is'|| v_salary);   END
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  SET SERVERIUTPUT ON   DECLARE   R_emp EMP%ROWTYPE;   CURSOR c_emp IS SELECT * FROM emp;   BEGIN   OPEN c_emp;   LOOP   FETCH c_emp INTO r_emp;   EXIT WHEN c_emp%NOTFOUND;   DBMS_OUT.PUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of Employee'||r_emp.ename||'is'|| r_emp.salary);   END LOOP;   CLOSE c_emp;   END;
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  SET SERVERIUTPUT ON   DECLARE   CURSOR c_emp IS SELECT ename,salary FROM emp;   R_emp c_emp%ROWTYPE;   BEGIN   OPEN c_emp;   LOOP   FETCH c_emp INTO r_emp;   EXIT WHEN c_emp%NOTFOUND;   DBMS_OUT.PUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of Employee'||r_emp.ename||'is'|| r_emp.salary);   END LOOP;   CLOSE c_emp;   END;
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CURSOR cursor_name[(parameter[,parameter],...)] IS select_statement;


Parameter_name [IN] data_type[{:=|DEFAULT} value]




OPEN cursor_name[value[,value]....];



  DECALRE   CURSOR c_dept IS SELECT * FROM dept ORDER BY deptno;   CURSOR c_emp (p_dept VARACHAR2) IS   SELECT ename,salary   FROM emp   WHERE deptno=p_dept   ORDER BY ename   r_dept DEPT%ROWTYPE;   v_ename EMP.ENAME%TYPE;   v_salary EMP.SALARY%TYPE;   v_tot_salary EMP.SALARY%TYPE;   BEGIN   OPEN c_dept;   LOOP   FETCH c_dept INTO r_dept;   EXIT WHEN c_dept%NOTFOUND;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Department:'|| r_dept.deptno||'-'||r_dept.dname);   v_tot_salary:=0;   OPEN c_emp(r_dept.deptno);   LOOP   FETCH c_emp INTO v_ename,v_salary;   EXIT WHEN c_emp%NOTFOUND;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name:'|| v_ename||' salary:'||v_salary);   v_tot_salary:=v_tot_salary+v_salary;   END LOOP;   CLOSE c_emp;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Toltal Salary for dept:'|| v_tot_salary);   END LOOP;   CLOSE c_dept;   END;
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  FOR record_name IN   (corsor_name[(parameter[,parameter]...)]   | (query_difinition)   LOOP   statements   END LOOP;
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  DECALRE   CURSOR c_dept IS SELECT deptno,dname FROM dept ORDER BY deptno;   CURSOR c_emp (p_dept VARACHAR2) IS   SELECT ename,salary   FROM emp   WHERE deptno=p_dept   ORDER BY ename   v_tot_salary EMP.SALARY%TYPE; BEGIN   FOR r_dept IN c_dept LOOP   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Department:'|| r_dept.deptno||'-'||r_dept.dname);   v_tot_salary:=0;   FOR r_emp IN c_emp(r_dept.deptno) LOOP   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name:' || v_ename || 'salary:' || v_salary);   v_tot_salary:=v_tot_salary+v_salary;   END LOOP;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Toltal Salary for dept:'|| v_tot_salary);   END LOOP;   END;
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  DECALRE   v_tot_salary EMP.SALARY%TYPE;   BEGIN   FOR r_dept IN (SELECT deptno,dname FROM dept ORDER BY deptno) LOOP   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Department:'|| r_dept.deptno||'-'||r_dept.dname);   v_tot_salary:=0;   FOR r_emp IN (SELECT ename,salary   FROM emp   WHERE deptno=p_dept   ORDER BY ename) LOOP   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name:'|| v_ename||' salary:'||v_salary);   v_tot_salary:=v_tot_salary+v_salary;   END LOOP;   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Toltal Salary for dept:'|| v_tot_salary);   END LOOP;   END;
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  CURSOR C1 IS SELECT * FROM emp   WHERE deptno NOT IN (SELECT deptno   FROM dept   WHERE dname!='ACCOUNTING');
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况下使用。PL/SQL提供了仅仅使  用游标就可以执行删除或更新记录的方法。
数据。要使用这个方法,在声明游标  时必须使用FOR UPDATE子串,当对话使用FOR UPDATE子串打开一个游标时,所有返回集中的数据行都将处于行级(ROW-LEVEL)独占式锁定,其
  他对象只能查询这些数据行,不能进行UPDATE、DELETE或SELECT...FOR UPDATE操作。


  FOR UPDATE [OF [schema.]table.column[,[schema.]table.column]..



