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Java Collection Framework Explained Part 3

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Collection Framework in Java (Part 2)

Since the collection framework in Java has a lot of content, it is divided into three parts to introduce the collection framework in Java. The content is from From shallow to deep, haha, this article is actually the basics. Is it surprising or not? I’m really tired of writing, and I’m too lazy to write. .

Warm reminder: It is recommended to start reading from (Part 1)~

Table of Contents

The Java Collection Framework (Part 1) )

Java Collection Framework (Part 2)

Java Collection Framework (Part 2)


In <

Java Collection Framework (Part 2) > The basic operations of the Map interface are introduced. The example used is a small program for simulating student course selection in <Java Collection Framework (Part 1)>. Friends who are not sure can read it first. Deep Java Collection Framework (Part 1)>. In this article we will solve the following problems:

    In a course sequence, how to determine whether a certain course or courses are included?
  • If the course sequence contains a certain course, how to determine the index position of the course?
  • How to determine whether a student ID is included in the student mapping table?
  • How to determine whether a student object is included?
  • What if the courses or student objects are sorted by course name or student name? What about sorting by ID?
  • The problems seem to be many and complicated. In fact, they mainly consist of two parts:
How to determine whether a set contains an element

;How to convert an ordered set into Sort according to specified rules.

1. Application of the contains method in a collection

For the first question, the collection provides a method called contains. This method is used to determine whether the collection contains a certain Element, for the contains method, we will look at its usage and precautions from the List, Set, and Map collections respectively.

1) The contains() method in List - determine whether the course in List exists

First, let’s write a test method to use the contains method to determine whether the course in List exists:

 1 /* 2  * 测试List的contains方法 3  */ 4     public void testListContains(){ 5         //取得备选课程序列的第0个元素 6         Course cr=this.CoresesToSelect.get(0); 7         System.out.println("取得课程:" +cr.getId()+","+cr.getName()); 8         System.out.println("备选课程中是否包含课程:"+cr.getName()+","+this.CoresesToSelect.contains(cr)); 9         //创建一个新的课程对象,它的id和name和cr一样10         Course cr2=new Course(cr.getId(),cr.getName());11         System.out.println("备选课程中是否包含课程:"+cr2.getName()+","+this.CoresesToSelect.contains(cr2));12         //通过indexOf方法来取的某元素的索引位置13         if(CoresesToSelect.contains(cr2)){14             System.out.println("课程:"+cr2.getName()+"的索引位置为:"+CoresesToSelect.indexOf(cr2));15 16         }17     }
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Running results:

Result analysis:

It can be seen from the running results When the first "Data Structure" course calls the contains method, it returns true, while when the second "Data Structure" course calls the contains method, it returns false. Why do courses with the same title of "Data Structure" have two completely different results?

The first "data structure" course is taken from the


collection, so of course CoresesToSelect collection contains it, and calling the contains method returns true ;The second "Data Structure" course is a new (newly created) course, and the system has opened up another memory space. Although its name is the same as the first "Data Structure", it is two for the system. different objects. The contains method defaults to comparing the memory address of the referenced object (hash code), so how can we use courses with the same name to determine whether the course is included in the List? Here we need to have an in-depth understanding of the principles of the contains method to help us understand and use the contains method. As shown in the figure below:

#All classes in the method are inherited from the Object class, and there is an equals() method in the Object class, which is used to compare two Whether the objects are equal, the detailed explanation of the equals() method is in my other blog post, link:

Then let’s take a look at the internal principles of the contains method.

As shown in the figure above, the contains method actually compares whether two objects are equal by traversing the equals method of each object in the collection. If they are equal, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. By default, equals() compares whether the references of two objects are equal. If we want to use the contains method to compare whether the values ​​of two objects are equal to determine whether the collection contains an object, we must override the equals() method of the object. .

