function & XML_serialize($data, $level = 0, $prior_key = NULL){
#assumes a hash, keys are the variable names
$xml_serialized_string = "";
while(list($key, $value) = each($data)){
$inline = false;
$numeric_array = false;
$attributes = "";
#echo "My current key is '$key', called with prior key '$prior_key'
if(!strstr($key, " attr")){ #if it's not an attribute
if(array_key_exists("$key attr", $data)){
while(list($attr_name, $attr_value) = each($data["$key attr"])){
#echo "Found attribute $attribute_name with value $attribute_value
$attr_value = &htmlspecialchars($attr_value, ENT_QUOTES);
$attributes .= " $attr_name=\"$attr_value\"";
#echo "My current key ($key) is numeric. My parent key is '$prior_key'
$key = $prior_key;
#you can't have numeric keys at two levels in a row, so this is ok
#echo "Checking to see if a numeric key exists in data.";
if(is_array($value) and array_key_exists(0, $value)){
# echo " It does! Calling myself as a result of a numeric array.
$numeric_array = true;
$xml_serialized_string .= XML_serialize($value, $level, $key);
#echo "
$xml_serialized_string .= str_repeat("\t", $level) . "";
$xml_serialized_string .= "\r\n" . XML_serialize($value, $level+1);
$inline = true;
$xml_serialized_string .= htmlspecialchars($value);
$xml_serialized_string .= (!$inline ? str_repeat("\t", $level) : "") . "$key>\r\n";
#echo "Skipping attribute record for key $key
if($level == 0){
$xml_serialized_string = "
\r\n" . $xml_serialized_string;
return $xml_serialized_string;
return $xml_serialized_string;
class XML {
var $parser; #a reference to the XML parser
var $document; #the entire XML structure built up so far
var $current; #a pointer to the current item - what is this
var $parent; #a pointer to the current parent - the parent will be an array
var $parents; #an array of the most recent parent at each level
var $last_opened_tag;
function XML($data=null){
$this->parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option ($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "open", "close");
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, "data");
# register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'destruct'));
function destruct(){
function parse($data){
$this->document = array();
$this->parent = $this->document;
$this->parents = array();
$this->last_opened_tag = NULL;
xml_parse($this->parser, $data);
return $this->document;
function open($parser, $tag, $attributes){
#echo "Opening tag $tag
$this->data = "";
$this->last_opened_tag = $tag; #tag is a string
if(array_key_exists($tag, $this->parent)){
#echo "There's already an instance of '$tag' at the current level ($level)
if(is_array($this->parent[$tag]) and array_key_exists(0, $this->parent[$tag])){ #if the keys are numeric
#need to make sure they're numeric (account for attributes)
$key = count_numeric_items($this->parent[$tag]);
#echo "There are $key instances: the keys are numeric.
#echo "There is only one instance. Shifting everything around
$temp = $this->parent[$tag];
$this->parent[$tag][0] = $temp;
if(array_key_exists("$tag attr", $this->parent)){
#shift the attributes around too if they exist
$temp = $this->parent["$tag attr"];
unset($this->parent["$tag attr"]);
$this->parent[$tag]["0 attr"] = $temp;
$key = 1;
$this->parent = $this->parent[$tag];
$key = $tag;
$this->parent["$key attr"] = $attributes;
$this->parent[$key] = array();
$this->parent = $this->parent[$key];
array_unshift($this->parents, $this->parent);
function data($parser, $data){
#echo "Data is '", htmlspecialchars($data), "'
if($this->last_opened_tag != NULL){
$this->data .= $data;
function close($parser, $tag){
#echo "Close tag $tag
if($this->last_opened_tag == $tag){
$this->parent = $this->data;
$this->last_opened_tag = NULL;
$this->parent = $this->parents[0];
function & XML_unserialize($xml){
$xml_parser = new XML();
$data = $xml_parser->parse($xml);
return $data;
function & XMLRPC_parse($request){
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_parse', "
Received the following raw request:
" . XMLRPC_show($request, 'print_r', true));
$data = &XML_unserialize($request);
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_parse', "
Returning the following parsed request:
" . XMLRPC_show($data, 'print_r', true));
return $data;
function & XMLRPC_prepare($data, $type = NULL){
$num_elements = count($data);
if((array_key_exists(0, $data) or !$num_elements) and $type != 'struct'){ #it's an array
if(!$num_elements){ #if the array is emptyempty
$returnvalue = array('array' => array('data' => NULL));