  WHERE{CURRENT OF cursor_name|search_condition}


  DELCARE   CURSOR c1 IS SELECT empno,salary   FROM emp   WHERE comm IS NULL   FOR UPDATE OF comm;   v_comm NUMBER(10,2);   BEGIN   FOR r1 IN c1 LOOP   IF r1.salary<500 THEN   v_comm:=r1.salary*0.25;   ELSEIF r1.salary<1000 THEN   v_comm:=r1.salary*0.20;   ELSEIF r1.salary<3000 THEN   v_comm:=r1.salary*0.15;   ELSE   v_comm:=r1.salary*0.12;   END IF;   UPDATE emp;   SET comm=v_comm   WHERE CURRENT OF c1l;   END LOOP;   END
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-声明游标 --宗地表的调查日期LANDINFO_RESEARCHDATE --复制到流程表的权属调查时间FLOW_REASEARCHTIME DECLARE cursor cur_sel_all is select LANDINFO_RESEARCHDATE,LANDINFO_LANDNO from t_leoa_landinfo; --定义游标 l_date t_leoa_landinfo.landinfo_researchdate%type; --声明变量分别保存t_leoa_landinfo的各列 l_landNo t_leoa_landinfo.landinfo_landno%type; begin open cur_sel_all; loop --循环取数,并将游标数据填充到返回纪录集合中 fetch cur_sel_all into l_date,l_landNo; exit when cur_sel_all%NOTFOUND; --循环退出条件 if cur_sel_all%FOUND then --获取数据 update T_LEOA_BOOKFLOW t2 set FLOW_REASEARCHTIME = l_date where l_landNo = t2.landinfo_landno; end if; end loop; close cur_sel_all; end;
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-- 声明游标;CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement --For 循环游标 --(1)定义游标 --(2)定义游标变量 --(3)使用for循环来使用这个游标 declare --类型定义 cursor c_job is select empno,ename,job,sal from emp where job='MANAGER'; --定义一个游标变量v_cinfo c_emp%ROWTYPE ,该类型为游标c_emp中的一行数据类型 c_row c_job%rowtype; begin for c_row in c_job loop dbms_output.put_line(c_row.empno||'-'||c_row.ename||'-'||c_row.job||'-'||c_row.sal); end loop; end; --Fetch游标 --使用的时候必须要明确的打开和关闭 declare --类型定义 cursor c_job is select empno,ename,job,sal from emp where job='MANAGER'; --定义一个游标变量 c_row c_job%rowtype; begin open c_job; loop --提取一行数据到c_row fetch c_job into c_row; --判读是否提取到值,没取到值就退出 --取到值c_job%notfound 是false --取不到值c_job%notfound 是true exit when c_job%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(c_row.empno||'-'||c_row.ename||'-'||c_row.job||'-'||c_row.sal); end loop; --关闭游标 close c_job; end; --1:任意执行一个update操作,用隐式游标sql的属性%found,%notfound,%rowcount,%isopen观察update语句的执行情况。 begin update emp set ENAME='ALEARK' WHERE EMPNO=7469; if sql%isopen then dbms_output.put_line('Openging'); else dbms_output.put_line('closing'); end if; if sql%found then dbms_output.put_line('游标指向了有效行');--判断游标是否指向有效行 else dbms_output.put_line('Sorry'); end if; if sql%notfound then dbms_output.put_line('Also Sorry'); else dbms_output.put_line('Haha'); end if; dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('Sorry No data'); when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('Too Many rows'); end; declare empNumber emp.EMPNO%TYPE; empName emp.ENAME%TYPE; begin if sql%isopen then dbms_output.put_line('Cursor is opinging'); else dbms_output.put_line('Cursor is Close'); end if; if sql%notfound then dbms_output.put_line('No Value'); else dbms_output.put_line(empNumber); end if; dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount); dbms_output.put_line('-------------'); select EMPNO,ENAME into empNumber,empName from emp where EMPNO=7499; dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount); if sql%isopen