13 things every C# developer must know
Program bugs and flaws often appear during the development process. Making good use of the tools can help you discover or avoid problems before you release your program.
Standardized code writing can make the code easier to maintain, especially when the code is developed and maintained by multiple developers or teams. This advantage is even more prominent. Common tools for forcing code standardization include: FxCop, StyleCop and ReSharper.
Developer's Note: Think carefully about errors before covering them up, and analyze the results. Don't expect to rely on these tools to find errors in your code, as the results may be far different from yours.
Code review and partner programming are common exercises in which developers intentionally review code written by others. Others are keen to find bugs on the part of code developers, such as coding errors or execution errors.
Reviewing code is a valuable exercise that is difficult to quantify and unsatisfactory in its accuracy due to its reliance on manual effort.
Static analysis does not require you to run the code. You do not need to write test cases to find out some irregularities in the code or the existence of defects. This is a very effective way of finding problems, but you need to have a tool that doesn't have too many false positives. Commonly used static analysis tools for C# include Coverity, CAT, NET, and Visual Studio Code Analysis.
Dynamic analysis tools can help you find these errors when you run your code: security vulnerabilities, performance and concurrency issues. This approach performs analysis in an execution-time context, and as such, its effectiveness is limited by code complexity. Visual Studio provides a large number of dynamic analysis tools including Concurrency Visualizer, IntelliTrace, and Profiling Tools.
Manager/Team Lead Quote: Development practices are the best way to practice avoiding common pitfalls. Also pay attention to whether the testing tool meets your needs. Try to keep your team's level of code diagnostics under control.
There are many ways to test: unit testing, system integration testing, performance testing, penetration testing, etc. During the development phase, most test cases are written by developers or testers so that the program can meet requirements.
Tests only work if they run the correct code. When conducting functional testing, it can also be used to challenge developers' development and maintenance speed.
Spend more time on tool selection, use the right tools to solve the problems you care about, and don't add extra work for developers. Let analysis tools and tests run automatically and smoothly to find problems, but make sure the idea of the code remains clearly in the developer's mind.
Locate the location of the diagnosed problem as quickly as possible (whether it is errors obtained through static analysis or testing, such as compilation warnings, standard violations, problem detection, etc.). If a new problem is ignored because you "don't care" and it becomes difficult to find later, it will add a lot of workload to the code review workers, and you have to pray that they will not be annoyed by it.
Please accept these useful suggestions to improve the quality, security, and maintainability of your code, while also improving developers' R&D capabilities, coordination capabilities, and the predictability of released code.
Target | tool | Influence |
Consistency, maintainability | Standardized code writing, static analysis, code review | Consistent spacing, naming standards, and good readable formats will make it easier for developers to write and maintain code. |
Accuracy | Code review, static analysis, dynamic analysis, testing | The code not only needs to be grammatically correct, but also needs to meet the software requirements with the developer's thinking in mind. |
Feature | test | Testing can verify that most requirements are met: correctness, scalability, robustness, and security. |
safety | Standardized code writing, code review, static analysis, dynamic analysis, testing | Security is a complex issue, and any small vulnerability is a potential threat. |
Developer R&D capabilities | Standardized code writing, static analysis, testing | Developers can correct errors very quickly with the help of tools. |
Release predictability | Standardized code writing, code review, static analysis, dynamic analysis, testing | Streamlining late-stage activities and minimizing error location loops can allow problems to be discovered earlier. |
One of the main advantages of C# is its flexible type system, and safe types can help us find errors earlier. By enforcing strict type rules, the compiler can help you maintain good coding habits. In this regard, the C# language and the .NET framework provide us with a large number of types to meet most needs. Although many developers have a good understanding of general types and are aware of user needs, some misunderstandings and misuses still exist.
For more information about the .NTE framework class library, please refer to the MSDN library.
Specific interfaces involve common C# features. For example, IDiposable allows the use of common resource management language, such as the keyword "using". A good understanding of interfaces can help you write fluent C# code and make it easier to maintain.
Avoid using the ICloneable interface - developers never know whether a copied object is a deep copy or a shallow copy. Since there is still no standard way to judge whether the operation of copying objects is correct, there is no way to meaningfully use the interface as a contract.
Try to avoid writing to structures and treat them as immutable objects to prevent confusion. Memory sharing in scenarios like multi-threading will become safer. The approach we take with structures is to initialize the structure when it is created. If its data needs to be changed, it is recommended to generate a new entity.
