Copy the code The code is as follows:
$command = '/usr/bin/php /pub/www/u111/job/Crondo/ auto_collector.php &';
$process = proc_open($command, array(),$pipes);
$var = proc_get_status($process);
//pid is the process ID. As for why it needs to be added by 1, I still don’t understand it. After many tests, I found that the ID obtained by $var['pid'] is 1 less than the actual one
$pid = intval($var['pid'])+1;
//Kill the process
proc_close(proc_open('kill -9 '.$pid, array(), $pipes)); // the code as follows: $command = '/usr/bin/php /pub/www/u111/job/ Crondo/auto_collector.php $process = proc_open($command, array(),$pipes); $var = proc_get_status($process); pr...