The following is to rewrite the equals() method of the Course class to compare whether the names of the two course objects are the same, such as:

 1 public void equals (Object obj) 2 { 3   if(this == obj)  // 指向同一个内存快 必然是相同的 4      returned true;  //为什么contains(course2) 返回的是false 原因就在在这里 只是比较了一下 引用的值是否相同 没有进一步的比较 内存块中的值 下就是对这里记性了改写 5   if (obj == null)  // 如果obj为空 就直接没有戏了 6      return false; 7   if(! (obj instanceof Course))  //如果两者的不属于同一类型则 也直接没戏了 8     return false; 9   //经过以上的这么多的比较 终于可以判断二者的值是不是相同了10   //首相要把objet型的obj转成 Course11   Course course = (Course)  obj;12   if( this.name == null )13   {14      if(course.name == null )15         return true;16      else return false;17    }18    else19    {20      if(this.name.equals(course.name)) return true;21      else return false;22    )23    //如果还有别的属性接着写24 }
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 1     /* 2      * 测试Set的contains方法 3      */ 4     public void testSetContains(){ 5         System.out.println("请输入学生已选的课程名称:"); 6         String cName=in.next(); 7         Course c=new Course(cName); 8         System.out.println("学生已选的课程是否包含课程:"+cName+","+stu.getCourses().contains(c)); 9 10     }
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Set.contains(E e)工作原理是先调用从Object继承而来的hashCode方法,然后再调用equals()方法,如果hashCode相同,才会调用equals方法,只有两者都返回true,contains方法 才返回true。jvm运行时,给每个对象分配唯一一个标志身份的标志hashcode。众类鼻祖Object的hashCode()方法在默认情况下,判断哈希码是不是相同。即如同equals默认情况下比较的是二者是不是同一个内存快。Set集的contains方法,内部就是先调用hashCode再调用equals()方法。很多情况要结合实际对hashCode进行改写。


1 public int hashCode() {2         final int prime = 31;3         int result = 1;4         result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());5         return result;6     }
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1.list 与 set 中contain()方法调用机制:

list 中的contain()方法是拿到list中的每个对象来调用Object类中的equals()方法;

Set  中的contain()方法是拿到list中的每个元素来先调用hashcode()方法来返回哈希码值,当哈希码的值相等时,再调用equals()方法,当比较的元素此时也相同时,才会返回true。因此调用Set中的contain()方法时,需要对hashcode()方法及equals()方法进行重写。

2. == 和equals()两种比较方法,在使用时要注意:

1)对于==,如果作用于基本数据类型的变量,则直接比较其存储的 “值”是否相等;






 1 /* 2      * 测试Map中,是否包含某个key值或者某个value值 3      */ 4     public void ContainsKeyOrValue(){ 5         //在Map中,用containsKey方法,来判断是否包含某个key值 6         System.out.println("请输入学生id:"); 7         String id =in.next(); 8         System.out.println("您输入的学生id为"+id+",Map中是否包含此id:"+this.students.containsKey(id)); 9         if(students.containsKey(id)){10             System.out.println("对应的学生姓名:"+students.get(id).getName());11 12         }13         //在Map中,用containsValue方法,来判断是否包含某个value值14         System.out.println("请输入学生姓名:");15         String name =in.next();16         Student st=new Student();17         st.setName(name);18         System.out.println("您输入的学生姓名为"+name+",Map中是否包含此姓名:"+this.students.containsValue(st));19         if(students.containsValue(st)){20             21             Set<Entry<String, Student>> entrySet =students.entrySet();22             for(Entry<String, Student> entry:entrySet){23                 if(entry.getValue().getName().equals(name)){24                     System.out.println("对应的学生的id:"+entry.getValue().getId());25                 }26 27             }28         }29 30     }
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1.Map 中对对象进行了 Key 标记,通过 get(Key)可以取得对应的对象。