$returnvalue['array']['data']['value'] = array();
$temp = $returnvalue['array']['data']['value'];
$count = count_numeric_items($data);
for($n=0; $n$type = NULL;
if(array_key_exists("$n type", $data)){
$type = $data["$n type"];
$temp[$n] = XMLRPC_prepare($data[$n], $type);
}else{ #it's a struct
if(!$num_elements){ #if the struct is emptyempty
$returnvalue = array('struct' => NULL);
$returnvalue['struct']['member'] = array();
$temp = $returnvalue['struct']['member'];
while(list($key, $value) = each($data)){
if(substr($key, -5) != ' type'){ #if it's not a type specifier
$type = NULL;
if(array_key_exists("$key type", $data)){
$type = $data["$key type"];
$temp[] = array('name' => $key, 'value' => XMLRPC_prepare($value, $type));
}else{ #it's a scalar
$returnvalue['int'] = $data;
return $returnvalue;
$returnvalue['double'] = $data;
return $returnvalue;
$returnvalue['boolean'] = ($data ? 1 : 0);
return $returnvalue;
}elseif(preg_match('/^\d{8}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $data, $matches)){ #it's a date
$returnvalue['dateTime.iso8601'] = $data;
return $returnvalue;
$returnvalue['string'] = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $returnvalue;
$returnvalue[$type] = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $returnvalue;
function & XMLRPC_adjustValue($current_node){
#If there are no elements, return an emptyempty array
return array();
#echo "Getting rid of array -> data -> value
$temp = $current_node['array']['data']['value'];
if(is_array($temp) and array_key_exists(0, $temp)){
$count = count($temp);
for($n=0;$n$temp2[$n] = &XMLRPC_adjustValue($temp[$n]);
$temp = $temp2;
$temp2 = &XMLRPC_adjustValue($temp);
$temp = array($temp2);
#I do the temp assignment because it avoids copying,
# since I can put a reference in the array
#PHP's reference model is a bit silly, and I can't just say:
# $temp = array(&XMLRPC_adjustValue($temp));
#If there are no members, return an emptyempty array
return array();
#echo "Getting rid of struct -> member
$temp = $current_node['struct']['member'];
if(is_array($temp) and array_key_exists(0, $temp)){
$count = count($temp);
for($n=0;$n#echo "Passing name {$temp[$n][name]}. Value is: " . show($temp[$n][value], var_dump, true) . "
$temp2[$temp[$n]['name']] = &XMLRPC_adjustValue($temp[$n]['value']);
#echo "adjustValue(): After assigning, the value is " . show($temp2[$temp[$n]['name']], var_dump, true) . "
#echo "Passing name $temp[name]
$temp2[$temp['name']] = &XMLRPC_adjustValue($temp['value']);
$temp = $temp2;
$types = array('string', 'int', 'i4', 'double', 'dateTime.iso8601', 'base64', 'boolean');
$fell_through = true;
foreach($types as $type){
if(array_key_exists($type, $current_node)){
#echo "Getting rid of '$type'
$temp = $current_node[$type];
#echo "adjustValue(): The current node is set with a type of $type
$fell_through = false;
$type = 'string';
#echo "Fell through! Type is $type
switch ($type){
case 'int': case 'i4': $temp = (int)$temp; break;
case 'string': $temp = (string)$temp; break;
case 'double': $temp = (double)$temp; break;
case 'boolean': $temp = (bool)$temp; break;
$temp = (string)$current_node;
return $temp;
function XMLRPC_getParams($request){
#If there are no parameters, return an emptyempty array
return array();
#echo "Getting rid of methodCall -> params -> param
$temp = $request['methodCall']['params']['param'];
if(is_array($temp) and array_key_exists(0, $temp)){
$count = count($temp);
for($n = 0; $n #echo "Serializing parameter $n
$temp2[$n] = &XMLRPC_adjustValue($temp[$n]['value']);
$temp2[0] = &XMLRPC_adjustValue($temp['value']);
$temp = $temp2;
return $temp;
function XMLRPC_getMethodName($methodCall){
#returns the method name
return $methodCall['methodCall']['methodName'];
function XMLRPC_request($site, $location, $methodName, $params = NULL, $user_agent = NULL){
$site = explode(':', $site);
if(isset($site[1]) and is_numeric($site[1])){
$port = $site[1];
$port = 80;
$site = $site[0];
$data["methodCall"]["methodName"] = $methodName;
$param_count = count($params);
$data["methodCall"]["params"] = NULL;
for($n = 0; $n$data["methodCall"]["params"]["param"][$n]["value"] = $params[$n];
$data = XML_serialize($data);
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_request', "
Received the following parameter list to send:
" . XMLRPC_show($params, 'print_r', true));
$conn = fsockopen ($site, $port); #open the connection
if(!$conn){ #if the connection was not opened successfully
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_request', "
Connection failed: Couldn't make the connection to $site.
