Operating system
<code>[root<span>@10</span>-<span>10</span>-<span>106</span>-<span>30</span> ~]<span># cat /etc/redhat-release</span><span>CentOS</span> release <span>6.6</span> (<span>Final</span>)</code>
yum install nginx
<code>yum <span>install</span> nginx -y</code>
Installation completed
<code>[root<span>@10</span>-<span>10</span>-<span>106</span>-<span>30</span> ~]<span># nginx -v</span> nginx <span>version:</span> nginx/<span>1.0</span>.<span>15</span></code>
Firewall configuration
<code>iptables <span>-I</span> INPUT <span>-p</span> tcp <span>--</span>dport <span>80</span><span>-j</span> ACCEPT</code>
Run/etc/init.d/iptables status
If there is this 1 ACCEPT tcp -- 0 tcp dpt:80
Indicates that the firewall configuration is successful
Start nginx /etc/init.d/nginx start
Browser access the local IP:
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The above introduces CentOS 66 yum installation nginx, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.