2.Map 的containsValue()方法的参数是 Object 对象,因为Map 的 Value 值是对象元素。

3.Map 的containsKey()方法取得 Map 映射的 Key 值。






 1 /* 2      * 1.通过Collections.sort()方法,对Integer泛型的List进行排序 3      * 创建一个Integer泛型的List,插入十个100以内的不重复随机整数 4      * 调用Collections.sort()方法对其排序 5      */ 6     public void testSort1(){ 7         //创建一个Integer泛型的List,插入十个100以内的不重复随机整数 8         List<Integer> intList=new ArrayList<Integer>(); 9         int i=0;10         do{11             Random random=new Random();12             Integer n=random.nextInt(100);13             if(!intList.contains(n)){14                 intList.add(n);15                 System.out.println("成功添加整数:"+n);16                 i++;17             }18         }while(i<10);19         System.out.println("----------排序前-----------");20         for(Integer t:intList){21             System.out.print(t+"  ");22         }23         System.out.println();24         //调用Collections.sort()方法对其排序25     26         System.out.println("----------排序后-----------");27         Collections.sort(intList);28         for(Integer t:intList){29             System.out.print(t+"  ");30         }31     }
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例如String str = "sdfsfsfsdsafdf"; Random r = new Random();char c = str.charAt(r.nextInt(str.length));
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 1 /* 2      *2.对String泛型的List进行排序 3      * 创建一个String泛型的List,添加三个乱序的String 4      * 调用Collections.sort()方法对其排序 5      */ 6     public void testSort2(){ 7         //创建一个String泛型的List,添加三个乱序的String 8         List<String> strList=new ArrayList<String>(); 9         String[] str={"egesg","eDSGvdxbrb","23235sdvfsd"};10         strList.addAll(Arrays.asList(str));11         System.out.println("----------排序前-----------");12         for(String s:strList){13             System.out.print(s+",");14         }15         System.out.println();16     //调用Collections.sort()方法对其排序17         System.out.println("----------排序后-----------");18         Collections.sort(strList);19         for(String s:strList){20             System.out.print(s+",");21         }22     }
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 1 /* 2      * 3      * 创建一个String泛型的List,往其中添加十条随机字符串 4      * 每条字符串的长度为10以内的随机整数 5      * 每条字符串的每个字符都为随机生成的字符,字符可以重复 6      * 每条随机字符串不可以重复 7      * 调用Collections.sort()方法对其排序 8      */ 9     public String getRandomString(int size) {10         StringBuilder str= new StringBuilder();//可变字符串11         Random random=new Random();12         //存放所包含字符62位13         String  container = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";14         for(int j=0;j<size;j++){15             str.append(container.charAt(random.nextInt(container.length()-1)));16         }17         return str.toString();18     }19     public void testSort3(){20     21         //创建一个String泛型的List22         List<String> strList=new ArrayList<String>();23         Random random=new Random();24         String str;25         for(int i=0;i<10;i++){//添加十条随机字符串26             do{27             int size=random.nextInt(10);//每条字符串的长度为10以内的随机整数28             str=getRandomString(size);29             }while(strList.contains(str)||str.length()==0);30             strList.add(str);31 32         }33         System.out.println("----------排序前-----------");34         for(String s:strList){35             System.out.println(s);36         }37         System.out.println();38     //调用Collections.sort()方法对其排序39         System.out.println("----------排序后-----------");40         Collections.sort(strList);41         for(String s:strList){42             System.out.println(s);43         }44     }
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 1     /* 2      * 对其他类型泛型的list进行排序,以,Student为例。 3      */ 4     public void testSort4(){ 5         List<Student> stus=new ArrayList<Student>(); 6         Random random=new Random(); 7         stus.add(new Student(random.nextInt(1000)+"","Mike")); 8         stus.add(new Student(random.nextInt(1000)+"","Angela")); 9         stus.add(new Student(random.nextInt(1000)+"","Lucy"));10         System.out.println("----------排序前-----------");11         for(Student s:stus){12             System.out.println(s.getId()+","+s.getName()+" ");13         }14         System.out.println();15         System.out.println("----------排序后-----------");16         Collections.sort(stus);//程序编译出错17         for(Student s:stus){18             System.out.println(s.getId()+","+s.getName()+" ");19         }20         21     }
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原来collection.sort()方法对元素进行排序,列表中的元素都必需实现 Comparable 接口,否则不能使用 sort()方法排序,那么Comparable 接口是什么,该如何实现呢?请往下看!

