Two days ago, I sawkraaas
’s article about the difference between basic data types and reference types. I thought it was very well written, so I thought about building on it. In addition to some knowledge points and understandings that I usually see, I have the following article
js basic data types include: undefined , null, number, boolean, string. Basic data types are accessed by value, which means we can operate on the actual values stored in variables
No method can change the value of a basic type, such as a string:
var name = "change"; name.substr();//hang console.log(name);//change var s = "hello"; s.toUpperCase()//HELLO; console.log(s)//hello
Through these two examples, we will find that the value of the originally defined variable name has never changed, and calling The substr() and toUpperCase() methods return a new string, which has nothing to do with the originally defined variable name
Some people may have the following questions, look at the code:
var name = "change"; name = "change1"; console.log(name)//change1
It looks like the value of name has "changed". In fact, var name = "change", the basic type here is string, which is "change", the "change" here cannot be changed, and name just points to "change" A pointer, the pointing of the pointer can be changed, so you can name = "change1". At this time, the name points to "change1". Similarly, the "change1" here cannot be changed.
That is to say, here The change you think is just "a change in the pointer's pointing"
The basic type here refers to "change", not name, you must distinguish clearly
var p = "change"; p.age = 29; p.method = function(){console.log(name)}; console.log(p.age)//undefined console.log(p.method)//undefined
Through the above code, we know that properties and methods cannot be added to basic types, and it also proves again that basic types are immutable
If you assign a value of a basic type from one variable to another, a new value will be created on the variable object and then copied to the location allocated for the new variable
var a = 10; var b = a; a++; console.log(a)//11 console.log(b)//10
In the above code, the value saved in a is 10. When the value of a is used to initialize b, the value 10 is also saved in b. But the 10 in b and the 10 in a are completely independent. The value in b A copy of the value in knowledge a. So these two variables can participate in any operation without affecting each other. As shown below:
var person1 = '{}'; var person2 = '{}'; console.log(person1 == person2); // true
If there are the following basic types of variables:
var name = "jozo"; var city = "guangzhou"; var age = 22;
Then its storage structure is as follows :
The stack area includes the identifier of the variable and the value of the variable
In addition to the above basic In addition to types, there are reference types, which can also be said to be objects, such as: Object, Array, Function, Data, etc.
var o = {x:1}; o.x = 2;//通过修改对象属性值更改对象 o.y = 3;再次更改对象,给它增加一个属性 var a = [1,2,3]; a[0] = 0;//更改数组的一个元素 a[3] = 4;//给数组增加一个元素
var person = {}; = "change"; person.say = function(){alert("hello");} console.log( console.log(person.say)//function(){alert("hello");}
First look at the following code:
var a = {}; var b= a; = "change"; console.log(; console.log( b.age = 29; console.log(a.age)//29 console.log(b.age)//29
When assigning a value from one variable to another variable When referencing a value of type, the value of the object stored in the variable will also be copied to the space allocated for the new variable. What the reference type saves in the variable is the address of the object in the heap memory, so, with Different from the simple assignment of basic data types, the copy of this value is actually a pointer, and this pointer points to an object stored in the heap memory. Then after the assignment operation, both variables save the same object address, and these two The address points to the same object. Therefore, changing any of the variables will affect each other
Their relationship is as shown below:
Therefore, the reference type Assignment is actually the assignment of the address pointer of the object stored in the stack area, so two variables point to the same object, and any operations will affect each other.
var person1 = {}; var person2 = {}; console.log(person1 == person2)//false
Why do the two objects look exactly the same, but are not equal?
Because the comparison of reference types is a comparison of references, in other words, it is to compare whether the addresses of the two objects stored in the stack area pointing to the heap memory are the same. At this time, although p1 and p2 appear to be the same "{}", but the addresses pointed to heap memory they save in the stack area are different, so the two objects are not equal
var person1 = {name:"change1"}; var person2 = {name:"change2"}; var person3 = {name:"change3"};
var s1 = "helloworld"; var s2 = s1.substr(4);
创建String类型的一个实例;// var s1 = new String(“helloworld”);
在实例上调用指定方法;// var s2 = s1.substr(4);
销毁这个实例;// s1 = null;
以上就是JavaScript 基本数据类型和引用类型的区别详解 的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(!