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<section id="dg-container" class="dg-container">
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 * jquery.gallery.js
 * http://www.codrops.com
 * Copyright 2011, Pedro Botelho / Codrops
 * Free to use under the MIT license.
 * Date: Mon Jan 30 2012

(function( $, undefined ) {

	 * Gallery object.
	$.Gallery 				= function( options, element ) {

		this.$el	= $( element );
		this._init( options );


	$.Gallery.defaults 		= {
		current		: 0,	// index of current item
		autoplay	: false,// slideshow on / off
		interval	: 2000  // time between transitions

	$.Gallery.prototype 	= {
		_init 				: function( options ) {

			this.options 		= $.extend( true, {}, $.Gallery.defaults, options );

			// support for 3d / 2d transforms and transitions
			this.support3d		= Modernizr.csstransforms3d;
			this.support2d		= Modernizr.csstransforms;
			this.supportTrans	= Modernizr.csstransitions;

			this.$wrapper		= this.$el.find('.dg-wrapper');

			this.$items			= this.$wrapper.children();
			this.itemsCount		= this.$items.length;

			this.$nav			= this.$el.find('nav');
			this.$navPrev		= this.$nav.find('.dg-prev');
			this.$navNext		= this.$nav.find('.dg-next');

			// minimum of 3 items
			if( this.itemsCount < 3 ) {

				return false;


			this.current		= this.options.current;

			this.isAnim			= false;

				'opacity'	: 0,
				'visibility': 'hidden'



			// load the events

			// slideshow
			if( this.options.autoplay ) {



		_validate			: function() {

			if( this.options.current < 0 || this.options.current > this.itemsCount - 1 ) {

				this.current = 0;


		_layout				: function() {

			// current, left and right items

			// current item is not changed
			// left and right one are rotated and translated
			var leftCSS, rightCSS, currentCSS;

			if( this.support3d && this.supportTrans ) {

				leftCSS 	= {
					'-webkit-transform'	: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
					'-moz-transform'	: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
					'-o-transform'		: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
					'-ms-transform'		: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
					'transform'			: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)'

				rightCSS	= {
					'-webkit-transform'	: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
					'-moz-transform'	: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
					'-o-transform'		: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
					'-ms-transform'		: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
					'transform'			: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)'

				leftCSS.opacity		= 1;
				leftCSS.visibility	= 'visible';
				rightCSS.opacity	= 1;
				rightCSS.visibility	= 'visible';

			else if( this.support2d && this.supportTrans ) {

				leftCSS 	= {
					'-webkit-transform'	: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
					'-moz-transform'	: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
					'-o-transform'		: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
					'-ms-transform'		: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
					'transform'			: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)'

				rightCSS	= {
					'-webkit-transform'	: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
					'-moz-transform'	: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
					'-o-transform'		: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
					'-ms-transform'		: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
					'transform'			: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)'

				currentCSS	= {
					'z-index'			: 999

				leftCSS.opacity		= 1;
				leftCSS.visibility	= 'visible';
				rightCSS.opacity	= 1;
				rightCSS.visibility	= 'visible';


			this.$leftItm.css( leftCSS || {} );
			this.$rightItm.css( rightCSS || {} );

			this.$currentItm.css( currentCSS || {} ).css({
				'opacity'	: 1,
				'visibility': 'visible'

		_setItems			: function() {


			this.$currentItm	= this.$items.eq( this.current );
			this.$leftItm		= ( this.current === 0 ) ? this.$items.eq( this.itemsCount - 1 ) : this.$items.eq( this.current - 1 );
			this.$rightItm		= ( this.current === this.itemsCount - 1 ) ? this.$items.eq( 0 ) : this.$items.eq( this.current + 1 );

			if( !this.support3d && this.support2d && this.supportTrans ) {

				this.$items.css( 'z-index', 1 );
				this.$currentItm.css( 'z-index', 999 );


			// next & previous items
			if( this.itemsCount > 3 ) {

				// next item
				this.$nextItm		= ( this.$rightItm.index() === this.itemsCount - 1 ) ? this.$items.eq( 0 ) : this.$rightItm.next();
				this.$nextItm.css( this._getCoordinates('outright') );

				// previous item
				this.$prevItm		= ( this.$leftItm.index() === 0 ) ? this.$items.eq( this.itemsCount - 1 ) : this.$leftItm.prev();
				this.$prevItm.css( this._getCoordinates('outleft') );


		_loadEvents			: function() {

			var _self	= this;

			this.$navPrev.on( 'click.gallery', function( event ) {

				if( _self.options.autoplay ) {

					clearTimeout( _self.slideshow );
					_self.options.autoplay	= false;


				return false;


			this.$navNext.on( 'click.gallery', function( event ) {

				if( _self.options.autoplay ) {

					clearTimeout( _self.slideshow );
					_self.options.autoplay	= false;


				return false;


			this.$wrapper.on( 'webkitTransitionEnd.gallery transitionend.gallery OTransitionEnd.gallery', function( event ) {

