Mysql(i) support has been added since php5.0, and the new functions are added in the form of objects
i means improved functions, high efficiency, and stability
Recommended related mysql video tutorials: "mysql Tutorial》
Compile time parameters:
./configure --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config \ #使用 Mysql ClientLibrary(libmysql)构建 --with-mysqli=mysqlnd \ #使用 Mysql Native Dirver 即mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd #使用 Mysql Native Dirver 即mysqlnd
Due to copyright issues, starting from php5.3, php started to use mysqlnd instead of libmysql.dll
mysqlnd is a mysql database driver developed by zend company, which is better than the original in all aspects Improve
#Use mysqlnd to compile
./configure --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd 加上你的参数
mysqli. The process and object methods support the three classes provided by
1、mysqli 和连接相关的 2、MySQLi_Result 处理结果集 3、mysqli_stmt 预处理类
#Set character set
#Get character set
Get the database object
//创建mysqli对象方式 1 //屏蔽连接产生的错误$mysqli = new mysqli('', 'root', '', 'test');//只能用函数来判断是否连接成功if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo mysqli_connect_error(); }//创建mysqli对象方式 2 可以设置一些参数$mysqli = mysqli_init();$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 2);//设置超时时间$mysqli->real_connect('', 'root', '', 'test');
query: Failure returns false, select successfully returns the result set object, others return true and not false, which means that the SQL execution is successful
No result set example
$mysqli = mysqli_init();$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 2);//设置超时时间$mysqli->real_connect('', 'root', '', 'test');$sql = "insert into limove(`name`, `order`) values('aa', 11)";$rst = $mysqli->query($sql);$sql = "delete from limove where id = 221";$rst = $mysqli->query($sql);if($rst === false) { ee($mysqli->errno); ee($mysqli->error); }#影响条数 ee($mysqli->affected_rows);#插入的id ee($mysqli->insert_id); ee($mysqli);
With result set
$mysqli = mysqli_init();$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 2);//设置超时时间$mysqli->real_connect('', 'root', '', 'test');$sql = "select * from limove as limove_as";$result = $mysqli->query($sql);if($result === false) { ee($mysqli->errno); ee($mysqli->error); }#行数 ee($result->num_rows);#列数 ee($result->field_count);#字段个数 ee($result->field_count);#获取所有字段的信息$field_arr = $result->fetch_fields();#移动字段的指针 // $result->field_seek(1);#依次获取字段的信息while($field = $result->fetch_field()) { ee($field); }#移动记录指针$result->data_seek(1);#一次获取所有数据$data = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);#关联数组方式获取结果集$data = array();$result->data_seek(0); #重置指针到起始while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $row; } ee($data);$result->free();$mysqli->close();
Execute multiple statements at one time multiquery ( Not recommended)
There is no result set, at this time affected_rows can only get the number of the last affected row
$mysqli = mysqli_init();$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 2);//设置超时时间$mysqli->real_connect('', 'root', '', 'test');$sql_arr = array( 'insert into limove(id,`name`, `order`) values(null, 1, 2)', 'insert into limove(id,`name`, `order`) values(null, 1, 222)', 'delete from limove where `order` = 2', );$sql = implode(';', $sql_arr);$result = $mysqli->multi_query($sql);if($result === false) { ee($mysqli->errno); ee($mysqli->error); }$mysqli->close();
There is a result set
$mysqli = mysqli_init();$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 2);//设置超时时间$mysqli->real_connect('', 'root', '', 'test');$sql_arr = array( 'show tables', 'desc select * from limove', 'show create table limove', );$sql = implode(';', $sql_arr);$rst = $mysqli->multi_query($sql);if($rst === false) { ee($mysqli->errno); ee($mysqli->error); }do{ $result = $mysqli->store_result();#获取当前光标所在的结果集 $data = $result->fetch_all(); ee($data); }while($mysqli->next_result());#光标移动到下一个结果集$mysqli->close();
Transaction processing:
$mysqli=new mysqli("localhost", "root", "123456", "xsphpdb"); //事务处理 $mysqli->autocommit(0); $error=true; $price=50; $sql="update zh set ye=ye-{$price} where name='zhangsan'"; $result=$mysqli->query($sql); if(!$result){ $error=false; echo "从张三转出失败 "; }else{ if($mysqli->affected_rows==0){ $error=false; echo "张三的钱没有变化"; }else{ echo "从张三账号中转出成功! "; } } $sql="update zh set ye=ye+{$price} where name='lisi1'"; $result=$mysqli->query($sql); if(!$result){ $error=false; echo "从李四转入失败 "; }else{ if($mysqli->affected_rows==0){ $error=false; echo "李四的钱没有变化"; }else{ echo "向李四账号中转入成功! "; } } if($error){ echo "转账成功!"; $mysqli->commit(); }else{ echo "转账失败!"; $mysqli->rollback(); } $mysqli->autocommit(1); $mysqli->close();
mysqli_stmt:mysqli preprocessing class (recommended): Represents a prepared statement. The server only compiles the sql once
The same function can be achieved with mysqli and mysqli_result
Advantages: High efficiency, suitable for situations where the statements are the same but the data is different, and can prevent the occurrence of sql injection
mysqli_stmt example: non-select statement
require 'fns.php';//创建mysqli对象方式 $mysqli = @new mysqli('', 'root', '', 'test');//只能用函数来判断是否连接成功if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo mysqli_connect_error(); die; }$mysqli->set_charset('utf8');$sql = "insert into limove values(?, ?, ?)"; //语句一样值不相同情况//mysqli中有直接的方法可用$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);//绑定参数$stmt->bind_param('iss', $id, $name, $order);for($i=0;$iexecute(); }//最后id ee($stmt->insert_id);//影响的行数 注:最后一条执行的 ee($stmt->affected_rows);//错误号 ee($stmt->errno);//错误信息 ee($stmt->error);//stmt对象中可以看到更多的信息 ee($stmt); eee($mysqli);
mysqli_stmt example: select statement 1
require 'fns.php';//创建mysqli对象方式 $mysqli = @new mysqli('', 'root', '', 'test');//只能用函数来判断是否连接成功if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo mysqli_connect_error(); die; }$mysqli->set_charset('utf8');$sql = "select * from limove where id