三、Comparable & Comparator简介

在上述例子可以看到Collections工具类的sort()方法不能对Student类的List集合进行排序,通过查阅API我们知道因为Student类并没有继承Comparable & Comparator接口,Student类是不可比较的,所以编译器会报错。那么Comparable & Comparator这两个接口有什么不同呢?

compareable 是默认比较规则, comparator是临时比较规则


  • 实现该接口表示:这个类的实例可以比较大小,可以进行自然排序

  • 定义了默认的比较规则

  • 其实现类需实现compareTo()方法

  • comparaTo()方法返回正数表示大,负数表示小,0表示相等


  • 用于定义临时比较规则,而不是默认比较规则

  • 其实现类需要实现compare()方法


  • 返回0:两个对象相等

  • 返回1:该对象大于比较的对象

  • 返回-1:该对象小于比较的对象



 1 public class Student implements Comparable<Student>,Comparator<Student>{ 2 .......//省略一段代码 3 @Override 4     public int compare(Student arg0, Student arg1) { 5         // TODO Auto-generated method stub 6         return arg0.name.compareTo(arg1.getName()); 7     } 8     @Override 9     public int compareTo(Student arg0) {10         // TODO Auto-generated method stub11         //默认与学生id比较12         return Integer.valueOf(this.getId()).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(arg0.getId()));13     }
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 1 /* 2      * 对其他类型泛型的list进行排序,以,Student为例。 3      */ 4     public void testSort4(){ 5         List<Student> stus=new ArrayList<Student>(); 6         Random random=new Random(); 7         stus.add(new Student(random.nextInt(1000)+"","Mike")); 8         stus.add(new Student(random.nextInt(1000)+"","Angela")); 9         stus.add(new Student(random.nextInt(1000)+"","Lucy"));10         System.out.println("----------排序前-----------");11         for(Student s:stus){12             System.out.println(s.getId()+","+s.getName()+" ");13         }14         System.out.println();15         System.out.println("----------排序后-----------");16         Collections.sort(stus);17         for(Student s:stus){18             System.out.println(s.getId()+","+s.getName()+" ");19         }20         System.out.println("----------根据姓名排序-----------");21         Collections.sort(stus,new Student());22         for(Student s:stus){23             System.out.println(s.getId()+","+s.getName()+" ");24         }25         26     }
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Running result:

Note: Directly calling sort (set) uses the default comparison rules; calling sort's overloaded method sort (set, implementation Comparatorinterface object name) uses temporary rules.

##>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

How to compare classes without default comparison rules. Summary of steps:

1. Let the class implement the Comparable interface:

1. Add implements Comparable to the class.

2. Implement the .compareTo(class name object name) method. If this is larger, it will return a positive value. If it is equal, it will return 0. If this is smaller, it will return a negative value. (Various classes include the .compareTo() method)

3. Call Collections.sort (object name) to sort.

2. Let this class implement the Comparator interface:

1. Create a new class and add implements Comparator

2. Implement .compare(class name object Name 1, class name, object name 2) method, if this is larger, it returns a positive value, if they are equal, it returns 0, if this is smaller, it returns a negative value.

3. Call the Collections.sort (object name, object name that implements the Comparator interface) method.

4. Summary of Java Collection Framework

At the end of this article, we finally recognize the Java Collection Framework, which includes the following content:

Collection interface, Map Interface, Collections tool class, Comparable interface, Comparator interface

  • In the

    Java collection framework (Part 1) Learned about the Collection interface;

  • In

    Java Collection Framework (Part 2) Learned about the Mao interface;

  • In this article, we learned about the Collections tool class, Comparable interface, and Comparator interface.

I just wrote a little bit about it. If you want to know more, please refer to the Java API.,,

The above is the detailed content of Java Collection Framework Explained Part 3. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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