then dbms_output.put_line('Cursor is opinging'); else dbms_output.put_line('Cursor is Closing'); end if; if sql%notfound then dbms_output.put_line('No Value'); else dbms_output.put_line(empNumber); end if; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No Value'); when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('too many rows'); end; --2,使用游标和loop循环来显示所有部门的名称 --游标声明 declare cursor csr_dept is --select语句 select DNAME from Depth; --指定行指针,这句话应该是指定和csr_dept行类型相同的变量 row_dept csr_dept%rowtype; begin --for循环 for row_dept in csr_dept loop dbms_output.put_line('部门名称:'||row_dept.DNAME); end loop; end; --3,使用游标和while循环来显示所有部门的的地理位置(用%found属性) declare --游标声明 cursor csr_TestWhile is --select语句 select LOC from Depth; --指定行指针 row_loc csr_TestWhile%rowtype; begin --打开游标 open csr_TestWhile; --给第一行喂数据 fetch csr_TestWhile into row_loc; --测试是否有数据,并执行循环 while csr_TestWhile%found loop dbms_output.put_line('部门地点:'||row_loc.LOC); --给下一行喂数据 fetch csr_TestWhile into row_loc; end loop; close csr_TestWhile; end; select * from emp --4,接收用户输入的部门编号,用for循环和游标,打印出此部门的所有雇员的所有信息(使用循环游标) --CURSOR cursor_name[(parameter[,parameter],...)] IS select_statement; --定义参数的语法如下:Parameter_name [IN] data_type[{:=|DEFAULT} value] declare CURSOR c_dept(p_deptNo number) is select * from emp where emp.depno=p_deptNo; r_emp emp%rowtype; begin for r_emp in c_dept(20) loop dbms_output.put_line('员工号:'||r_emp.EMPNO||'员工名:'||r_emp.ENAME||'工资:'||r_emp.SAL); end loop; end; select * from emp --5:向游标传递一个工种,显示此工种的所有雇员的所有信息(使用参数游标) declare cursor c_job(p_job nvarchar2) is select * from emp where JOB=p_job; r_job emp%rowtype; begin for r_job in c_job('CLERK') loop dbms_output.put_line('员工号'||r_job.EMPNO||' '||'员工姓名'||r_job.ENAME); end loop; end; SELECT * FROM EMP --6:用更新游标来为雇员加佣金:(用if实现,创建一个与emp表一摸一样的emp1表,对emp1表进行修改操作),并将更新前后的数据输出出来 -- create table emp1 as select * from emp; declare cursor csr_Update is select * from emp1 for update OF SAL; empInfo csr_Update%rowtype; saleInfo emp1.SAL%TYPE; begin FOR empInfo IN csr_Update LOOP IF empInfo.SAL<1500 THEN saleInfo:=empInfo.SAL*1.2; elsif empInfo.SAL<2000 THEN saleInfo:=empInfo.SAL*1.5; elsif empInfo.SAL<3000 THEN saleInfo:=empInfo.SAL*2; END IF; UPDATE emp1 SET SAL=saleInfo WHERE CURRENT OF csr_Update; END LOOP; END; --7:编写一个PL/SQL程序块,对名字以‘A'或‘S'开始的所有雇员按他们的基本薪水(sal)的10%给他们加薪(对emp1表进行修改操作) declare cursor csr_AddSal is select * from emp1 where ENAME LIKE 'A%' OR ENAME LIKE 'S%' for update OF SAL; r_AddSal csr_AddSal%rowtype; saleInfo emp1.SAL%TYPE; begin for r_AddSal in csr_AddSal loop dbms_output.put_line(r_AddSal.ENAME||'原来的工资:'||r_AddSal.SAL); saleInfo:=r_AddSal.SAL*1.1; UPDATE emp1 SET SAL=saleInfo WHERE CURRENT OF csr_AddSal; end loop; end; --8:编写一个PL/SQL程序块,对所有的salesman增加佣金(comm)500 declare cursor csr_AddComm(p_job nvarchar2) is select * from emp1 where JOB=p_job FOR UPDATE OF COMM; r_AddComm emp1%rowtype; commInfo emp1.comm%type; begin for r_AddComm in csr_AddComm('SALESMAN') LOOP commInfo:=r_AddComm.COMM+500; UPDATE EMP1 SET COMM=commInfo where CURRENT OF csr_AddComm; END LOOP; END; --9:编写一个PL/SQL程序块,以提升2个资格最老的职员为MANAGER(工作时间越长,资格越老) --(提示:可以定义一个变量作为计数器控制游标只提取两条数据;也可以在声明游标的时候把雇员中资格最老的两个人查出来放到游标中。) declare cursor