				_self.isAnim	= false;


		_getCoordinates		: function( position ) {

			if( this.support3d && this.supportTrans ) {

				switch( position ) {
					case 'outleft':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translateX(-450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translateX(-450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translateX(-450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translateX(-450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'transform'			: 'translateX(-450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'opacity'			: 0,
							'visibility'		: 'hidden'
					case 'outright':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translateX(450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translateX(450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translateX(450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translateX(450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'transform'			: 'translateX(450px) translateZ(-300px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'opacity'			: 0,
							'visibility'		: 'hidden'
					case 'left':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'transform'			: 'translateX(-350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(45deg)',
							'opacity'			: 1,
							'visibility'		: 'visible'
					case 'right':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'transform'			: 'translateX(350px) translateZ(-200px) rotateY(-45deg)',
							'opacity'			: 1,
							'visibility'		: 'visible'
					case 'center':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translateX(0px) translateZ(0px) rotateY(0deg)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translateX(0px) translateZ(0px) rotateY(0deg)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translateX(0px) translateZ(0px) rotateY(0deg)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translateX(0px) translateZ(0px) rotateY(0deg)',
							'transform'			: 'translateX(0px) translateZ(0px) rotateY(0deg)',
							'opacity'			: 1,
							'visibility'		: 'visible'

			else if( this.support2d && this.supportTrans ) {

				switch( position ) {
					case 'outleft':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translate(-450px) scale(0.7)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translate(-450px) scale(0.7)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translate(-450px) scale(0.7)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translate(-450px) scale(0.7)',
							'transform'			: 'translate(-450px) scale(0.7)',
							'opacity'			: 0,
							'visibility'		: 'hidden'
					case 'outright':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translate(450px) scale(0.7)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translate(450px) scale(0.7)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translate(450px) scale(0.7)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translate(450px) scale(0.7)',
							'transform'			: 'translate(450px) scale(0.7)',
							'opacity'			: 0,
							'visibility'		: 'hidden'
					case 'left':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
							'transform'			: 'translate(-350px) scale(0.8)',
							'opacity'			: 1,
							'visibility'		: 'visible'
					case 'right':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
							'transform'			: 'translate(350px) scale(0.8)',
							'opacity'			: 1,
							'visibility'		: 'visible'
					case 'center':
						return {
							'-webkit-transform'	: 'translate(0px) scale(1)',
							'-moz-transform'	: 'translate(0px) scale(1)',
							'-o-transform'		: 'translate(0px) scale(1)',
							'-ms-transform'		: 'translate(0px) scale(1)',
							'transform'			: 'translate(0px) scale(1)',
							'opacity'			: 1,
							'visibility'		: 'visible'

			else {

				switch( position ) {
					case 'outleft'	: 
					case 'outright'	: 
					case 'left'		: 
					case 'right'	:
						return {
							'opacity'			: 0,
							'visibility'		: 'hidden'
					case 'center'	:
						return {
							'opacity'			: 1,
							'visibility'		: 'visible'


		_navigate			: function( dir ) {

			if( this.supportTrans && this.isAnim )
				return false;

			this.isAnim	= true;

			switch( dir ) {

				case 'next' :

					this.current	= this.$rightItm.index();

					// current item moves left
					this.$currentItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('left') );

					// right item moves to the center
					this.$rightItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('center') );	

					// next item moves to the right
					if( this.$nextItm ) {

						// left item moves out
						this.$leftItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('outleft') );

						this.$nextItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('right') );

					else {

						// left item moves right
						this.$leftItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('right') );


				case 'prev' :

					this.current	= this.$leftItm.index();

					// current item moves right
					this.$currentItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('right') );

					// left item moves to the center
					this.$leftItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('center') );

					// prev item moves to the left
					if( this.$prevItm ) {

						// right item moves out
						this.$rightItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('outright') );

						this.$prevItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('left') );

					else {

						// right item moves left
						this.$rightItm.addClass('dg-transition').css( this._getCoordinates('left') );




			if( !this.supportTrans )

		_startSlideshow		: function() {

			var _self	= this;

			this.slideshow	= setTimeout( function() {

				_self._navigate( 'next' );

				if( _self.options.autoplay ) {



			}, this.options.interval );

		destroy				: function() {



	var logError 			= function( message ) {
		if ( this.console ) {
			console.error( message );

	$.fn.gallery			= function( options ) {

		if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {

			var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );

			this.each(function() {

				var instance = $.data( this, 'gallery' );

				if ( !instance ) {
					logError( "cannot call methods on gallery prior to initialization; " +
					"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );

				if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
					logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for gallery instance" );

				instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );


		else {

			this.each(function() {

				var instance = $.data( this, 'gallery' );
				if ( !instance ) {
					$.data( this, 'gallery', new $.Gallery( options, this ) );


		return this;


})( jQuery );
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