Correctly understand which standard types/methods are immutable and can return new values (such as strings, dates), and use these to replace those mutable objects (such as List.Enumerator).
The value of the string may be empty, so some convenient functions can be used when appropriate. NullReferenceException errors may occur when value judgment (s.Length==0), while String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) and String.IsNullOrWhitespace(s) can work well with null.
Enumeration types and constants can make code easier to read, and by replacing magic numbers with identifiers, the meaning of the value can be expressed.
If you need to generate a large number of enum types, tagged enum types are a simpler option:
[Flag] public enum Tag { None =0x0, Tip =0x1, Example=0x2 }
The following method allows you to use multiple tags in a snippet:
snippet.Tag = Tag.Tip | Tag.Example
This method is conducive to data encapsulation, so you don't have to worry about leaking internal collection information when using the Tag property getter.
There are two types of equality:
1. Reference equality, that is, both references point to the same object.
2. Numerical equality, that is, two different reference objects can be considered equal.
In addition, C# also provides many equality testing methods. The most common methods are as follows:
== and != operations
Equivalent method of virtual inheritance by object
Static Object.Equal method
Static Object.ReferenceEquals method
Sometimes it's hard to figure out the purpose of using reference or value equality. To learn more about these and make your work better, please see:
If you want to overwrite something, don't forget the tools provided for us on MSDN such as IEquatable
Pay attention to the impact of untyped containers on overloading, and consider using the "myArrayList[0] == myString" method. Array elements are "objects" of compile-time types, so reference equality works. Although C# will alert you to these potential errors, unexpected reference equality will not be alerted in some cases during the compilation process.
Classes play a big role in properly managing data. For performance reasons, classes always cache partial results or make some assumptions about the consistency of internal data. Making data permissions public forces you to cache or make assumptions to a certain extent, and these operations manifest themselves through potential impacts on performance, security, and concurrency. For example, exposing mutable members such as generic collections and arrays allows users to skip you and modify the structure directly.
In addition to controlling objects through access modifiers, properties allow you to control very precisely how users interact with your objects. In particular, attributes can also let you know the specific conditions of reading and writing.
Properties can help you build a stable API when overriding data into getters and setters through storage logic, or provide a data binding resource.
Never throw exceptions in property getters, and avoid modifying object state. This is a requirement for methods, not getters for properties.
new C {Foo=blah, Bar=blam}
var myAwesomeObject = new {Name=”Foo”, Size=10};
为了使一些特殊方法更加容易控制,最好在你使用的方法当中使用最少的特定类型。比如在一种方法中使用 List
public void Foo(Listbars) { foreach(var b in bars) { // do something with the bar... } }
T t = default(T);
类型转换 | 描述 |
Tree tree = (Tree)obj; | 这种方法可以在对象是树类型时使用;如果对象不是树,可能会出现InvalidCast异常。 |
Tree tree = obj as Tree; | 这种方法你可以在预测对象是否为树时使用。如果对象不是树,那么会给树赋值null。你可以用“as”的转换,然后找到null值的返回处,再进行处理。由于它需要有条件处理的返回值,因此记住只在需要的时候才去用这种转换。这种额外的代码可能会造成一些bug,还可能会降低代码的可读性。 |
以上两种类型的Cast都有着风险。第一种Cast向我们提出了一个问题:“为什么开发者能很清楚地知道问题,而编译器为什么不能?”如果你处于这个情况当中,你可以去尝试改变程序让编译器能够顺利地推理出正确的类型。如果你认为一个对象的runtime type是比compile time type还要特殊的类型,你就可以用“as”或者“is”操作。
Frobber originalFrobber = null; try { originalFrobber = this.GetCurrentFrobber(); this.UseTemporaryFrobber(); this.frobSomeBlobs(); } finally { this.ResetFrobber(originalFrobber); }
如果GetCurrentFrobber()报出了一个异常,那么当finally blocks被执行时originalFrobber的值仍然为空。如果GetCurrentFrobber不能被扔掉,那么为什么其内部是一个try block?