return array(false, array('faultCode'=>10532, 'faultString'=>"Connection failed: Couldn't make the connection to $site."));
$headers =
"POST $location HTTP/1.0\r\n" .
"Host: $site\r\n" .
"Connection: close\r\n" .
($user_agent ? "User-Agent: $user_agent\r\n" : '') .
"Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" .
"Content-Length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n\r\n";
fputs($conn, "$headers");
fputs($conn, $data);
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_request', "
Sent the following request:
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($headers . $data, 'print_r', true));
#socket_set_blocking ($conn, false);
$response = "";
$response .= fgets($conn, 1024);
#strip headers off of response
$data = XML_unserialize(substr($response, strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n")+4));
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_request', "
Received the following response:
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($response, 'print_r', true) . "
Which was serialized into the following data:
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($data, 'print_r', true));
$return = array(false, XMLRPC_adjustValue($data['methodResponse']['fault']['value']));
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_request', "
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($return, 'var_dump', true));
return $return;
$return = array(true, XMLRPC_adjustValue($data['methodResponse']['params']['param']['value']));
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_request', "
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($return, 'var_dump', true));
return $return;
function XMLRPC_response($return_value, $server = NULL){
$data["methodResponse"]["params"]["param"]["value"] = $return_value;
$return = XML_serialize($data);
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_response', "
Received the following data to return:
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($return_value, 'print_r', true));
header("Connection: close");
header("Content-Length: " . strlen($return));
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Date: " . date("r"));
header("Server: $server");
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_response', "
Sent the following response:
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($return, 'print_r', true));
echo $return;
function XMLRPC_error($faultCode, $faultString, $server = NULL){
$array["methodResponse"]["fault"]["value"]["struct"]["member"] = array();
$temp = $array["methodResponse"]["fault"]["value"]["struct"]["member"];
$temp[0]["name"] = "faultCode";
$temp[0]["value"]["int"] = $faultCode;
$temp[1]["name"] = "faultString";
$temp[1]["value"]["string"] = $faultString;
$return = XML_serialize($array);
header("Connection: close");
header("Content-Length: " . strlen($return));
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Date: " . date("r"));
header("Server: $server");
if(defined('XMLRPC_DEBUG') and XMLRPC_DEBUG){
XMLRPC_debug('XMLRPC_error', "
Sent the following error response:
\n\n" . XMLRPC_show($return, 'print_r', true));
echo $return;
function XMLRPC_convert_timestamp_to_iso8601($timestamp){
#takes a unix timestamp and converts it to iso8601 required by XMLRPC
#an example iso8601 datetime is "20010822T03:14:33"
return date("Ymd\TH:i:s", $timestamp);
function XMLRPC_convert_iso8601_to_timestamp($iso8601){
return strtotime($iso8601);
function count_numeric_items($array){
return is_array($array) ? count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_numeric')) : 0;
function XMLRPC_debug($function_name, $debug_message){
$GLOBALS['XMLRPC_DEBUG_INFO'][] = array($function_name, $debug_message);
function XMLRPC_debug_print(){
echo "
\n";foreach($GLOBALS['XMLRPC_DEBUG_INFO'] as $debug){echo "
$debug[0] |
$debug[1] |
\n";}echo "
echo "
No debugging information available yet.
function XMLRPC_show($data, $func = "print_r", $return_str = false){
$output = ob_get_contents();
return "
" . htmlspecialchars($output) . "
Copy after login
echo "
", htmlspecialchars($output), "
Copy after login