crs_testComput is select * from emp1 order by HIREDATE asc; --计数器 top_two number:=2; r_testComput crs_testComput%rowtype; begin open crs_testComput; FETCH crs_testComput INTO r_testComput; while top_two>0 loop dbms_output.put_line('员工姓名:'||r_testComput.ENAME||' 工作时间:'||r_testComput.HIREDATE); --计速器减一 top_two:=top_two-1; FETCH crs_testComput INTO r_testComput; end loop; close crs_testComput; end; --10:编写一个PL/SQL程序块,对所有雇员按他们的基本薪水(sal)的20%为他们加薪, --如果增加的薪水大于300就取消加薪(对emp1表进行修改操作,并将更新前后的数据输出出来) declare cursor crs_UpadateSal is select * from emp1 for update of SAL; r_UpdateSal crs_UpadateSal%rowtype; salAdd emp1.sal%type; salInfo emp1.sal%type; begin for r_UpdateSal in crs_UpadateSal loop salAdd:= r_UpdateSal.SAL*0.2; if salAdd>300 then salInfo:=r_UpdateSal.SAL; dbms_output.put_line(r_UpdateSal.ENAME||': 加薪失败。'||'薪水维持在:'||r_UpdateSal.SAL); else salInfo:=r_UpdateSal.SAL+salAdd; dbms_output.put_line(r_UpdateSal.ENAME||': 加薪成功.'||'薪水变为:'||salInfo); end if; update emp1 set SAL=salInfo where current of crs_UpadateSal; end loop; end; --11:将每位员工工作了多少年零多少月零多少天输出出来 --近似 --CEIL(n)函数:取大于等于数值n的最小整数 --FLOOR(n)函数:取小于等于数值n的最大整数 --truc的用法 declare cursor crs_WorkDay is select ENAME,HIREDATE, trunc(months_between(sysdate, hiredate) / 12) AS SPANDYEARS, trunc(mod(months_between(sysdate, hiredate), 12)) AS months, trunc(mod(mod(sysdate - hiredate, 365), 12)) as days from emp1; r_WorkDay crs_WorkDay%rowtype; begin for r_WorkDay in crs_WorkDay loop dbms_output.put_line(r_WorkDay.ENAME||'已经工作了'||r_WorkDay.SPANDYEARS||'年,零'||r_WorkDay.months||'月,零'||r_WorkDay.days||'天'); end loop; end; --12:输入部门编号,按照下列加薪比例执行(用CASE实现,创建一个emp1表,修改emp1表的数据),并将更新前后的数据输出出来 -- deptno raise(%) -- 10 5% -- 20 10% -- 30 15% -- 40 20% -- 加薪比例以现有的sal为标准 --CASE expr WHEN comparison_expr THEN return_expr --[, WHEN comparison_expr THEN return_expr]... [ELSE else_expr] END declare cursor crs_caseTest is select * from emp1 for update of SAL; r_caseTest crs_caseTest%rowtype; salInfo emp1.sal%type; begin for r_caseTest in crs_caseTest loop case when r_caseTest.DEPNO=10 THEN salInfo:=r_caseTest.SAL*1.05; when r_caseTest.DEPNO=20 THEN salInfo:=r_caseTest.SAL*1.1; when r_caseTest.DEPNO=30 THEN salInfo:=r_caseTest.SAL*1.15; when r_caseTest.DEPNO=40 THEN salInfo:=r_caseTest.SAL*1.2; end case; update emp1 set SAL=salInfo where current of crs_caseTest; end loop; end; --13:对每位员工的薪水进行判断,如果该员工薪水高于其所在部门的平均薪水,则将其薪水减50元,输出更新前后的薪水,员工姓名,所在部门编号。 --AVG([distinct|all] expr) over (analytic_clause) ---作用: --按照analytic_clause中的规则求分组平均值。 --分析函数语法: --FUNCTION_NAME(,...) --OVER --() --PARTITION子句 --按照表达式分区(就是分组),如果省略了分区子句,则全部的结果集被看作是一个单一的组 select * from emp1 DECLARE CURSOR crs_testAvg IS select EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,SAL,DEPNO,AVG(SAL) OVER (PARTITION BY DEPNO ) AS DEP_AVG FROM EMP1 for update of SAL; r_testAvg crs_testAvg%rowtype; salInfo emp1.sal%type; begin for r_testAvg in crs_testAvg loop if r_testAvg.SAL>r_testAvg.DEP_AVG then salInfo:=r_testAvg.SAL-50; end if; update emp1 set SAL=salInfo where current of crs_testAvg; end loop; end;
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关于Oracle 中Contains 函数的用法总结



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