Use php to simulate post and get to transmit data to other web pages or sites
$arr=array( 'user'=>'test', 'password'=>'' ); sock_get($post_url,$arr); sock_post($post_url,$arr); //fsocket模拟get提交 function sock_get($url,$query=array()){ $query_str = http_build_query($query); $<span id="_nwp" style="width: auto; height: auto; float: none;"><a id="_nwl" href="" target="_blank" mpid="" style="text-decoration: none;"><span style="color:#ff;font-size:px;width:auto;height:auto;float:none;">info</span></a></span> = parse_url($url); $port = isset($info['port'])? $info['port'] : ; $query_str = empty($info["query"])?$query_str:$info["query"].'&'.$query_str; $fp = fsockopen($info["host"], $port, $errno, $errstr, ); if(!$fp){ return FALSE; } //$<span id="_nwp" style="width: auto; height: auto; float: none;"><a id="_nwl" href="" target="_blank" mpid="" style="text-decoration: none;"><span style="color:#ff;font-size:px;width:auto;height:auto;float:none;">head</span></a></span> = "GET ".$info['path']."?".$info["query"]." HTTP/.\r\n"; $head = "GET ".$info['path']."?".$query_str." HTTP/.\r\n"; $head .= "Host: ".$info['host']."\r\n"; $head .= "\r\n"; $write = fputs($fp,$head); while(!feof($fp)){ $<span id="_nwp" style="width: auto; height: auto; float: none;"><a id="_nwl" href="" target="_blank" mpid="" style="text-decoration: none;"><span style="color:#ff;font-size:px;width:auto;height:auto;float:none;">line</span></a></span> = fread($fp,); echo $line; } fclose($fp); return true; } //fsockopen模拟POST function sock_post($url,$<span id="_nwp" style="width: auto; height: auto; float: none;"><a id="_nwl" href="" target="_blank" mpid="" style="text-decoration: none;"><span style="color:#ff;font-size:px;width:auto;height:auto;float:none;">data</span></a></span>=array()){ $query = http_build_query($data); $info = parse_url($url); $fp = fsockopen($info["host"], , $errno, $errstr, ); $head = "POST ".$info['path']."?".$info["query"]." HTTP/.\r\n"; $head .= "Host: ".$info['host']."\r\n"; $head .= "Referer: http://".$info['host'].$info['path']."\r\n"; $head .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $head .= "Content-Length: ".strlen(trim($query))."\r\n"; $head .= "\r\n"; $head .= trim($query); $write = fputs($fp, $head); while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fread($fp,); echo $line; } }
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