1. Class initialization method. When the class is initialized, the function of initializing attribute values is added. The following code.
Person person = new Child(); person.Name = "Aomi"; person.Move();
Person person = new Child() { Sex = "男", Name = "Aomi" }; person.Move();
2. Initialization method of collection class. The initialization of collection classes is no longer the monotonous way it used to be. You can add some values together during initialization.
ListstrList = new List (); strList.Add("a"); strList.Add("b"); strList.Add("c");
ListstrList = new List () { "a", "b", "c" };
Introduction of keyword var
The types we often use in the previous chapters are all strong types. If you have used Javascript language, I believe you should understand about weak typing and strong typing. To put it simply, weak typing means that the type is difficult to determine when it is defined. Only when running will you know what type it is. C# is a strongly typed language, which means that you must know what type of data is defined when compiling. However, C# makes me confused on this point. Why do you say it like this? Take a look at the following piece of code.
var local = 1;
This code is a definition... All right. The author doesn’t know what to say either. There is relevant information that goes something like this. He's not without type. It is not a var type either. But it will be determined what type it is when compiling. When the above code is compiled, it is determined to be of type int. As shown in the picture below
, you can see the prompts in the picture above. It is a local variable int local. It clearly shows that it is an int type. During the development process, the author has never encountered the need to use the var keyword to declare variables. Therefore, the author has never understood in my heart - when should this be used? There is a little syntax to pay attention to here. I just mentioned that C# is a strongly typed language. Therefore, the var keyword must be given an initialized value when it is defined.
Due to the introduction of the var keyword, a way of writing class declarations emerged. Many books call them anonymous types. The following code
var student = new { Name="aomi", SNO="s0001"};
The introduction of the keyword dynamic
The author mentioned above that C# is a strongly typed language. The introduction of the keyword var is really difficult to understand. If the author says that it is a weak type, it seems that there is something wrong with C#. If it is a strong type and does not have the type var. I don't understand. Perhaps this is why C# introduced the keyword dynamic in 4.0. There is a brand new concept called dynamic typing. So what are dynamic types? Let’s first use the same method as the keyword var above to see what type it will look like when it is compiled. As shown in the picture below
it seems that the type is still dynamic during compilation. It seems that there are indeed dynamic types. Of course it doesn't work like this. We also need to take a look at how it looks when running. Just take a look at how visual studio debugs.
Set breakpoints first. Just click on the leftmost side of the writer (that is, where you write code) and a red dot will appear. That is the breakpoint. Eclipse seems to have a right-click option to set a breakpoint. Unfortunately, visual studio does not have it. You can only set breakpoints by right-clicking on the area where you write code. Readers, please try it yourself.
After the breakpoint is successfully set, start the (Debug mode) code. At this time we can monitor the variables we want to view. First select the corresponding variable and right-click. As shown below
When you click "Add Monitoring (W)", the corresponding monitoring form will pop up. Below is the author pulling out the corresponding form.
Okay. The next step is how to get him to take the next step. The tool buttons shown below will appear at the top of visual studio.
F5: Start
F10: Next step. Equivalent to eclipse's F5.
F11: Do internal code. Equivalent to eclipse's F6.
Shift+F11: Jump out. Equivalent to eclipse's F7.
Okay. I believe everyone should be able to debug it. Let's get down to business. From the monitoring form above, we can see the variable student status. The type is dynamic{int}. This way we can understand. Dynamic types are types that are determined at runtime.
The keyword dynamic is different from the keyword var because there is actually a dynamic type. So there is no need to initialize it when defining. Its corresponding type can be further determined at runtime. Don't bother trying it.
dynamic student = 1l; if (student is int) { Console.WriteLine("int类型"); } else if (student is long) { Console.WriteLine("long类型"); }
Parameter changes
We all know that the early methods have no corresponding default values. And the values must be passed in a defined order. C# has made some changes in this regard.
public static void mothed(string a,string b = "bbb") { }
我们可以看到代段里面参数string b = "bbb"上面的改变了。这就意味着在调用mothed这个方法的时候,可以不给参数b传值。他会用默认的值:bbb。但是参数a就必须传了。代码如下
public delegate void MoveHandler(object obj);
public class Child : Person { public event MoveHandler ChildMoveHandler; public Child() : base("Aomi") { } public override void Move() { if (ChildMoveHandler != null) ChildMoveHandler(this); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Child child = new Child(); child.ChildMoveHandler += Child_ChildMoveHandler; child.Move(); } public static void Child_ChildMoveHandler(object obj) { Child src = obj as Child; Console.WriteLine(src.Name); } }
public class Child : Person { public event MoveHandler ChildMoveHandler; public event Action
public class Child : Person { public event MoveHandler ChildMoveHandler; public event Action
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Child child = new Child(); child.ChildMoveHandler += Child_ChildMoveHandler; child.ChildActionMoveHandler += Child_ChildActionMoveHandler; child.Move(); } public static void Child_ChildActionMoveHandler(object obj) { Child src = obj as Child; Console.WriteLine(src.Name); } public static void Child_ChildMoveHandler(object obj) { Child src = obj as Child; Console.WriteLine(src.Name); } }
public class Child : Person { public event MoveHandler ChildMoveHandler; public event Func
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Child child = new Child(); child.ChildMoveHandler += Child_ChildMoveHandler; child.ChildFuncMoveHandler += Child_ChildFuncMoveHandler; child.Move(); } public static int Child_ChildFuncMoveHandler(object obj) { Child src = obj as Child; Console.WriteLine(src.Name); return 0; } public static void Child_ChildMoveHandler(object obj) { Child src = obj as Child; Console.WriteLine(src.Name); } }
public class Mothed { public FuncPrintFunc; public Action PrintAction; public void Execute() { this.PrintFunc("PrintFunc aomi"); this.PrintAction("PrintAction aomi"); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Mothed mothed = new Mothed(); mothed.PrintAction = PrintAction; mothed.PrintFunc = PrintFunc; mothed.Execute(); } public static int PrintFunc(string value) { Console.WriteLine(value); return 0; } public static void PrintAction(string value) { Console.WriteLine(value); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Mothed mothed = new Mothed(); mothed.PrintAction = delegate(string value) { Console.WriteLine(value); }; mothed.PrintFunc = delegate(string value) { Console.WriteLine(value); return 0; }; mothed.Execute(); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Mothed mothed = new Mothed(); mothed.PrintAction = (string value)=> { Console.WriteLine(value); }; mothed.PrintFunc = (string value)=> { Console.WriteLine(value); return 0; }; mothed.Execute(); } }