1. Bind oninput and onporpertychanger events to the element at the same time
2. Use native js to add listening events
3. Use the jQuery method to bind events
After listening to onpropertychange After the event, you can use the event's propertyName attribute to get the changed property name, event.propertyName
Instance 1:
Example 2:
$("#name").bind('input porpertychange',function(){ var thisTxt=$("#name").val(); $(this).siblings("p").html(thisTxt) })
Example 3:
//手机号码分段显示 register.phonePropertychange = function() { _this = register; _input = $(this); var v = $(this).val(); v = v.replace(new RegExp(/ /g),''); var v1 = v.slice(0,3); var v2 = v.slice(3,7); var v3 = v.slice(7,11); if(v2==''){ _input.focus().val(v1); }else if(v3==''){ _input.focus().val(v1+' '+v2); }else{ _input.focus().val(v1+' '+v2+ ' '+v3); }; //手机号输入完成字体颜色改变 if (v.length === 11) { if(_this.regexpPhone(v)){ _input.css('color','#000'); $('#btnSendCode').addClass('c-26a949'); _input.blur();; }else{ layer.open({content: '手机号码不正确,请重新输入',time: 2, end:function(){ _input.val(''); }}); } }else{ _input.css('color','#26a949'); } } //验证手机号 register.regexpPhone = function(phone){ return /^1[3|4|5|7|8]\d{9}$/.test(phone); }
The above example of js monitoring the real-time change of the input input box value is all the content shared by the editor. I hope it can give you a reference, and I also hope that everyone will support the PHP Chinese website.
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