关于致命的异常都有一些细微的差异,特别是注重finally blocks的执行,可以影响到异常的安全与调试。更多信息请参阅:
Throw e;
对特定类型的值——包括布尔型,32bit或者更小的数据类型与引用型——进行可变量的分配,确保可以是原子型。没有什么保障是给一些大型数据(double,long,decimal)使用的。可以多考虑这个:在共享多线程的变量时,多使用lock statements。
public event EventHandler SomethingHappened; private void OnSomethingHappened() { // The event is null until somebody hooks up to it // Create our own copy of the event to protect against another thread removing our subscribers EventHandler handler = SomethingHappened; if (handler != null) handler(this,new EventArgs()); }
使用一种事件处理器为事件资源生成一个由处理器的资源对象到接收对象的引用,可以保护接收端的garbage collection。
属性 | 使用对象 | 目的 |
DebuggerDisplay | Debugger | Debugger display 格式 |
InternalsVisibleTo | Member access | 使用特定类来暴露内部成员去指定其他的类。基于此方法,测试方法可以用来保护成员,并且persistence层可以用一些特殊的隐蔽方法。 |
DefaultValue | Properties | 为属性指定一个缺省值 |
为了观察当前框架异常状态,你可以将“$exception”这一表达添加进Visual Studio Watch窗口。这种变量包含了当前异常状态,类似于你在catch block中所看见的,但其中不包含在debugger中看见的不是代码中的真正存在的异常。
private int remainingAccesses = 10; private string meteredData; public string MeteredData { get { if (remainingAccesses-- > 0) return meteredData; return null; } }
int[] a_val = int[4000]; int len = a_val.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) a_val[i] = i;
垃圾收集器(garbage collector)可以自动地清理内存。即使这样,一切被抛弃的资源也需要适当的处理——特别是那些垃圾收集器不能管理的资源。
资源管理问题的常见来源 | |
内存碎片 | 如果没有足够大的连续的虚拟地址存储空间,可能会导致分配失败 |
进程限制 | 进程通常都可以读取内存的所有子集,以及系统可用的资源。 |
资源泄露 | 垃圾收集器只管理内存,其他资源需要由应用程序正确管理。 |
不稳定资源 | 那些依赖于垃圾收集器与终结器(finalizers)的资源在很久没用过的时候,不可被立即调用。实际上它们可能永远不可能被调用。 |
利用try/finally block来确保资源已被合理释放,或是让你的类使用IDisposable,以及更方便更安全的声明方式。
using (StreamReader reader=new StreamReader(file)) { //your code here
除了用调用GC.Collect()干扰garbage collector之外,也可以考虑适当地释放或是抛弃资源。在进行性能测试时,如果你可以承担这种影响带来的后果,你再去使用garbage collector。
Async-await/Task Parallel Library/Lazy
以上的这些很难解释清楚C#/.NET的复杂之处。如果你想开发一个正常的并发应用,可以去参阅O’Reilly的《Concurrency in C# Cookboo》。
将一个域标记为“volatile”是一种高级特性,而这种设置也经常被专家所误解。C#的编译器会保证目标域可以被获取与释放语义,但是被lock的域就不适用于这种情况。如果你不知道获取什么,不知道释放什么语义,以及它们是怎样影响CPU层次的优化,那么久避免使用volatile域。取而代之的可以用更高层次的工具,比如Task Parallel Library或是CancellationToken。
每个null引用异常都是一个bug。相比于找到NullReferenceException这个问题来说,不如尝试在你使用该对象之前去为null进行测试。这样一来可以使代码更易于最小化的try/catch block读取。
当从数据库表中读取数据时,注意缺失值可以表示为DBNull 对象,而不是作为空引用。不要期望它们表现得像潜在的空引用一样。
struct P { public int x; public int y; } void M() { P p = whatever; … p.x = something; … N(p);
void M() { P p = whatever; Helper(p); N(p); } void Helper(P p) { … p.x = something;
例如,看如下 string.Replace()代码:
string label = “My name is Aloysius”; label.Replace(“Aloysius”, “secret”);
这两行代码运行之后会打印出“My name is Aloysius” ,这是因为Raeplace方法并没改变该字符串的值。
ListmyItems = new List {20,25,9,14,50}; foreach(int item in myItems) { if (item < 10) { myItems.Remove(item); // iterator is now invalid! // you’ll get an exception on the next iteration
ListmyItems = new List {20,25,9,14,50}; List toRemove = new List (); foreach(int item in myItems) { if (item < 10) { toRemove.Add(item); } } foreach(int item in toRemove) {
myInts.RemoveAll(item => (item < 10));
// The following code will trigger infinite recursion private string name; public string Name { get { return Name; // should reference “name” instead.
英文原文:13 Things Every C# Developer Should Know 翻译:码农网
The above is the detailed content of 13 things you must know as a C# developer. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!